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Thread: Mannatech opening in South Africa Soon

  1. #31
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    This does make for interesting reading! It satisfies a tabloid need I seem to have! Will be watching this one closely for developments.. On the note of vitamins, I do have the opinion that we do need extra vitamins. I no longer buy a multi vitamin as it gives me an appetite for sweet things. I have resolved to buy the vitamin c brand ‘aha’ 250 mg, 100 tablets for R20 at most SA pharmacies and maintain a 2 fruit a day, high protein low carb diet. So far so good…
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  2. #32
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    Well established opportunity in South Africa - Join our Team, Own Your Life!

    Have you ever thought about what it would be like to "Own Your Life"?

    This is what I think it means to "Own Your Life": When you subtract out the sleeping time, commuting time, working time and things you have to do each and every day of your life, most people don't have more than one to two hours a day to do what they would like to do - and then, would they have the money to do it?

    I have discovered a way a person can learn how to "Own their life" by working with a group of professionals that will teach you how to develop equity in the turnover of an American Public Company that has got a technology hailed as the most exciting medical discovery in the last 100 years!

    I would highly recommend listening to this audio clip – it will take around 20 minutes of your time, and might just be the start of a new journey towards “Owning your life”:

    And we have a support system for doing it that is so simple anyone can do it. It doesn't require selling. If you are interested to know more, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Thank you for your time.

    Hilton Bennie

  3. #33
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    Hi Hilton ............ welcome to the forum ...........

  4. #34
    Platinum Member desA's Avatar
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    Greetings dear one.
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  5. #35
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    Hi Hilton, I am deaf so I would like you to tell me in your own words what the oppertjnity entails.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    Hi Hilton, I am deaf so I would like you to tell me in your own words what the oppertjnity entails.

    I have basically transcribed the audio for you to read. I hope that you find it useful. I know it is long... but please do take the time to read through it! Thanks.

    (Audio is from Bruce Larson):

    I got involved with a group of professionals who work with an American public company called Mannatech.

    Mannatech are a Research & Development company operating in more than 20 countries and they have a patented technology which in many areas is being hailed as one of the most exciting medical discoveries of the last 100 years.

    Now what this group of professionals did is they worked with me and they showed me how to develop a share in the turnover of this company that operates on a world-wide basis.

    Now I don’t know if you ever look at other ways of making money but what I am going to share with you right now could well be a fantastic solution for you to change your life financially and possibly even from a health perspective.

    Let’s discuss some of our options… For many of us, we are struggling to make ends meet. For many of us, there is just too much month at the end of the money.

    So when we have the opportunity of creating additional income, what do we have to do?

    We have been so ingrained that we sell our time for money. In other words we go out and get a job, and we sell our time and expertise for money. We sell it by the hour, or by the week or by the month.

    But really what we are doing is we are taking a portion of our lives, an hour or a day of our lives, and we sell it to somebody.

    Just think about that…

    We take time, which is our life, and we sell it to somebody… for money.

    Now we have been so conditioned to working for money by selling our time that we really have closed our minds to other options. And that is what I would like to share with you today.

    I was chatting to a Pharmacist the other day. He owns his own Pharmacy, and has done for 32 years. He told me that for 32 years, he stood at the same counter, dispensing the same sort of medicines, looking out the same window, watching the same front door, and pretty much doing the same thing day in and day out for 32 years…

    It was interesting because he said to me if he had killed somebody and gone to prison, he would have done 25 years with the possibility of parole… He had done 32 years of hard labour.

    How many of us feel pretty much the same way?

    But we don’t really know what to do. We don’t enjoy selling or we feel that we are ‘secure’ in a job (that, incidentally, is something you need to take a really close look at, because there really is no job security anywhere).

    What we need to do is to take control and take ownership of our lives. We do this by creating wealth. We do this by creating a situation where money works for us, instead of us working for money. We need to change that parameter.

    But most of us really don’t know how to do that. We have been conditioned by our teachers, our parents, our colleagues, our peers – You need to go and sell time for money. Now what that means is that we limit our income because there are only 24 hours in the day, so if you are selling your time, you are pretty much limited to what you can make.

    And some people make a lot of money… but they have very little time. The more you earn in a company the more is expected of you, the harder you work and the more the stress increases.

