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Thread: Wiki: A brilliant idea!

  1. #1
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Wiki: A brilliant idea!

    I see the business folks of TFSA making this a reality! It can happen. We just need to take a sober look at what the task entails. Okay, this is just my 2 cents(Just one members opinion!!!!!):-
    1. It will involve learning outcomes which are clearly formulated and defined(Any unit standard on the NQF website, can be used as a guiding light for how to develop learning outcomes);
    2. Once you have 1 learning outcome for instance. An understanding of planning must be demonstrated;
    2.1 You’ve now got a rudimentary learning outcome. The next step would be to get recognised foundation. Simply choose two current university textbooks on business management. Someone will by necessity actually have to buy it. Sources will be quoted , so the authors won’t have any problem. I do think, however, that if one of the authors or co-authors can give written approval for the use of the contents of such book in structured format and for the purpose of stimulating entrepreneurship, that credibility is automatically there;
    2.2. So we have a starting topic ‘Planning,’ and a table of contents if you will. Now this is where the business folk of TFSA come into play, they expand on this topic, actual experience etc;
    2.3 This can work for many reasons i.e. the government is not doing enough to help small businesses so if you say you sincerely want to help the small business guy with all aspects of business management from one pool, then I think you doing a great act of philanthropy; It so much so, that it’s not improbable to think that the media can support such a task; Now there are many individuals with religious convictions focusing on giving; these people regardless of their religion should be lobbied. I can only speak from my religious perspective, taking into consideration that there are other perspectives which I respect! There is a biblical principle that provides that it’s more blessed to give than to receive. Here we not asking for money, we simply asking for structured knowledge.
    2.4 You’ll need one or more people to coordinate this project and focus solely on that. Not an easy one! It’s just my opinion that you need a project leader(s), others may differ;
    2.5 You then need to develop a strong team kind of attitude among the members. This is also not an easy task! Look at all our Rugby coaches, soccer coaches etc
    2.6 Referencing techniques, we need to share with each other easy ways to comprehend both the harvard method of refering and footnotes!

    Eventually the power of TFSA will sustain this project! It just needs help in its teething phase, much the same, as pushing a large bolder up a mountain, sweat, blood and tears but when it’s time to roll it down, it carries its own weight, it does all the work for you.
    I wish TFSA every success with this project!!! It's a good cause!!!!
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  2. #2
    Diamond Member
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    Good do it seeing as you have so much free time!

    The only good cause that I am interested in at the moment is lining my pocket!

  3. #3
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    Good do it seeing as you have so much free time!

    The only good cause that I am interested in at the moment is lining my pocket!
    A very good evening to you Adrian
    On the contrary! I don't have time to breathe..I'm playing catch up in all areas of my life!!! Yes, you must make a profit and your business must expand! Nothing wrong there! Even when you line your pockets, you still end up putting that same money right back into the economy from what you buy. It's actually in the countries best interest that you become more profitable and have more disposable income. Spending stimulates a healthy economy!
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  4. #4
    Diamond Member
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    You see, so you agree that my bank balance is a good cause. Nah, I don't get to spend any of it...but...the wife on the other hand.....:-)

  5. #5
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Good idea, I do not know how practical it is though.
    Veiome has started a blog on accounting. Any other experts willing to chip in?
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  6. #6
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blurock View Post
    Good idea, I do not know how practical it is though.
    Veiome has started a blog on accounting. Any other experts willing to chip in?
    This will require a team effort! It must also be approached with no pecuniary financial reward in mind! The reward must be to make a meaningful contribution to society, to give back.TFSA is unique in many aspects, I think they can pull this off! The guiding light, in my opinion, should be one pool of knowledge. Here no one individual should expect or even think of reward or thank you or even acknowledgement. They must do it out of the goodness of their heart.
    Going forward(don’t know when), I’d like to make some form of contribution. I can only hope and pray that God gives me the strength and wisdom to approach this with the ‘bigger scheme of things,’ attitude.
    1. By necessity TFSA will have to break up the management functions i.e. Human resources, purchasing management, marketing management, financial management, asset management, public relations and contemporary issues….Just my opinion...

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  7. #7
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    It is also a huge responsibility on behalf of the contributors as intended good advice may also be used against you in court if it does not work out.
    That's unfortunately the nature of the society that we live in.
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  8. #8
    Diamond Member
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    Thanked 977 Times in 794 Posts taking them happy pills again?

  9. #9
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post taking them happy pills again?
    Adrian, I'm high on life! The frame of mind I’m currently in is one of give back to society with no financial expectation in mind. I sincerely believe that this is a good cause. I not entirely sure if I can make a meaningful contribution! My problem and challenge is that an academically acceptable article must be clear, concise, no redundancy and a formal tone and opposed to an informal tone. I have an informal way of writing which is not academically acceptable! I also use satirical gestures. I’m simply saying we some 14000 members, surely if every member contributes some granule of knowledge to the pool it will grow…
    As you correctly stated in a previous post, time is not always a readily available resource…
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  10. #10
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    I agree with Vanash, except I think we should sell it as an e-book, funds can go to a charity all the contributors agree to by vote,
    anybody buying the e-book must first sign an indemnity form.

    Starting a wiki would be a good way of getting the information members have to offer together before publishing.

    Also it does not have to be so scientific, just common sense and members experience.

    Start with "so you have an idea for a business, now what?"

    Oh and as a reward the contributors get to place adverts in the e-book!!!
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