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Thread: How to make South Africa prosperous - Fanie's view

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    How to make South Africa prosperous - Fanie's view

    This thread is a branch from the discussion started here. I was prevailed upon to move some of the content via a pm which says as follows:

    Dave, the rant by Fanie is not in line with the sentiment of the thread so I suggest that it be moved to a separate thread for narrow minded people. His myopic, factually incorrect rant has terminated any hope of constructive feedback from people in the thread. That's a disappointment. This could be a constructive thread.
    Great suggestion. And done.

    (This post actually posted on 27 October 2018 at about 12:48)
    Last edited by Dave A; 27-Oct-18 at 12:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Bronze Member Fanie's Avatar
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    Hello, I reply to a mail inviting me to reply here.

    I don't know who Tito Mboweni is

    There is no such a thing as a "South African"

    There is no "our country".

    Where was "South Africa" internationally recognized as a country ? For a country to exist is has to have a founding nation. It does not exist, there is none.

    The truth is that Sick Africa is an illegal British colony in violation of all the international laws there are.

    It has it's founding principles on genocide on the Boervolk, murder, fraud and any other crime there is. It is impossible that anything with these founding principles can be successful. As a matter of fact, it has already reached junk status and the currency is bankrupt.

    Now it seems all who participate in this disaster think they can modify Sick Africa to become successful. It will not happen, it is going to create disaster after disaster and become far worse.

    You also have a very short memory. Just a few years ago the Zimbabwe parasite fled into the Transvaal (where else) as a result of the famine created by the Kenyan Mugabe in the British colony Cecil Rhodes created called Rhodesia. It is now 24 years later and suddenly these same Africans sit in the parliament of the illegal British colony of Sick Africa.

    The same lot who fled, who could not make it in their own country, are now here in power. For anyone to think this multicultural disaster can have any good outcome is off his rocker.

    There are 5 countries within Sick Africa's border. The Republic of Transvaal was internationally recognized as the country of the Boers at the Sandrivier Convention on 17 January 1852, and the Free State on 23 February 1854 at the Bloemfontein Convention, and re-confirmed at the 1886 London convention.
    There were two Wars fought by the Boers to keep their sovereignty, 1880-1881 and 1899 - 1902.

    There are eleven official languages and identities recognized in Sick Africa, but the Boervolk is not one of them. Everybody apparently have a say in this fiasco, except the Boers.

    The Peace treaty of Vereeniging was never honored by the British, which means the War on the Boervolk has not ended in 1902, but is ongoing today. (Kill the Boer)

    It is about the vast resources that is stolen from the Transvaal and the Free State. Can anyone tell me where the trains full of gold is that was mined since 1902 ?

    This sick fiasco which is run by the British created terrorist ANC organization (which is why there was a so called "Border War" under the Cape Dutch Afrikaner dictator) is even selling Transvaal land to the Chinese, and gave gold mines to the Chinese.

    America (Anglo America) has been thieving here since 1902, and now the Chinese jumped in as well. There are already more than 2 million Chinese here. If you think the "trade war" between America and China is about their economy, think again. It is about the Boervolk's resources like palladium which is found with platinum and is used in atomic missiles which America wants to use to forward the jew world order. America have already announced they will support Israhell even if it means their own destruction - because Christians believe the jews in Israhell is the god's chosen criminals.

    For those of you in this religion, start by google Jesus vs Horus and look at the images. Why Everything You Think You Know about Jesus is Wrong | Interview with Author Reza Aslan History Of Christianity - How Christianity Was Invented

    Point is, the world is dumped into another world war by the jews, for the jews, and the pissing contest between America and China is about the resources they thief here. The Chinese military is in Zimbabwe, and the American military is in Botswana to protect their interests. If they wage their war here it would draw too many questions about "South Africa").

    Democracy is communism which has proven to be a failed governmental system, which is why Russia kicked it out. The result is that Russia since developed, while the whole democratic West is being retarded.
    "Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty".- Plato (Born 427 BC)
    "Democracy is necessarily despotism, as it establishes an executive power contrary to the general will; all being able to decide against one whose opinion may differ, the will of all is therefore not that of all: which is contradictory and opposite to liberty". Immanuel Kant, Perpetual Peace, II, (1795).
    "Democracy has nothing to do with freedom. Democracy is a soft variant of communism, and rarely in the history of ideas has it been taken for anything else". Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Reflections on State and War (2006).
    "Democracy... while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide". John Adams (1735-1826) 2nd US President
    "The tyranny of a prince in an oligarchy is not so dangerous to the public welfare as the apathy of a citizen in a democracy". Charles de Montesquieu
    "Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance". H. L. Mencken

    So why are all of you supporting democracy ? In communism you are not recognized as a Human, but as an object (like a British object), which is why the right to life in the constitution is now removed so that the George Soros funded disarmament can remove self defense as a reason to defend your life, so that the land grab can continue without resistance.

