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Thread: Spelling mistakes and/or typographical errors I found in leading publications

  1. #1
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Spelling mistakes and/or typographical errors I found in leading publications

    Spelling mistakes and/or typographical errors I found in leading publications

    Self-praise is no recommendation and it’s not wise to make too many assumptions. So, there is a rebuttable presumption that I’m the first person on the planet to have found spelling mistakes and/or typographical errors in all these specific publications and documented them.

    I will, however, highly recommend these books. They are excellent reads!

    1. Wilbur Smith: Predator: Orion Mintaka(UK) Ltd 2016

    First published in Great Britain: Harper Collins publishers:2016
    Page 84
    Sentence 13
    It reads as follows: “ He wanted people to know that however slick he might look now, he’d started out as a blue-collar kid, working his way up from nothing, by ability, determination and damned hard work.”

    It should read: “ He wanted people to know that however slick he might look now, he’d started out as a blue-collar kid, working his way up from nothing, but ability, determination and damned hard work.”

    1. Clive Cussler: Sahara: Harper Collins Publishers: London Bridge Street, London, SEI9GF:2017

    Page 30 (actual mistake)
    Background Kitty Mannock’s plane crashes in the desert at this juncture there are no ships anywhere whatsoever!
    Sentence 20
    It reads: “ She decided she had to make an attempt at reaching a village or the motor track. It was suicide to stay near the ship.”
    It should read
    “She decided she had to make an attempt at reaching a village or the motor track. It was suicide to stay near the plane.”

    1. Same book, publisher and author

    Sentences 1-3
    It reads: “ After travelling through the desert for days or weeks, seeing no animals, meeting no humans civilization, no matter how tiny or primitive, comes as a stunning surprise.”
    It should read: “ After travelling through the desert for days or weeks, seeing no animals, meeting no human civilization, no matter how tiny or primitive, comes as a stunning surprise.”

    1. Same book, publisher and author

    Page 36
    Typographical error: despite safety of direct speech. It is accepted that a speaker in direct speech can speak in slang or broken English and that words will be miss spelt accordingly, however, this does not apply in the following context as speaker Major Ian fair-weather is well spoken!
    Sentence 2
    It reads: “ The death blow came about forty years go when its wells began to dry up.”
    It should read “ The death blow came about forty years ago when its wells began to dry up.”

    1. Clive Cussler: The Chase (Penguin Books, England 2007)

    Page 11, Sentence 7
    It reads : “ One suspender held up torn and ragged pants that were stuffed into scuffed and worn boots that should been thrown in the trash gully behind the town long ago.”
    It should read: “ One suspender held up torn and ragged pants that were stuffed into scuffed and worn boots that should have been thrown in the trash gully behind the town long ago.”

    1. Clive Cussler: Spartan Gold: Penguin Books England 2009

    Page 325
    It reads: “ I agree, but they’ll still have the same the dilemma.”
    It should read: “I agree, but they’ll still have the same dilemma.”

    1. Clive Cussler: Lost Empire: Penguin Group: London: 2010

    Page 4
    The contract for the error starts in sentence 20!
    “The other two hesitated then but only for a moment”
    Sentence 32 reads as follows:
    “The last man was against hesitating and now Jotun saw what he was looking for”
    It should read:
    “The last man was again hesitating and now Jotun saw what he was looking for”

    1. Clive Cussler: Lost Empire: Penguin Group: London: 2010

    Page 47, sentence 2
    It reads:
    “In truth there was nothing to work out. They didn’t dare tow the bell back up the crash to their bungalow. The needed a safe place to stash it while they made some decisions and arrangements”
    It should read:
    “In truth there was nothing to work out. They didn’t dare tow the bell back up the crash to their bungalow. They needed a safe place to stash it while they made some decisions and arrangements”

    1. Clive Cussler: Lost Empire: Penguin Group: London: 2010

    Page 385, sentence 11
    Typographical error
    It reads:
    Sam knelt beside Remi. He lifted the bandana on her thigh. The bleeding had slowing to a trickle.”
    It reads:
    Sam knelt beside Remi. He lifted the bandana on her thigh. The bleeding had slowed to a trickle

    1. Clive Cussler: Lost Empire: Penguin Group: London: 2010

    Page 387, sentence 1-3
    It reads:
    Though his method was sound and still used in certain cases the gravity of where he was, what he searching for and the clock that was ticking on Remis life blended together, giving him a nagging sense of helplessness.”
    It should read:
    Though his method was sound and still used in certain cases the gravity of where he was, what he was searching for and the clock that was ticking on Remis life blended together, giving him a nagging sense of helplessness.”

    1. Endgame: David Baldacci: Grand Central Publishing: USA: 2017:215:Sentence 11

    It reads:
    “That was great least night wasn’t it? ‘She said.”
    It should read:
    “That was great last night wasn’t it? ‘She said.”

