It has become increasingly easy for users to demonise someone and basically they will attack each and every post turning every conversation onto rant.

When is enough enough? I can no longer write freely I can no longer enjoy the forum and I believe that I am not just speaking for myself and if I am so be it. I think a lot of people would agree that there was a time where things where nice but not anymore.

If I am to blame then so be it ban me and get it over with. But we have to tolerate discrimination, hate speech and demoralizing debates each and every time we log on then I see no point in doing so.

These people will shoot down anything and everything always trying to provoke and I must say they are very successful at it. But why is it us that get silent and not them?

Clearly a decision was made and I guess if we don’t conform we will continue to be victimized to a degree that a letter like this is called for.

I am seriously done trying to fight against 3 or more individuals that just want to twist and make bad everything we write. Truth is freedom of speech and opinion is one thing but attacking someone outright to a degree that we have to resort to the same tactics is beyond my comprehension.

I am not here to fight everyday but they demand it and they don’t get warned or anything. So now I leave Admin with this letter. I may be the first but I will not be the only. There will be others that feel this beyond debate.

There are many examples that I am not going to list them all but I feel there is enough there to see who starts the fight. Yes I don’t tolerate discrimination or hate speech especially if people will go as far as to dehumanize someone. So I leave this in your hands... Ban me if you want things will go well for a while till they find the next person they don't agree with.

Do what you wish I am done.