    And then of course there is the British-Afrikaner myth created that there were Africans from which the Boers took land, and every one else whom it suits shouts the lie even louder, to justify withholding the Boers from their country. If you care to look at, in it is the British Triumvirate Proclamation where they themselves mentioned that the Boers occupied land where there were no Africans, as well as more historical proof that there were no Africans when the Boers founded their country.

    In is also a link to the numerous studies done on why multiculturalism is a failure. It has never in history worked, it is not working now and it never will, because it is impossible.

    There is only one solution to resolve this disaster, and that is the Boers must get their country back. Nothing else can or will work.

    Since this forum is about business, have you noticed the R is 14:1 to the US$ ? Do you even know what it means ? It means the Rothschild reserve bank has printed the value of Sick Africa fourteen times over through their fractional reserve banking scam. Why don't you look at what fractional reserve banking really is ?
    In it's simplest form it is theft, which as murder and other crimes apparently is not a crime any more, and all everyone is interested in is the real god, money. Useless paper which they can print hangers full. The same was done in Zimbabwe to the extent that the Zim $ is not even recognized as a currency any more. How far behind that do you think Sick Africa is ? At 14 to 1 you are living on 7% of the value, who gets the rest. Think. The Transvaal is the richest country in the world wrt the resources, but the currency is 14 times weaker than the already bankrupt US$. The constitutional court even refused to take the case against the 4 British banks for 65 billion stolen from home owners, "because it will hurt the economy". Too big to fail, and barely did they get the green light with that one when the VBS piggy bank hosted by ABSA struck. Why not ? Sick Africa is a nice place where every one who's country this is can get at the expense of others.

    If the British can trash the currency to 50 to 1 then how much does it cost them to maintain this disaster ? Not much, if the currency goes 1000 to 1 then all the better because they will get the resources for almost free. The intention is to give the land to Africans (like in Zimbabwe) so that they can decide what they want to pay the Africans to supply the resources. If the African does not comply, then he starves, he cannot flee back into Zimbabwe because there is nothing.

    YOU, are not required here, you are in the way. The proclamation issued by the British queen issued during the British War on the Boers required the Boervolk must be exterminated completely, which followed the scorched earth and concentration camps. The Treaty of Vereeniging (1902) prevented the fulfillment of this proclamation, hence the Cape Dutch Afrikaner was instated as dictator over the Boers to complete the proclamation, for which they will get the Boer's country. When this was not achieved, the ANC was created in 1963 and in 1994 the Afrikaner SOLD his part to the ANC. Look at the Sick Africa flag, it is the Boer's Four Colour Flag cut in two with a black (Africans) wedge, openly symbolizing the destruction of the Boervolk by the Africans. For the resources.

    It has not penetrated the thick skulls of the Afrikaner (and others) yet to realize what it is they created here. Look at the video on youtube where the Afrikaners of Afriforum addressed the ANC parliament to claim they are essential for Sick Africa as farmers (landbouers not Boers) to justify their existence. The joke is, the Free Burgers who became the Boervolk, was brought to the Cape because the Cape Dutch cannot farm, except if they use Monsanto's cancer GMO artificial crops, and that sterilize the land, like the Free State, which is turning into a dessert as a result of GMO and the mines pumping the ground water out. Foods are imported to eliminate the white who think he is a farmer (on Boer land) like cheap Chinese foods.

    And for those who think their tax money is important (LOL), there are 150 million foreigners all getting (like R500pm/child), and 2.9 million tax payers ? How important is the tax now ? Just compare the tax in to the financial disasters costing billions. It's a joke.

    And there is the comfortable argument that if you are born somewhere then that becomes your country, like when an Englishman is born in Zulu-land then he suddenly becomes a Zulu and it is now his country... because he bought it. From the British. How can the British sell land to anyone in someone else's country ? Want to look on a map where England is ? Observe where India is, observe where China is. What are the millions doing here ? That just to get you thinking.

    It is impossible to mention the whole spectrum of this Sick Africa disaster. For those of you who think this f up is nice, the UN General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 clearly indicates that any one ruled by a foreign alien is subjected to violation of basic human rights.

    There is only one solution to this disaster, and that is the Boervolk must be returned their country. Until then, good luck in your participation in this fiasco. It is going to play itself out, most likely sooner than later.