    Then there are those of us who go and start our own businesses. Well there’s a high risk investment for you. Do you know that 80% of people who start their own traditional business go bankrupt within two years? And of those that survive the two years – 80% of them will go bankrupt within the next two years. The attrition rate is terrible. The damage that is done is often phenomenal – we can lose everything.

    So what do we do? How can we get money to work for us? Most of us have absolutely no idea what to do.

    I am going to share with you what this American public company, Mannatech, actually offers. It offers 2 things specifically.

    No.1 – it gives us the opportunity to develop a share in the turnover. And as I mentioned earlier if you are looking for other ways of generating more money or creating an additional income, then this is something that you should take very seriously. It gives us this opportunity on a part-time basis at zero risk.

    No.2 – it provides us a patented technology, international patents (one product alone has over 45 patents). This is the particular product that is being hailed as one of the most exciting medical discoveries in the last 100 years.

    When you start to look at the technology and you realise how you can actually change people’s lives purely from a wellness and a health perspective, we can really make a difference.

    But let’s get back to the financial side for a moment.

    Let’s say that you wanted to earn some additional money. And you wanted money to work for you.

    Well we all know that if you took a whole big chunk of money, let’s call it R1million, and we stuck that in the bank, we would earn interest out of it. Have you ever stopped to think how much money you would actually earn from that R1million? It would probably be in the region of R6000 per month.

    So R1million is a great deal of money, but can you live on R6000? And of course the other challenge is how do we get our hands on R1million? How long would it take you to save up R1million? For most people, saving R1million is pretty much out of the question. How do you put enough money in a financial institution so that you can retire?

    And if you started looking at investing in property and blocks of flats and that, you need a lot of money to do that. You also need a specific set of skills, and it generally takes a long time. So it can be done, but there are a lot of huge risks involved there as well.

    So what are our options? Now if I were to say to you that within the next, say, 6 months to 3 years, from today, I can help you develop a financial asset that is basically US Dollar based and international. If I could help you develop that, and that would bring you R5,000, or R10,000, or R20,000, or R50,000 or R100,000 per month – how would that change your life?

    If we could take what you earn in 1 year right now and earn that for you in 1 month, what would change? Once you got this big enough, you probably wouldn’t need a job. If you were bringing in R50k-R100k per month, would you stay in the job that you have got?

    We are going to show you how to develop this financial asset.

    What is it that we do? It is actually so simple, that most people do not understand it. Because we have been so entrenched and so focussed on working for money, we lose sight of other opportunities out there.

    Well let me explain to you exactly what I do… And then I want you to ask yourself this question: Could I do this?

    First of all, I got on to the internet, and I got onto the Mannatech website. Then what I did is, with the help of one of these professionals, I got myself an account number. I didn’t buy anything, I just got an account number at that point.

    Then I selected a few items that I might want to buy, and feed myself and my family to take care of my wellness.

    Then what I did is every month I made a decision that I would buy a product, the company then sends it to me, and when it arrives at my front door step, I open it and I consume it.

    Could you do that? It’s like going to any major store, and opening an account. Once you have an account at the store, would you think about buying something at that particular store? Well what you are doing here is you are buying directly from the factory, on the internet.

    So as you develop this just remember that what you are actually doing is very simple.

    So Phase 1 – open an account number, purchase some products for your own consumption.

    Phase 2 – if I enjoy what I am doing, or I really want to change my life, I teach somebody else how to get an account number, so that they can directly order from the factory and the factory will send it directly to them, and they will consume it.

    And if they also enjoy it, and they also believe in the technology and also want to create a financial asset, well then they get into the internet with one of their friends and create them an account, and so on and so on.

    Now what we do in this instance is that we actually create income. As this consumer group grows, that creates turnover for the company (Mannatech). All the account numbers created are linked to mine, and so I have this pool of income that is beginning to develop.

    Now this is interesting – let’s say that the person you introduced created a bigger percentage of the pool than you did or than I did – they would earn more out of that pool of income than you or I.

    See most people think that we are ‘pyramidal’, meaning the guy at the top makes all the money… Yes we do benefit because we are also involved in creating that pool of turnover. But the one who actually contributes the most is the one who actually earns the greatest percentage.

