The Workmans Compensation return of earnings thread had sprung to life on this too, and the news is deeply disturbing.

Quote Originally Posted by Ivan View Post
Hi All

Yes its that time of the year again, yes no new return of earnings forms has been sent out as yet, as according to some officials at the Fund they looking at rolling out the new system on the 17th of April similar to e-filing, I doubt it will happen, but lets wait and see.
Yes penalties will be charged at 10%, irrespective as the system calculates the penalty , totally unfair I know, but thats the Fund for you.
Im almost certain the 2011 return will differ from the 2010, so rather not send that form in.

I will try and obtain more info from the Fund later today and will post accordingly.
First, thanks to Ivan for his efforts

But this situation is totally unacceptable. It's not just penalties on the line with this maladministration, it's no claim bonuses too.

If anyone has the reach to escalate this to the attention of someone who can do something about it, please do.