My fellow South Africans, what do you think is the first challenge we need to overcome to make our country a prosperous nation?
My fellow South Africans, what do you think is the first challenge we need to overcome to make our country a prosperous nation?
Well nobody will touch this it seems, there a ton that needs to be done.
I believe we can try rid ourselves of corruption, crime, economic problems, poverty ect ect but all of these problems have one thing that shelters them from the scrutiny they deserve.
That my friend is hiding behind and pushing the race agenda. Once somebody starts that fire all reason goes out the window, never mind our president and the Anc or other parties in robbing us blind. "Look at what the pink people are doing to the yellow ones, we cant stand for that". Cue government "We wont stand for this, now is the time for us to unite ( for the millionth time )". The uneducated masses fall in line expecting free handouts nce justice is served, not knowing that should it come to that they are going to get as much as the guys from Zim got.
Its a education problem, its also a generational problem the decline of of youth morals, I have seen it in my own people im sure it takes place all over.
Maybe education would be up there too on the top of that list. You cant however teach those who dot want to learn, and I am referring to all races.
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" A plumbers tap always leaks " - Great advice from a forum member
In my opinion
Zero tolerance to petty crime
similar to - if you look after the Cents the Rand's will take care of themselves.
Many moons ago, a mate from the wrong side of the line in Glasgow said that the problem in the country is we used to have an argument and throw a punch , now the knives are coming out , if you don't put a stop to it the guns will come out - We all know how that has gone.
In the same conversation he said there is no policing/consequence for going through an orange robot , it will not be long when red will be ignored.We all know how that has gone.
Radical improvement of the education system starting at Grade R and concentrating on mathematics and not the wishy washy maths literacy.
If we have a nation that is strong in Maths they will automatically have strong logical thought process to solving the problems we face.
I have found that employing people with a strong maths mark have the ability to see a problem , break it down into manageable steps and solve each piece of the puzzle.The weaker or non existent maths mind becomes overwhelmed with the problem in front of them and does not seem to be able to get the problem solved without roping in an excessive amount of people and time.
When I talk problem , I do not mean mathematical problem, but any problem.
They do also not buckle under pressure , because there is no pressure as everything is solvable
If we strengthen those 2 weaknesses and throw them at any problem we have discussed or read about in the past week - Will there still be a problem ?
arabianmaiden (16-Apr-19), Blurock (07-Oct-18)
Thank you guys for feedback. I would agree that the main challenge is education. GCE, your opinion is on target and its a pity that the people who should be reading these kind of posts are too busy being illiterate.
The first step would be to get this question elevated to the top of our politicians' agenda.
It's all about priorities, and let's face it - working towards prosperity for all is certainly not the top priority of our political elite.
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I cannot argue with this its on point.
I would like to add however as my wife is a teacher, their hands are tied they are unable to teach even those few that are privileged enough to receive a education because they have absolutely no respect for anybody. This problem comes from home. You cannot teach those who do not want to learn, and then the even fewer that do want to learn cannot as everything is disrupted... So maybe, our problems start at home, with the integrity and respect and values we teach our children...
Its hard however to teach those values when you are growing, raising your child in a environment surrounded by crime, poverty and constant struggles, its a vicious circle.
You say "Zero tolerance to petty crime" agreed...I say "Zero tolerance to disrespecting elders", Im saying bring back corporal punishment, teach them while they are young.
I was in school when the sylabis allowed for maths literacy, I was there when a pass mark went from 50% to 35%, I was there when they dissolved corporal punishment, and with each of these changes the youth, the kids coming in below me would shock me more and more with the crazy things that happened at school. First it was disrespecting teachers, then sex at schools, then stabbings, then hitting teachers... became more and more degenerate.
Parents have become so liberal, its a joke where when teachers do the little they can and call in parents to discuss a childs problematic behaviour, most of them will side with their child despite them being grossly wrong.
I understand its a parents nature to defend his/ her children, but at some point we have got to stop being so soft and say listen kid you messed up...You need to learn a lesson out of this.
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" A plumbers tap always leaks " - Great advice from a forum member
Indeed, my view of that is maybe a little skewed, I believe most if not all countries have their fair share of corrupt, self serving politicians, however they are somewhat regulated , by a "more intelligent" following, whistle blowers, dare I say good politicians and most importantly no monopoly on votes.
When a countries people are unhappy with their government, they dont take excuses for poor performance or corruption, they go to another party and this keeps the party somewhat honest ( if you dont perform you wont be here for the next term ).
In South Africa, our people dont see the corruption, turn a blind eye because they are hoping to get in on the gravy train, or simply see no other voting alternative due to our countries history, some even hope the Anc will change. I think to many, it has been painted as, a non ANC South Africa will become an "apartheid regime" again.
The Anc sees it has monopoly so why should it really deliver, it will be here again next term... A healthy democracy needs at least two closely competing parties ideally three I was told.
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" A plumbers tap always leaks " - Great advice from a forum member
Amahle Dladsa (23-Feb-21), Blurock (07-Oct-18)
The first step would be to vote the ANC out in 2019. Don't believe your vote doesn't count.
And here i am dancing around my words hoping not to offend anybody. Lol. The voters who would leave the ANC would go to the EFF most likely, never the DA ( let me stop dancing, they are probably the most realistic shot we have at some sort of order ). Im not sure if we would be better off or worse off with the EFF although im leaning towards the latter.
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" A plumbers tap always leaks " - Great advice from a forum member
People who vote for the ANC is almost like a woman suffering from battered wife syndrome. They know that it hurts, they know that it will hurt again, they know that it is evil, but they are too blind to see an alternative. Democracy gives you the power to VOTE.
Vote for your own councillor who can represent you in local government. Vote for your representative in parliament. If they SERVE you well, vote for them again. If they don't, vote them OUT OF POWER. Vote for an alternative. DO NOT burn down your child's school, the library and public buildings. The money used to rebuild it could have build more houses and infrastructure and created jobs. DO NOT stone passing cars, as those could be the people who could have assisted you to turn things around. By stoning their cars and torching their trucks and businesses, you are just turning them against you as well.
DO NOT follow a party blindly. Look at their record and use your brain to choose wisely. The future of your children are at stake. If we do not start doing the right things now, it may be too late and we may just become another Zimbabwe. S.O.S.
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