
Quick update and maybe some feedback please

SO i got quick response from this attorney. He says he is in hospital but gives me a verbal non-nonsensical break down of the costs, i.e. because my client was "aggressive" he had to send a senior partner out to the premises (absolute rubbish first I have heard of this).

We have since ascertained that the amount we owe is R10200 excluding costs (no rental outstanding, just late payment penalties so the summons is wrong!!) We have proof that we paid all rental. HE says he wants R30k. And he will not budge. I then said we cannot accept and he says we can get a cost consultant to do it and he will fight this aggressively, and assures me the costs will be in excess of this. I offered R20k in full and final settlement. But he wont accept. I am thinking I need to get a good lawyer onto this. but with limited funds, their fees could be more. Any advice? I am entitled to a breakdown of his legal fees surely? I thought we would only be liable for reasonable costs incurred.

Thanks so much