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Thread: Racial groups!

  1. #1
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Racial groups!

    I didn’t dare enter the political forum until today simply because at the best of times politics is contentious, there are fiercely expounded outlooks and belief systems to inform those outlooks, heated emotions on all sides and the real potential for creating division and strive. I'm for building bridges not burning bridges, I’m, for forging friendships and alliances not creating enemies. When I first joined TFSA, I said to myself," The Polical forum is one that I will never enter," but here I am!!
    We’ve reached a stage in South Africa politics where you no longer can say, “the Whites,” “The Blacks,” The Indians,” and “The Coloureds.” The reason is apparent, we are all individuals regardless of the race or religious we belong to. Each racial group anyway has cultures, sub cultures, a variety of religions etc. We are for all practical intents and purposes a very diverse society and we should be very proud of such diversity. What we can however say is “That individual who just so happens to be a White person said.. and done… on …,“ That individual who just so happens to be a Black person said .. and done… on “That individual who just so happens to be an Indian person said… and done… on…“That individual who just so happens to be a Coloured individual said and done… on..None of us can speak on behalf of the racial groups we just so happen to belong to. Race is only relevant for census purposes as could be seen from the census forms that every single one of us had to complete.This is again impossible to do because we all individuals. We are divided on income lines and our society is on this basis unequal. In my opinion universal adult sufferage is important and need not be objective at all. You can vote for what ever political party you want to based on any criteria you so choose as an individual. I personally will never vote for a political party simply because that political party has a predominate amount of certain racial groups. I’ll use this generic example, if there is a predominantly Indian political party called ABC which is riddled with corruption, maladministration, nepotism, poor service delivery and a general attitude of ‘we don’t really care whether you live or die,’ I’m certainly not going to vote for this party because it is predominantly an Indian party.
    My general question to everyone is simply this: Are you comfortable voting for a party that is riddled with corruption, nepotism, maladministration, poor service delivery regardless of what that party once stood for?

    Last edited by Citizen X; 30-Apr-12 at 12:00 PM.
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  2. #2
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    Ah, well some of us never voted for them in the first place so the question is moot for us!

  3. #3
    Silver Member Petrichor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vanash Naick View Post
    We’ve reached a stage in South Africa politics where you no longer can say, “the Whites,” “The Blacks,” The Indians,” and “The Coloureds.”
    Sadly, I am not 100% sure that this is the case yet. If it was, we would have seen bigger growth in some of the smaller political parties and not the smallish decline in the party which we all know are riddled with corruption, maladministration, nepotism, poor service delivery and a general attitude of ‘we don’t really care whether you live or die.

    My son, now 7, lives in the world you describe, however, our age group still need some time to grow into that world.

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    i will say it again...until we are all refered to as "south african" there will always be discrimination..when it comes to voting...personally i dont know who to vote for...if i lived in the cape...chances are i would vote da...because there "seems" to be change/improvement...but everywhere else...politians are all in it for the money...little work lots of benefits...this is just my view...chances are there are people who put in the effort...i just dont see only see malema and his doings on the there is nothing else worth reporting.

    i also believe a ward councillor should have to live in the ward he/she represents...not in an upmarket estate 100 km away.

  5. #5
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    i also believe a ward councillor should have to live in the ward he/she represents...not in an upmarket estate 100 km away.
    ...and you should make him work for his money. Why are the street lights not working? What are you doing about crime? when are you fixing the potholes? The current government has it far too easy as people still vote with emotion for the "club" that they belong to. Despite all the lies, corruption, theft and blatant unpatriotic acts being committed daily. Unpatriotic? Yes, the current government is stealing from their own people and not acting in the best interest of South Africa. What they are doing sometimes border on treason.

    My principle is still not to vote for any party, but to always vote for the opposition in order to keep a balance. I do not believe in the halos that politicians are supposedly wearing as they are all in it for their own benefit and not for the community that they are supposed to be serving.
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    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    The sooner Politicians (should that have a capital??) get over themselves and stop confusing criticism with racism the sooner things will balance (I know most of them do it on purpose)

    It is so bad that if a black person criticises they call him a mouth piece for whites??? I mean how can you get through to people like that??

    Keep on voting for the official opposition untill they are strong or in power, then start looking for the next party to support!
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  9. #7
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    Which country doesn't have some sort of boundaries beween different racial groups?

  10. #8
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Adrian, your proposition has merit in that to date mankind has not managed to live peaceably with each other. We still have this concept of war and civil war. For me it's always been about humanitarian matters and rights and not at all about race. Take India for example, it’s not a situation of Black and White yet 500 million people live in abject misery. Take North Korea, again not about Black and White, yet 100’s of thousands of people are been oppressed. Nigeria, another hotbed, again not Black and White but religious rivalry with deadly consequences. Racial prejudice actually started in the USA. Even until the late 60's there was still some kind of segregation or the other. Ireland, stable now, but again, not a Black and White scenario but rather religious differences...
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  11. #9
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    Even after 50 years there are still "racial" tensions in Germany. Americans, as wonderful as they claim to be, still have very serious racial issues...

    So, the question is this then; if it can't be done anywhere else howcome we think it can be done here, especially given our history.

  12. #10
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    In my view we are all far too sensitive and we often hide behind racism if things do not go our way. What is racism? If I criticise you for being utterly useless, it is not racism, but a reflection on your inability to do something properly.

    I have been called a Boer, a Soutie, a Kaffer Boetie, a Capie a Mlungu and many other names. So what?! I am proud to be all those things. The Boers tamed this land. They gave the British Empire hell in the Boer wars. They have built up many businesses that still stand out in the business world.

    The English Souties made a big contribution to this country in terms of commerce and administration. The Blacks provided their labour and are still contributing to building a nation. They, and the Coloureds have fought side by side with the Whiteys in more than one war. The Cape Malays have contributed to our cousine and language, so has the Greeks, Portugese, Jews, Chinese and other South Africans of foreign decent. The Indians came here as indentured labourers and pulled themselves up by their boot laces. Our diversity is our strength.

    In the end we are all South Africans. The reality is, when there is a problem, we start calling each other names. We talk about those damn Catholics, or Jews or whiteys or some other name that comes to mind. People will even discriminate against someone from the wrong side of the track, the wrong school or any other difference we can think up.

    Funny that we are all brothers when we are together at a sporting match or having a braai or some other social event. Then we realise that the other ou's are not so bad after all.

    Yes, there are some racists in every community, but they will burn themselves out. Stop being so sensitive and enjoy our rainbow nation. Be proudly South African.
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