    This is not Multi-Level where we buy a product and sell a product, and then that person who buys the product then sells it on to somebody else. People are then making money out of other people and friends – and people don’t like it when you make money out of them.

    What we do is we all buy the product at the same price, we all go on to the same website, and we buy a product for our own consumption. Once we understand what we have got in this, we really want to pursue this.

    Here is the question again – could you do this? Could you get an account number and teach a friend how to get an account number?

    Why would that friend want to get an account number? Well perhaps they would like to get financial freedom and perhaps they would like to take care of their wellness. Taking care of wellness is kind of like putting on a seatbelt before you have an accident.

    What I really want you to understand is this – there is a group of professionals that will help us and teach us how to share this with friends. They will teach us the benefits of this technology. And they do this through: CDs, DVDs, books, and going to teaching functions. It’s great if you have got someone who is incredibly successful and doing amazingly well who sits down and he says can I help you and teach you to do the same?

    You know in my life, there were very few people who tapped me on the shoulder and said: Can I help you become a millionaire? And that’s exactly what happens when you listen to this. I want you to understand that there is a group of professionals out that who, by helping you become successful, it’s like a rising tide lifting all the ships.

    So people helping people to get an account number and understand what they have got in their hands… It is so simple that people always look for the catch… And you are sitting onit – you have to go out there and meet with people. But you know could you maybe think of 6-10 people that may want to change their lives?

    You could chat to them and say: Hey, I have become involved with a group of professionals who want to help us become successful by building up a share in the turnover of this big American company and I would really like to chat to you? There’s a few things that these guys bring to the table and a few things that you would need to bring to the table. And once you understand this, you will know that you can actually change your life. If you ever look at other ways of making money we can have a chat, I will give you a CD to listen to… It’s pretty simple.

    So in fact, all we are doing is we are creating turnover. We are in the Network Marketing business. We are not Multi-Level, it’s Network Marketing. Today, Network Marketing companies are massive companies, often doing several Billion US Dollars of business internationally.

    We are in the distribution business – you need to understand how that works. Traditionally a factory makes a product that costs say R10. They have to get the product from the factory into the hands of the consumer. So they go through wholesalers and agencies and retailers and by the time you buy the product for R100. R90 went into the cost of distribution.

    Well today, with computers, what we do is we get an account number, and we now have an opportunity to buy the product at a wholesale price and the company delivers it to our door. There is still the 90% middle-man money that would normally have been paid into a distribution process, but in this instance if you want a portion of this 90% middle-man money, go and share the concept with a friend.

    When I got involved in this, it took me approximately 6 months to get to a point where I was earning over R100k per month. That is a significant income. That is the equivalent of around R20million invested in the bank. Where else would I have been able to do that in a six month period?

    How did I do it? I made one decision – to become a professional at what I do. In those first 6 months I spoke to a lot of people – I qualified people – are they looking and are they prepared to do some work? If they were prepared to put in 6-10 hours per week into changing their life, and do what they are taught through a system of teaching, then I knew they could become successful.

    Does it work for everybody? Well… No. Because there are some people who just don’t want to work. This does take some effort. How much effort? Well I would just ask – do you ever look at other ways of making money?

    In those first six months I spoke to a lot of people and on average, I introduced 4 people per month (basically 1 person per week) and helped those 4 people get account numbers. So after 6 months, I had personally introduced only 23 people. But what I did is I taught those 23 people how to go and share this with another 10, 15 or 20 people of their own.

    I made one decision – to become really good at teaching other people how to do this. So I am here to share with you what I did.

    We would encourage you to come along to one of the workshops which are held almost every 1-2 weeks, in most of the major cities throughout SA. We have monthly training all over the country. And we would really like to share more with you.

    Once again, ask yourself: Could I do this?

    Please contact me should you wish to know more, we will share as much information with you as you want. Find out how you can make this work for you. Fall in love with life again!

  7. #37
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    *"Well established opportunity in South Africa - Join our Team, Own Your Life!" Moved to the Mannatech thread*

    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    Hi Hilton, I am deaf so I would like you to tell me in your own words what the oppertjnity entails.
    Sometimes you're truly wicked, Adrian

    And it worked too

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