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Thread: Old school music is cool!

  1. #1741
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Rita Coolidge: All Time High: 1983: Lyrics and Video

    Pussy eventually killed him!

    His pet octopus that is.

    Ian Fleming’s Octopussy is actually a short story published posthumously in 1966.

    It ends in a rather macabre manner!

    It was fifty yards of shallow water to the lair of the octopus in the coral cranny, and Major Smythe, screaming all the while into his mask, crawling mostly on his knees, somehow made it. As he came to the last approach and the water became deeper, he had to get to his feet, and the pain
    made him jiggle to and fro, as if he were a puppet manipulated by strings. Then he was there, and with a supreme effort of will, he held himself steady as he dipped his head down to let some water into his mask and clear the mist of his screams from the glass. Then, blood pouring from his bitten lower lip, he bent carefully down to look into Octopussy's house. Yes! The brown mass was still there. It was stirring excitedly. Why? Major Smythe saw the dark strings of his blood curling lazily down through the water. Of course! The darling was tasting his blood. A shaft of pain hit Major Smythe and sent him reeling. He heard himself babbling deliriously into his mask. Pull yourself together, Dexter, old boy! You've got to give Pussy her lunch! He steadied himself, and holding the spear well down the shaft, lowered the fish down toward the writhing hole. Would Pussy take the bait? The poisonous bait that was killing Major Smythe but to which an octopus might be immune? If only Bengry could be here to watch! Three tentacles, weaving excitedly, came out of the hole and wavered around the scorpionfish. Now there was a gray mist in front of Major Smythe's eyes. He recognized it as the edge of unconsciousness and feebly shook his head to clear it. And then the tentacles leaped! But not at the fish! At Major Smythe's hand and arm. Major Smythe's torn mouth stretched in a grimace of pleasure. Now he and Pussy had shaken hands!
    How exciting! How truly wonderful! But then the octopus, quietly, relentlessly pulled downward, and terrible realization came to Major Smythe. He summoned his dregs of strength and plunged his spear down. The only effect was to push the scorpionfish into the mass of the octopus and offer more arm to the octopus. The tentacles snaked upward and pulled more relentlessly. Too late, Major Smythe scrabbled away his mask. One bottled scream burst out across the empty bay, then his head went under and down, and there was an explosion of bubbles to the surface. Then Major Smythe's legs came up and the small waves washed his body to and fro while the octopus explored his right hand with its buccal orifice and took a first tentative bite at a finger with its beaklike jaws. The body was found by two young Jamaicans spinning for needlefish from a canoe. They speared the octopus with Major Smythe's spear, killed it in the traditional fashion by turning it inside out and biting its head off, and brought the three corpses home. They turned Major Smythe's body over to the police, and had the scorpionfish and the seacat for supper.
    The local correspondent of the Daily Gleaner reported that Major Smythe had been killed by an octopus, but the paper translated this into "found drowned" so as not to frighten away the tourists.
    Later, in London, James Bond, privately assuming "suicide," wrote the same verdict of "found drowned,"
    together with the date, on the last page and closed the bulky file.
    This is the link for the novel in PDF format:


    Whatever is written is subject to interpretation of the receiver of that form of communication. I’m not certain of how many people on the planet picked this specific thing up about “propaganda,” but here goes.
    During the cold war writers and movie makers from both sides would use characters in books and movies to poke fun at the other side. Whilst I always enjoyed the Bond franchise and always will I think that the term “SPECTER,” was deliberately used by Ian Fleming to emotionally hurt the Soviets. This is why.
    In the Communist manifest to Karl Marx averred that communism is a “ spectre” that this haunting the world.

    The sentiment would have and probably does still hurt bona fide communist especially the ideological bedfellows.

    “Bond thought, I will see if an association of words does something to him. He said,‘When I came to the table I saw a spectre.’ He said the word casually, with no hint at double meaning.”

    Here's the link. See four yourself. It's on page 102.


    So it had a triple meaning not actually a double meaning .Firstly a spectre is a ghost, secondly it is the acronym for this criminal organization that Flemming thought up and perhaps most importantly it is a sacred word to bona fide communists.