    1. Endgame: David Baldacci: Grand Central Publishing: USA: 2017:215:Sentence 12

    It reads:
    “If that’s not the case anymore than we are right back at square one.”
    It should read:
    “If that’s not the case anymore then we are right back at square one.”

    1. Endgame: David Baldacci: Grand Central Publishing: USA: 2017:299:Sentence 32

    It reads:
    “Really? He told me was just getting some fresh air.”
    It should read:
    “Really? He told me he was just getting some fresh air.”

    1. Clive Cussler: Vixen 03: Britain: Hodder & Stoughton L:td:1878:Reprint:2009:Page 242, Sentence 34

    p.s I’m not entirely certain about this one!!
    Context: As at page 241 8 shells are missing, however, 14 are physically found by Mapes(sentence 13), then 1 shell-British Imperial War museum. 2 –veterans oreign Wars implying 1 is outstanding
    However, at sentence 34 it reads:
    “The remaining thirty-seven were purchased by an agent representing the African Army of revolution
    It should read(I think!!!)
    “The remaining one was purchased by an agent representing the African Army of Revolution.”

    1. Clive Cussler:Valhalla Rising: G.P Putman’s Sons: Penguin Putman Inc

    Page 334: Sentence 2
    It reads:
    “The breath was slowly irreversibly being compressed within his lungs is if he were being wrapped by a boa constrictor.”
    It should read:
    “The breath was slowly irreversibly being compressed within his lungs as if he were being wrapped by a boa constrictor.”

    1. David Baldacci:The Sixth Man:Grand Central Publishing:USA:Macmillan:2011

    Page 283:Sentence 26
    It reads:
    “He looked up when. He was finished
    It should read:
    “He looked up when he was finished.”

    1. Same book: Same publisherSentence 13age 352

    It reads:
    “And she’s a cabinet secretary, and your reputation proceeds you.”
    It should read:
    “And she’s a cabinet secretary, and your reputation precedes you.”

    1. Matthew Reilly:Scarecrow:Macmillan:Great Britain:2003

    Page 135:Sentence 6
    It reads:
    “They didn’t known that in the global bounty hunting community he was known by a very simple name: ‘the Zulu.”
    It should read:
    “They didn’t know that in the global bounty hunting community he was known by a very simple name: “the Zulu.”

    1. James Rollins: The Last Oracle: HarperCollins Publishers:2008:P66:Sentence 12

    It reads:
    “Yuri heard a named called out and repeated.”
    It should read:
    “Yuri heard a name called out and repeated.”

    1. James Patterson:Black Market:Harper Collins:199825:Sentence 14

    It reads:
    “This tingling silence was all the more frightening because there were so may highly articulate men crowed into the room.”
    It should read:
    “This tingling silence was all the more frightening because there were so many highly articulate men crowed into the room.”

    1. Same book, same publisher, p 25, sentence 8

    It reads:
    “But that didn’t matter because 4:00 AM’s were mostly alike. A bleached-out hour of the day when cities slept and only cops and animals wondered around following
    some curious ancient chronology all their own.
    It should read:
    “But that didn’t matter because 4:00 AM’s were mostly alike. A bleached-out hour of the day when cities slept and only cops and animals wondered around following some curious ancient chronology of their own.

    1. Clive Cussler: Raise the Titanic:1976: Clays Ltd: St Ives plc: Page 187: Sentence 27

    It reads:
    “How much time left before the water reaches vour batteries.”
    It should read:
    “How much time left before the water reaches your batteries.”

    1. Same author, same publisher, same book, sentence 34
    2. It reads:
    3. “Dr Rogovsji, out chief scientist, is about your size.”

    It should read:
    “Dr Rogovsji, out chief scientist, is about your size.”
    Last edited by Citizen X; 11-Jan-21 at 02:42 PM.
    “Ubuntu is the essence of being humane" Desmond Tutu
    Spelling mistakes and/or typographical errors I found in leading publications.
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  2. #2
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    This is a world-wide tendency. No pride. Sloppy work, not checked properly by seniors or managers.
    You also get the same type of spelling mistakes in copywriting for advertising and websites. Why employ a copywriter who cannot spell?!!
    We have modern technology that can assist one with grammar and spelling. Too lazy to use spellchecker?

    The age of excellence is long gone. The age when your mom still insisted that you wash behind your ears, brush your teeth and put on clean underwear, just in case you met with an accident....
    Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...

  3. #3
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    I dont feel so bad ... wiff my attention to detail when it comes to gramma and speling
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  4. #4
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    I used to buy the South African Car magazine every month for many years. I gave up about 4 months ago and I now refuse to buy the South African CAR magazine. The language is absolutely atrocious and the copy editing is also horrendous. I wrote to them about it a while back but they just ignored my message.
    Last edited by adrianh; 11-Jan-21 at 03:04 PM.