    The Hegelian Dialectic is, in short, the critical process by which the ruling elite create a problem, anticipating in advance the reaction that the population will have to the given crisis, and thus conditioning the people that a change is needed. When the population is properly conditioned, the desired agenda of the ruling elite is presented as the solution. The solution isn't intended to solve the problem, but rather to serve as the basis for a new problem or exacerbate the existing one.

    And before you start attacking me because you disagree, investigate. Vegan Agenda - The Psychopaths in charge seek to fool humanity into thinking that human nature is the same as the nature of the psychopath: cruel, selfish and destructive for fun. They also seek to subvert humanity’s natural compassion and need for community into feeling guilty for existing.

    You have with the Boers now become a victim of genocide due to shortsightedness and greed. It's called the Faustian bargain - to become a slave to money in exchange for human freedom.

    Good luck.

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    One of the more unpleasant consequences of being a proponent of the right to freedom of speech is every now and then I have to acknowledge the right of people to make posts like the one above on this forum.

    With such obvious flaws in the paradigm, it is also tempting not to comment on it, and trust that everyone who reads it can see it for the shyte it is. After all, it is hard to handle shyte without getting some on yourself.

    However, I feel in the interest of balance, someone has to at least point out some of the more extreme flaws and respond... So here goes nothing -

    Quote Originally Posted by Fanie View Post
    If you think the "trade war" between America and China is about their economy, think again. It is about the Boervolk's resources like palladium which is found with platinum and is used in atomic missiles which America wants to use to forward the jew world order.
    Wow! I confess I am in awe of the sheer scale of such delusion. While South Africa is facing the harsh reality that it is going to take real effort not to become an insignificant economic back-water of the global economy, you have placed yourself at the centre of the known universe. I must commend you, sir - Your delusions of significance out-trumps Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Fanie View Post
    When this was not achieved, the ANC was created in 1963
    I know this is inconvenient to the timeline of your story, but actually the ANC was founded on 8th January 1912.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fanie View Post
    there are 150 million foreigners all getting (like R500pm/child), and 2.9 million tax payers
    By "foreigners", may I guess you mean non-boers?
    Regardless, kinda tricky maths in a country with a total population of less than 60 million...

    Quote Originally Posted by Fanie View Post
    And there is the comfortable argument that if you are born somewhere then that becomes your country, like when an Englishman is born in Zulu-land then he suddenly becomes a Zulu and it is now his country...
    Exactly how did the you become a citizen of the Boer state in your head? Born there perhaps...?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fanie View Post
    There is only one solution to this disaster, and that is the Boervolk must be returned their country.
    Just how would that solve anything?
    And exactly what system of governance would you have in your Boer state. You seem pretty down on democracy, but weren't the Boer states Republics?

    Fanie, you refuse to acknowledge any rights to any other community on "Boer land" - practically you even deny their existence. And yet you expect the people on this land today to acknowledge your community as the sole and rightful heirs. If it's OK for you to totally disregard other communities present on the land today, then you can't complain if today's government does the same to you.

    Wake up!
    It's not the 1850's anymore, mate. Nearly two centuries have passed since and the real world has moved on!
    There's no rolling back the clock.
    In fact, trying to compensate for the mistakes of history might be part of why we're in something of a mess at the moment...

    The good news for you is if you are right about the solution being a Boer state, Oranje is set to become the shining light of Africa, if not the world.
    Last edited by Dave A; 27-Oct-18 at 08:47 AM.

  4. #4
    Bronze Member Fanie's Avatar
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    ---Quote (Originally by Fanie)---
    If you think the "trade war" between America and China is about their economy, think again. It is about the Boervolk's resources like palladium which is found with platinum and is used in atomic missiles which America wants to use to forward the jew world order.
    ---End Quote---
    Oh wow! I confess I am in awe of the sheer scale of such delusion. You really have placed yourself at the centre of the known universe and even out-trumped Trump
    America and China must not have enough space in their own countries so I guess that is why they have their military buildups in Botswana and Zimbabwe...

    You haven't watched the news ? Investors are leaving the illegal British colony of Sick Africa, yet now suddenly trillions of US$ is invested (by unknown) as announced by the Venda from Zimbabwe who was made president. And in the next breath he said the land grab is now going on. The Africans, who all have their own country, does not want land, they have that in their own countries. They don't have to buy their own land from the British banks . They want money, so now they can be paid to take the land.