    Can you see the problem with written communication? Barriers to communication further compound matters.
    With the benefit of retrospect the mess of the cold war evolved and intensified because of sometimes seemingly innocent statements. The West would say “We got this weapon and you don’t,” the Soviets would say,” we got this weapon and you don’t,”and so it intensified.

    Fake news and two love letters:

    Ian Fleming is often credited with the “ Captain William Martin,’ debacle. During the Second World War the British were planning an invasion of Sicily. They created a fictitious person using a real corpse. A fictitious girlfriend Pam was created. This would be placed in one of the pockets of the corpse. Upon being found the Nazis counter intelligence examined this body carefully. The two love letters from Pam was one of the things that convinced them to act towards their very own detriment. The Invasion was to come through Silly but the atrocious and monstrous fascist dictator Hitler held the authenticity of the corpse in high regard and ordered that Greece, Corsica and Sardinia must be protected.
    Thunderball, the novel, is the best in my opinion simply because it was not written by Flemming exclusively and was meant to be a screen play. I highly recommend this novel.

    I’m really into the Bond Franchise. I’m certain many fans are rereading the novels and watching the movies for the umpteenth time, in advance of “No time to die.”

    [Verse 1]
    All I wanted was a sweet distraction for an hour or two
    Had no intention to do the things we've done
    Funny how it always goes with love
    When you don't look, you find
    But then we're two of a kind, we move as one

    We're an all time high
    We'll change all that's gone before
    Doing so much more than falling in love
    On an all time high
    We'll take on the world and wait
    So hold on tight, let the flight begin

    [Verse 2]
    I don't want to waste a waking moment
    I don't want to sleep
    I'm in so strong and so deep, and so are you
    In my time
    I've said these words before
    But now I realise
    My heart was telling me lies
    For you they're true

    We're an all time high
    We'll change all that's gone before
    Doing so much more than falling in love
    On an all time high
    We'll take on the world and wait
    So hold on tight
    Let the flight begin

    Extract source[1]
    Album cover[2]
    Video source[3]
    P.S The novel was published by Jonathan Cape in 1966 however the ebook was published by Al Haines & the online Distributed Proofreaders Canada 2020.

    Flemming I Octopussy (Al Haines & the online Distributed Proofreaders Canada 2020)P 45-46.

    [1] Flemming I Octopussy (Al Haines & the online Distributed Proofreaders Canada 2020) P 45-46.

    [2] Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_Time_High (Date of use 24 February 2021).

    [3] Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFurkDf6WXg (Date of use 24 February 2021).
    Last edited by Citizen X; 25-Feb-21 at 10:23 AM.
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  2. #1742
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    The following is a work of fiction

    Captain X’s log present day

    Urgent and abrupt meeting with Dr Suzanne Reid

    Captain X barges into Dr Suzanne Reid’s office

    “Reid I need to see you.”

    “It’s Dr Reid to you Captain X. I earned that prefix.”

    “It’s not a prefix”


    “You were part of the team that placed me on a sabbatical to improve my writing skills for reports to you”


    “Dr Reid you don’t understand your prefixes and suffixes!”

    “Captain X “Dr,” is a prefix since it precedes my name. Got anything to say to that?”

    “I certainly do Dr Reid. Dr Reid we can change the meaning of a word by putting something before or after the root. The core of a word is called the root. What comes before the root is called the prefix and what comes after the root is called the suffix.
    For instance the root word is “joy,” add a prefix before it such as “en,” and you get “enjoy.”
    Add a suffix “ment,” after the root “enjoy,” and you get “enjoyment.” “

    “You quite a mouthful! What on Earth do you want? I’m pretty certain that the date for your HIV blood works will only reach me in about two weeks. Oh, you worried about your results?”

    “Hell no. I had a test in June 2019 and it came back negative. I’ve abstained since then so I know it will be negative.
    Something is disturbing me very much though and I want to run it by you.”


    On 14 August 2020 at about 3:20, I got the oddest feeling that a group of people sitting on the side of the road were talking to me indirectly!”


    “I was standing on the side of the road looking hoberish. I leaned against a street light and was posturing, my right foot over my left.”


