Banner blindness is a wonderful thing, I would say that I don't think that most people see ads anymore due to the oversaturation of it, however, advertisers keep advertising and the industry is growing.

I just don't know how people can notice this stuff anymore. I don't even feel the need to install adblockers because my mind already does even when it interrupts my browsing experience I just mindlessly skip on.

Like Adrian said Its enough trouble to remember everyday normal stuff

I do remember one though. British dude who bought a magic ring for luck out of Africa somewhere. Was on youtube he went from dirt poor to running multiple businesses because of this ring - I remember it because it was hilariously fake, I had to keep watching like he had a green screen background of this posh fireplace in a lounge. He looked terribly sad for somebody wh had a ton of luck and success in life. I think I probably remember and watch more of the bad ads than any normal ones.