    ---Quote (Originally by Fanie)---
    When this was not achieved, the ANC was created in 1963
    ---End Quote---
    I know this is inconvenient to the timeline of your story, but actually the ANC was founded on 8th January 1912.
    Let me quote for you
    In 1963 a group of Jews founded the "African" National Congress. The ANC was founded by Lionel Bernstein, Bob Hepple, Dennis Goldberg, Arthur Goldreich, Hazel Goldreich and James Kantor, with a few African front men -- Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Govan Mbeki (father of Thabo Mbeki), Raymond Mhlaba, and Ahmed Kathrada. In this, the ANC followed the model the Jews established when they founded the NAACP in the United States, with the exception that the ANC was a much more violent and openly communist organization. These Jews and their African National Congress received funding and support from both the Soviet Union and the US CIA.

    The South African Border War (1966-1990) was waged against the ANC to keep them out until the Afrikaner de Klerk capitulated and gave (SOLD) the illegal South African colony to the ANC in 1994.

    The 1912 is fraud, because under the Afrikaner dictator a new rule was enforced under which no history prior to 1913 would be considered (except when it suits them) to keep the Boers from claiming their country. The 1913 and 1930 dates are very important because the JWO decided that Humans cannot have any freedoms and the one man dictator called a president will be instated with absolute power (over millions) including the life or death of them.

    ---Quote (Originally by Fanie)---
    And there is the comfortable argument that if you are born somewhere then that becomes your country, like when an Englishman is born in Zulu-land then he suddenly becomes a Zulu and it is now his country...
    ---End Quote---
    .. unlike rolling an ox-wagon onto the land, which I take it you argue is the legitimate way for the land to become your country...
    The Boers did many things wrong, but not when they established their country. The Republic of Transvaal was internationally recognized as the country of the Boers at the Sandrivier Convention on 17 January 1852, and the Free State on 23 February 1854 at the Bloemfontein Convention, and was re-confirmed by the British in the 1886 London convention, and note the word sovereign in it.

    Which part of international and sovereign don't you understand ? There were letters from America, Germany and other countries sent to the Boers to congratulate them in acknowledgement.

    I consider the remark a deliberate intent to disparage, as to belittle what the Boers achieved, because the Boers cannot have anything now, can they !

    ---Quote (Originally by Fanie)---
    There is only one solution to this disaster, and that is the Boervolk must be returned their country. Until then, good luck in your participation in this fiasco. It is going to play itself out, most likely sooner than later.
    ---End Quote---
    Just how would that solve anything?

    p.s. - you seem oretty down on democracy. Weren't the Boer states Republics?
    From this I gather you don't know the difference ? Democracy suits the JWO, because they can import their millions of useful idiots into someone else's country, give them voting rights and the masses determines who the country of another belongs to. The joke is under democracy the masses have little say except when they have to vote the next predetermined psychopathic dictator into power, who btw is deciding what future you and your children will have, and IF you will have a future. You are already expected to GIVE you businesses to foreign Africans.

    In the Boer Republics the country was maintained and governed by the Boers themselves. The president(s) had to obtain the approval of the burghers if they wanted to do things, unlike in the democracy (communist) dictatorship where the president decides the fate of the rest.

    As for the "Just how would that solve anything?". So at least you admit there is a disaster. The Boers were more than capable of maintaining themselves, as well as helping their African neighbors. You can look of a map of 1899 and notice that the Boers developed more, despite that they were only about 10% of the southern Africa white population, in the 50 years of their sovereignty, than the 90% British and Afrikaners did in 250 years, with their slaves. To mention only two, the Boers established the world's first game park, the Kruger Park, and defeated the Tsetse fly which made cattle farming impossible in the Transvaal.

    There however is a hate for people who are not dependent, as Winston Churchill said - “You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest.” Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill - His Career in War and Peace, p. 145

    Here you can see more British achievements - and notice the Boers are mentioned in it twice. Damn British Lies: The Emperor Has No Clothes - LaRouchePAC Friday Webcast
    Maria Zakharova April 19, 2018

    What fascinates me the most is that apparently the "whites" are so content living and supporting the disaster that they prefer to live under foreign African rule, but will not correct what is wrong. And why are there are so many people who do not want to live in their own country with their own people ? Don't like your own ?

    As for your sneering remark "and even out-trumped Trump", if it wasn't for Trump then the world would have been dumped into a nuclear war already, and it could have been over by now. I guess you would have preferred that.

    Let me quote the Boer prophet Watermeyer for you.


    Drie-uur in die môre
    dring die roep van die groot hokleeus
    diep uit die stad;
    drie-uur in die môre
    stoot die haat uit die hoë
    vlamgeel oë
    wyd oor die stad...