    “One of the persons in this group said “ We can enter into a social contract among ourselves.” She then said let’s do something different. She took out her phone and played Elton John and Kiki Dee’s “Don’t go breaking my heart.” She then spoke about the movie Dirty Dancing released in 1987 which stared Jennifer Grey as Frances "Baby" Patrick Swayze as Johnny Castle. She went on to say that a new version of Dirty Dancing was in the making with Jennifer Grey reprising her role as “baby.” “

    “Okay. Okay. Hang on. I told you when such things occur to first apply Aristotle’s test and if after the test it still is so, then in actual fact it is so. Did you apply Aristotle’s realism?”

    “I did indeed! If uncertain about anything one see simply ask “ Does that thing exist independently of the person who is examining it. I was independent of this group of people. They were standing on the side of the road. They existed! I then just used the techniques we use in assessing circumstantial evidence to arrive at my conclusion. To assess circumstantial evidence one needs the ability to think logically. The locus classicus is S V BLOM.”

    “Captain X I agree with you based upon your reasoning I would have been very flattered. Why aren’t you?”

    “Dr Reid my instructions are implicit “ Those who humble themselves will be exalted and those who exalt themselves will be humbled.” I’m trying in earnest to be really humble here. Besides HE assured me time and time again that regardless of how I drift more and more into the “lowly and despised,” HE will make “all things work together for the good of me.” HE went on further to say that the Apostle Paul addressed the Corinthians on just that. He said, “ Brothers think of what you were before you were called. Not many of you were of noble birth. Not many of you were wise. Not many of you were strong. Not many of you were influencial.
    YET, GOD CHOSE the foolish things of this world to shame the wise, HE chose the weak things of this world to shame the strong. He CHOSE the lowly and despised things of this world.”
    HE wants me to be truly obedient, humble and dedicated to the task at hand namely my sabbatical and actually nothing else.”

    “Want to push your plans ahead?”

    No. I’m not ready! I still have a long way to go. This is why June was set as the month which I must be au fait with all matters regarding the English curriculum. You know I can’t have a criminal record? Believe or not but a mutant I encountered was hell bent on me getting just that! He failed though. Charges have been withdrawn.”

    “There are other reasons you want to go isn’t there?”

    “Indeed! I want to do something I’m passionate about while having extraordinary adventure. I will be disciplined enough though to dedicate at least two hours per day to writing.
    You are aware that I received hate mail and death threats via email regarding TORPS. I’m not done writing. I will improve TORPS and move to my next work “ The illusion of freedom in a Constitutional Democracy.” Thus far I took all your advice. You said I need to remain as stimuli free as humanly possible for this to work. You said that visiting the Critical Legal Studies Movement’s “false Consciousness,” will by necessity also have to include a very decent examination of propaganda. You said that knowingly or unknowingly television will have propaganda in it and that I must be able to identify it easily.”

    “Indeed! I’m impressed!”

    “Well you not her so that endearment means absolutely nothing to me.

    Dr Reid, what I write is very controversial; Pre 1994 it would have definitely invited the bullet of an assassin.
    See what you done? Now I’m thinking about her.”
    Please play the video “don’t go breaking my heart for me.”

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  3. #1743
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen X View Post
    The princess of pop: Kylie Minogue:I should be so lucky:1988

    “Girl-girl,’ is an attitude. It doesn’t depend on how a lady looks or doesn’t look whatsoever. It has everything to do with certain mannerisms. For instance: when a lady put a hand on her hip, her facial expression and other such ‘girl-girl,’ mannerism for the lack of a better platitude. It’s embracing a traditional feminine style whilst still having full freedom of choice into contemporary styles.
    Kylie Minogue embraced “Girly-Girl.”
    In this video the intended sexual innuendo by the producers is palpable. Kylie only shows a ‘knee,’ for a second or so!
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  4. #1744
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Wham: I’m your man:1985: Lyrics and Video


    Voca me bonum. Voca me malum. Voca me quod vis, ut infans. Sed scio qui sis tristis. Et scio Faciam ut beatus. Ut nunquam in unum et habebant. Puer ego sum vir vester

    Call me good
    Call me bad
    Call me anything you want to baby
    But I know that you're sad
    And I know I'll make you happy
    With the one thing that you never had

    Baby, I'm your man (don't you know that?)
    Baby, I'm your man
    You bet!
    If you're gonna do it, do it right - right?
    Do it with me

    So good...
    You're divine
    Wanna take you, wanna make you
    But they tell me it's a crime!
    Everybody knows where the good people go
    But where we're going baby
    Ain't no such word as no!