  5. #5
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blurock View Post
    This is a world-wide tendency. No pride. Sloppy work, not checked properly by seniors or managers.
    You also get the same type of spelling mistakes in copywriting for advertising and websites. Why employ a copywriter who cannot spell?!!
    We have modern technology that can assist one with grammar and spelling. Too lazy to use spellchecker?

    The age of excellence is long gone. The age when your mom still insisted that you wash behind your ears, brush your teeth and put on clean underwear, just in case you met with an accident....
    1. Clive Cussler: Sahara: Harper Collins Publishers: London Bridge Street, London, SEI9GF:2017

    Page 30 (actual mistake)
    Background Kitty Mannock’s plane crashes in the desert at this juncture there are no ships anywhere whatsoever!
    Sentence 20
    It reads: “ She decided she had to make an attempt at reaching a village or the motor track. It was suicide to stay near the ship.”
    It should read
    “She decided she had to make an attempt at reaching a village or the motor track. It was suicide to stay near the plane.”
    A very good afternoon to you Blurock,

    A spell checker won't always do the trick. Look at the example above. This book has absolutely nothing to do with ships, and it is definitely a plane that crashes in that chapter. No ships at all in that chapter. So, a spellchecker, however advanced, would not be able to rectify this particular error. The human eye and knowledge of the book would be required to spot this specific error.
    “Ubuntu is the essence of being humane" Desmond Tutu
    Spelling mistakes and/or typographical errors I found in leading publications.
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  6. #6
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ians View Post
    I dont feel so bad ... wiff my attention to detail when it comes to gramma and speling
    I agree with my friend CX. Books are not being edited properly. and Adrian, I see that even Time magazine makes the same type of mistakes. Journalism is just not what it used to be. I have now cancelled my subscription to Time as even their standards have dropped. Not prepared to waste my money on the crap they're presenting.
    Watch the news on TV and see the errors in the news tape that runs at the bottom.

    However, when sending emails and just basic stuff, using a spell checker can save you some embarrassment. (edited by spellchecker)
    Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...

  7. #7
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    Using spellcheck, I have noted that it creates grammar errors, but it does help to improve the message. I must admit, I do use spellchecker, and most occasions I do reread to ensure that it at least makes sense.
    Then there is the dictionary that it uses, USA English or British English, so Aluminum or Aluminium? Analize or Analise? Colour or Color? and so on.
    Victor - Knowledge is a blessing or a curse, your current circumstances make you decide!
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  8. #8
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    Blurock : I had a person challenge a quote I sent to a company ... told the customer I was an idiot and didn’t know what I was doing ... We arrived at the meeting with the customer ... I took out my laptop loaded with all the software which does all the calculations ... all the documentation to support t the quote including all the calculations right from the main transformer to the motor ... including pictures ... hand written notes ... the works ... all the documentation and calculations were checked by and engineer ... and all the spelling and grammar was checked by a person who does that all day long ... the other guy had nothing to support his comments ... I got the job.

    In life you need to focus on what you are good at and leave the other stuff for people who know better ... we all have our strengths and weaknesses.

    I find that there are tooo many people in job positions which pay a wage ... but they are not suitable for the position ... which results in them being called out ... as stupid.

    (By the way I did copy and paste this post into word 2010 ... did a spelling and grammar check ... this was the result )

    Its a pity ... with all the smart technology out there ...not even a computer can get it right ... throw in a bit predictive text and boy you could be in for some interesting reading
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  9. Thank given for this post:

    Blurock (12-Jan-21), Citizen X (12-Jan-21)

  10. #9
    Diamond Member Mike C's Avatar
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    Eye halve a spelling chequer
    It came with my pea sea
    It plainly marques four my revue
    Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

    Eye strike a quay and type a word
    And weight four it two say
    Weather eye am wrong oar write
    It shows me strait a weigh.

    As soon as a mist ache is maid
    It nose bee fore two long
    And eye can put the error rite
    It's rare lea ever wrong.

    Eye have run this poem threw it
    I am shore your pleased two no
    It's letter perfect awl the weigh
    My chequer tolled me sew.

    -- Sauce unknown

    See full poem and origins at:
    No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop "The Lion and the Mouse"

  11. #10
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ians View Post
    (By the way I did copy and paste this post into word 2010 ... did a spelling and grammar check ... this was the result )
    You can enable spell check in 'theforumsa', will save you the task of copying and pasting. Can't remember how I done it.
    Victor - Knowledge is a blessing or a curse, your current circumstances make you decide!
    Solar pumping, Solar Geyser & Solar Security lighting solutions -

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