    En die vrees
    klim deur die tralies en ruk
    die kleingedierte tot krimpende skrik,
    stamp die smalhoef-bokke se vlug
    keer op keer teen die yster terug;
    (die jakkalsies draf met vinniger pas
    om en om in die woede vas)
    en die groot geskofte diere skaar
    saam teen die nag met gespitste staar...

    Huis, geboue en beton
    kantel en keer teen die horison,
    krummel tot klip en gate grot
    waar die oermens saamgehurk en bot
    agter die skanse van sy vuur
    swart in die nag se dreiging tuur...

    ’n Geelhoutboog span
    tot spies en swaard;
    dryf die vrees uit die oerwoud terug
    met dorpe,heinings en ysterbrug,
    keer die trots en die ruimte in,
    kring die leeu en die geel leeuin,
    tot die rustelose klein arena
    die aalmoese vleis
    en die bitter staar.

    Maar skielik in Moskou in Berlyn
    brul hy hom los in blinder pyn,
    skeur hy in kampe, die langkanon
    die angs wydoop teen die horison;
    rank hy sy haat deur die stratosfeer
    (en die grou as vlek op die land neer)
    tot die roggel ruk in die laaste keel
    en die aarde weer woes is
    en heel
    G A Watermeyer

  5. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Seems my draft that I had placed in moderation to ponder over a bit must have made it into the thread update notifications run. Fanie, I did make a few changes as represented in the final post above.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fanie View Post
    I consider the remark a deliberate intent to disparage, as to belittle what the Boers achieved, because the Boers cannot have anything now, can they !
    That it would likely be perceived as such when that was not the intent of the comment is exactly why I had removed that line of thinking from my final post. I actually respect what the Boer achieved back then and I have deep empathy for what they were striving to achieve for themselves in the face of an oppressive British regime.

    However, that was (now) nearly two centuries ago and the world has moved on...

  6. #6
    Bronze Member Fanie's Avatar
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    Fanie, you refuse to acknowledge any rights to any other community on "Boer land" - practically you even deny their existence. And yet you expect the people on this land today to acknowledge your community as the sole and rightful heirs. If it's OK for you to totally disregard other communities present on the land today, then you can't complain if today's government does the same to you.
    Who is this "other community" on "Boer land" that you expect the Boers to acknowledge ? Please name them. The Boers are not even recognized in their own country but already you are eh eh eh demaaanding "others" must be acknowledged ? Why are they here and out of their own country in the first place ? The Boers have no rights, who gave these "other communities" rights ?

    Would you like a list of foreigners squatting here and where their countries are ? You seem to want to blame the conditions created in foreign countries which have them flee here from as far as Ethiopia on the Boers, and the Boers, who in the Sick Africa's agenda do not even exist, but must accommodate them ? Sounds just like the media who have for months on national TV announced how "the Boers" stole the land from Africans and that "the Boers" murdered them by the thousands to get it. Where in history did this happen ? There are hundreds of books written by foreigners on the Boers, not by the Boers.

    You refer to freedom of speech, this did not exist for the Boers under the Afrikaner dictator 1902 to 1994, and the Boers are probably the only Nation on earth who are not allowed ANY media, or culture, or anything of their own. Not even land, ground, soil, which is the life right of a Nation because if you do not have soil under your feet, you cannot exist. This you will find out when the ANC starts throwing people off land and out of their houses so that a foreign African can occupy it.

    In fact, since the British War on the Boers (1899 - 1902) there is NOT ONE international law or so called "humanitarian" rights that had any bearing on the Boers, or was applied to them. This consideration you claim does not exist. But you expect the Boers to consider every one else ? What for ? For your convenience ?

    What you are saying is that a Nation do not have the right to determine their own culture etc or own future because OTHER COMMUNITIES must be considered first and foremost ? I see Nigel Farage is shocked to discover there are ONLY 6.8 million immigrants in his country. I wonder why, or is it because he does not want to acknowledge their communities ? Would you like to try this in Russia, or China ? Or is this only because you are standing with your blooded boots on someone's neck that you announce your superior opinion ?

    Your wording "your Boer state", is that what you have in England ? And English state ? What is Sick Africa ? A black state ? What is that ?

    You asked and I answered the question. If you want to make "South Africa" prosperous, then return the countries in South Africa to their owners. And it is not only the Boers, the Zulu's want their country back as well. The Koi, San, Bushmen and Baralong who are the real Afrikaners want their sovereignty as well.

    You cannot, and it will never work, expect prosperity on the basis of crime, because in this world morality is still the basis around which everything worthwhile exist. If you violate those principles then there is wars and famine and disaster after disaster. Maybe on another world it is different, but not on this one.

  7. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Fanie, I can't give you your own country, but I can give you your own thread.


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