    Baby, I'm your man (don't you know who I am?)
    Baby, I'm your man
    You bet!
    If you're gonna do it, do it right - right?
    Do it with me
    Come on baby, (ooh, take me home
    Please don't leave me here, to do it on my own...)

    First class information
    I'll be your sexual inspiration
    And with some stimulation
    We can do it right...

    So why waste time
    With the other guys?
    When you can have mine
    I ain't askin' for no sacrifice
    Baby your friends do not need to know!
    I've got a real nice place to go

    I don't need you to care
    I don't need you to understand
    All I want is for you to be there
    And when I'm turned on
    If you want me-
    I'm your man!

    If you're gonna do it, do it right - right?
    Do it with me

    Now listen
    If you're gonna do it - you know what I say?
    If you're gonna do it don't throw it away
    Don't throw it baby
    I'll be your boy, I'll be your man
    I'll be the one who understands
    I'll be your first, I'll be your last
    I'll be the only one you ask
    I'll be your friend, I'll be your toy
    I'll be the one who brings you joy
    I'll be your hope, I'll be your pearl
    I'll take you halfway 'round the world!
    I'll make you rich - I'll make you poor
    Just don't use the door

    Do it with me...
    Album cover[1]
    Video source[2]

    [1] Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:I%27m_Your_Man.jpg (date of use 25 February 2021).

    [2] Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W0d9xMhZbo
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  5. #1745
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Eagles: Hotel California: 1976: Lyrics and Video

    First and foremost, “there comes a time when we heed a certain call.”

    A fan such as myself will always remain just that a fan. Celebrities are celebrities and fans are fans. Even Aristotle would say that this is true telos!

    I'm just the fan here and that's all that I actually want. Being just the fan makes me very happy!(Damn I just got a thought. Smokey Robinson's "Being with you," and the present participle of "Being." The difference between "been and "being," and how I ought to explain it in easy to understand terms)

    History has shown us that certain fans are delusional and psychotic. I’ll give an example from music history. On or about 1992 I bought a video cassette about John Lennon from Look and Listen. John and Yoko are having breakfast. Toast and coffee. I don’t remain the entire narrative word for word but it went something like this:

    A fan breaches their mansion. John is extremely calm. He listens to what this fan has to say. The fan says something along the lines of “ You wrote Lucy in the Sky with diamonds especially for me.” John replies “ No I wrote it for my son Sean. But hey, you must be hungry. We having toast and coffee. Would you like to join us?”

    That particular fan was definitely connecting very separate dots with invisible lines. He was clearly psychotic!

    All that said, in the spirit of effective and unusual interpersonal communication, a distinguished lady’s plea never falls on deaf ears.

    Besides I admire all “uptown girls,’ as I’m just a “downtown,” “backstreet guy.”

    I’m the harmless and benevolent fan!

    Verse 1: Don Henley]
    On a dark desert highway
    Cool wind in my hair
    Warm smell of colitas
    Rising up through the air
    Up ahead in the distance
    I saw a shimmering light
    My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
    I had to stop for the night
    There she stood in the doorway
    I heard the mission bell
    And I was thinking to myself
    "This could be Heaven or this could be Hell"
    Then she lit up a candle
    And she showed me the way
    There were voices down the corridor
    I thought I heard them say

    [Chorus: Don Henley]
    "Welcome to the Hotel California
    Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
    Such a lovely face
    Plenty of room at the Hotel California
    Any time of year (Any time of year)
    You can find it here"

    [Verse 2: Don Henley]
    Her mind is Tiffany-twisted
    She got the Mercedes Benz, uh
    She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys
    That she calls friends
    How they dance in the courtyard
    Sweet summer sweat
    Some dance to remember
    Some dance to forget
    So I called up the Captain
    "Please bring me my wine"
    He said, "We haven't had that spirit here since 1969"
    And still those voices are calling from far away
    Wake you up in the middle of the night
    Just to hear them say

    [Chorus: Don Henley]
    "Welcome to the Hotel California
    Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
    Such a lovely face
    They living it up at the Hotel California
    What a nice surprise (What a nice surprise)
    Bring your alibis"

    [Verse 3: Don Henley]
    Mirrors on the ceiling
    The pink champagne on ice
    And she said: "We are all just prisoners here
    Of our own device"
    And in the master's chambers
    They gathered for the feast
    They stab it with their steely knives
    But they just can't kill the beast
    Last thing I remember, I was
    Running for the door
    I had to find the passage back
    To the place I was before
    "Relax," said the night man
    "We are programmed to receive
    You can check out any time you like
    But you can never leave!"
    Album cover[1]
    Video source[2]

    [1] Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hotel_California (date of use 26 February 2021).

    [2] Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqPtz5qN7HM(Date of use 26 February 2021).
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    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    John Lennon’s Imagine and John Rawl's thought experiments

    I never saw this one coming! I had some productive philosophical thoughts this morning. There is a correlation between John Lennon’s “Imagine,” and John Rawl's thought experiments. In legal philosophy a thought experiment is one of the many tools in the philosopher’s tool box. It is a very important tool to assist in proving a hypothesis.

    Different legal philosophers employ different thought experiments.

    I can’t do justice to John Raw'ls “Theory of Justice,” right now. Pun intended.

    I have however identified the title. It will be John Lennon’s Imagine and John Rawl's thought experiments.

    In brief, John Rawl's endorses social welfare liberalism.

    Imagine that. Two Johns. John Lennon and John Rawls.

    “The power of philosophy swifts through my head. Light like a feather. Heavy as lead.” Bob Marley

    John Lennon: Imagine: 1975:Lyrics and Video

    Imagine there's no heaven
    It's easy if you try
    No hell below us
    Above us only sky
    Imagine all the people
    Living for today..

    Imagine there's no country
    It isn't hard to do
    Nothing to kill or die for
    And no religion, too
    Imagine all the people
    Living life in peace... You...

    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you'll join us
    And the world will be as one

    Imagine no possessions
    I wonder if you can
    No need for greed or hunger
    A brotherhood of man
    Imagine all the people
    Sharing all the world... You...

    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you'll join us
    And the world will live as one

    Album cover[1]
    Video source[2]

    [1]Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imagin...n_Lennon_song) (date of use 26 February 2021).

    [2] Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkgkThdzX-8 (date of use 26 February 2021).
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  7. #1747
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen X View Post
    John Lennon’s Imagine and John Rawl's thought experiments

    I never saw this one coming! I had some productive philosophical thoughts this morning. There is a correlation between John Lennon’s “Imagine,” and John Rawl's thought experiments. In legal philosophy a thought experiment is one of the many tools in the philosopher’s tool box. It is a very important tool to assist in proving a hypothesis.

    Different legal philosophers employ different thought experiments.

    I can’t do justice to John Raw'ls “Theory of Justice,” right now. Pun intended.

    I have however identified the title. It will be John Lennon’s Imagine and John Rawl's thought experiments.

    In brief, John Rawl's endorses social welfare liberalism.

    Imagine that. Two Johns. John Lennon and John Rawls.

    “The power of philosophy swifts through my head. Light like a feather. Heavy as lead.” Bob Marley

    John Lennon: Imagine: 1975:Lyrics and Video

    Imagine there's no heaven
    It's easy if you try
    No hell below us
    Above us only sky
    Imagine all the people
    Living for today..

    Imagine there's no country
    It isn't hard to do
    Nothing to kill or die for
    And no religion, too
    Imagine all the people
    Living life in peace... You...

    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you'll join us
    And the world will be as one

    Imagine no possessions
    I wonder if you can
    No need for greed or hunger
    A brotherhood of man
    Imagine all the people
    Sharing all the world... You...

    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you'll join us
    And the world will live as one

    Album cover[1]
    Video source[2]

    [1]Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imagin...n_Lennon_song) (date of use 26 February 2021).

    [2] Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkgkThdzX-8 (date of use 26 February 2021).
    Captain X’s log star date 27 February 2021

    The foregoing requires a word of explanation. God willing it’s the last such clarification.

    There I was. Standing on the side of the road and looking as ‘hobby like,’ as ever.

    Suddenly I see two individuals whom I have profound respect for. They extremely distinguished and reputable. I inched closure intending to steal with my ears.

    I took the cotton wool out of my ears and shoved it into my mouth.

    One of them in conversation mentioned “imagine.”

    It ignited my assumption train of thought.

    To be perfectly honest this assumption train of thought is not strength. It is in actual fact a very huge weakness! More than I can impress upon you.

    I immediately thought about John Lennon’s "imagine," John Rawl's original position,’ John Locke and Thomas Hobbe's state of nature.

    I imagined myself improving something called TORPS by saying:

    Both John Locke and Thomas Hobbes urge us to take part in a thought experiment. They ask us to think away the concept of government as we know it. ”Imagine there’s no country, it’s easy if you try.”

    I said to myself.” I really respect these two individuals on the side of the road. I look up to them. They part of my chosen role models. I want to “ride with them,” in letter and spirit and conduct. Not in terms of where we live or what we do but strictly and only in letter and spirit

    This too ignited even further train of thought. I thought about a Native American.

    I recalled that they said he wasn’t good enough to be buried in “Boot hill.” “ Boot hill,” is a burial ground for murderers and robbers.

    But “Old Joe,’ was an Indian and therefore classified as not being worthy to be buried in “Boot Hill.” The entire town objected to "Old Joe's," burial.

    Two “lowly and despised,” characters happen by.

    They see this injustice and they decide to ride the hearse.

    They call it “riding hearse by shotgun.” Chris and Vin. Chris takes the wagon's reins. Vin is seated next to him brandishing a shot gun. The entire town congregates around them in anticipation.

    An onlooker Chico is very impressed by their conduct.

    He looks up to them. He wants to literally ride with them. Chris shows utter contempt for Chico, not because he doesn’t respect him but because he doesn’t want a young person to “ride,” with them possibly to their very own deaths! They "old school," and they going on a "blaze of glory," for the greater good

    This is how that went down:

    Chris: Oh, hell! lf that is all that is holding things up, I’ll drive the rig.

    Vin: ”Can l borrow that scatter-gun?”

    And they give Old Joe a dignified burial.

    Chico is so impressed he want to really “ride,” with them. Now he wants to physically ride with them unlike me.

    I'm just looking at letter and spirit and conduct. As such I import some of their words and phrases.

    This is how that goes:
    Chico goes to Chris's hotel.

    Chico: “The word is out you’re looking for men.”

    Pointing to his gun Chris says:

    Chris: That is right. Men who are good with that.

    Chico: l’m good with it.

    Vin: Fast?

    Chico: Try me.

    In order to mock and humiliate Chico, Chris says:

    Chris:l aim to. Step in closer!

    Now, hold your hands like that.

    Now, clap.
    Now, as fast as you can.

    Chris is able to draw his gun and position it between Chico’s fast clapping hands!

    Chris concludes by telling Chico:

    "You are very young and very proud. The graveyards are full of boys
    who were very young and very proud!”

    Chico feels humiliated and very embarrassed and just leaves.

    Later Chico gets very drunk and goes to the saloon where he knows Chris is to challenge him.

    This is how that goes:

    Chico confronts Chris in the saloon.

    Chico: " You.-I’ve been looking for you! Clap hands, he says. Clap your hands, and let us see how fast you are. Clap hands!"

    A man comes to him cos he respects him, cos he’d be proud to work with him. He makes me look like two cents with some damned kid’s game!

    Bartender: Hey, kid, that is enough of that!

    Chico draws his gun and points it at Chris

    “And no games, huh? No clapping hands - none of that stuff! Just draw. Come on. Come on, draw!”

    Chris is cool, calm and collected. He knows that Chico is very drunk.

    Chico takes aim at Chris. He fires. He misses and passes out.

    Chris: (To the bartender) Let him sleep it off. When he wakes up, let him have his gun back. And give him a drink.”

    Eventually Chico does indeed win the respect of Chris. He becomes the seventh and last member of the “Magnificent seven!”

    On Parallel Planet Earth.

    A mutant was instrumental in getting criminal charges filed against me knowing that it would jeopardize my entire plans!!!

    I too became angry!

    So I made a post or two to this very specific mutant residing on another fictitious parrallel planet Earth in my close physical vicinity.

    Incidentally good prevailed against evil. It always does!

    All my chosen role models are certainly not mutants as they are on Planet Earth and are humane and human.
    Last edited by Citizen X; 27-Feb-21 at 07:22 PM.
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  8. #1748
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Captain X’s Log star date 28 February 2021

    There is a nexus alternatively a causal connection between Nelly’s Dilemma, Madonna’s “Crazy for you,”: and The Staple Sister’s “Let’s do it again.”'

    Nexus alternatively causal connection are important terms in the field of law! It is applied in various fields including but not limited to criminal law and the law of delict.

    In brief, the basic question is what are the relevant criteria in law for deciding whether one action or event has caused another event?

    To take it further we use sine qua non.

    This is also known as the “but for,” test. It simply means “without which not.”

    The court asks a simple question: What would have happened had it not been for the perpetrator’s prohibited conduct.

    Nelly: Dilemma: 2002:Lyrics and video

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Nelly_featuring_Kelly_Rowland_-_Dilemma_CD_cover.jpg 
Views:	175 
Size:	32.4 KB 
ID:	8150

    I love you

    And I need you
    Nelly I love you
    I do need you
    No matter what I do
    All I think about is you
    Even when I'm with my boo
    Boy, you know I'm crazy over you
    No matter what I do
    All I think about is you
    Even when I'm with my boo
    Boy, you know I'm crazy over you
    I met this chick and she just moved right up the block from me
    And uh, she got the hots for me
    The finest thing my hood has seen
    But oh no, oh no, she got a man and a son though
    But that's okay, cause I
    Wait for my cue and just listen, play my position
    Like a shortstop, pick up e'rything mami hittin'
    And in no time I plan to make this one here mine
    And that's for sure, cause I
    I never been the type to break up a happy home, but uh
    There's something 'bout baby girl I just can't leave alone
    So tell me,…

    Madonna: Crazy for you:1985:Lyrics and video

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Madonna_-_Crazy_for_You.jpg 
Views:	184 
Size:	20.1 KB 
ID:	8151

    Swaying room as the music starts

    Strangers making the most of the dark
    Two by two their bodies become one
    I see you through the smokey air
    Can't you feel the weight of my stare
    You're so close but still a world away
    What I'm dying to say, is that
    I'm crazy for you
    Touch me once and you'll know it's true
    I never wanted anyone like this
    It's all brand new
    You'll feel it in my kiss
    I'm crazy for you, crazy for you
    Trying hard to control my heart
    I walk over to where you are
    Eye to eye we need no words at all
    Slowly now we begin to move
    Every breath I'm deeper into you
    Soon we two are standing still in time
    If you read my mind, you'll see
    I'm crazy for you
    Touch me once and you'll know it's true
    I never wanted anyone like this
    It's all brand new
    You'll feel it in my…

    Staple Sisters Let’s do it again?1975:Lyrics and Video

    Do it again, do it (do it)

    Let's do it again (do it)
    Mmm (do it again, do it again)
    Gonna do it again (do it)
    Do it, do it
    Let's do it again (do it)
    Do it again
    Sometimes the rain
    Groovin' when I hear the sound
    Like you and me, baby
    Gettin' down with the sounds around
    Oh, the smell of the mornin' flower
    As we pass away the hour
    I wanna do it again, do it again
    Do it again (do it)
    Let's do it in the mornin'
    Sweet breeze in the summer time
    Feeling your sweet face
    All laid up next to mine
    Sweet love in the midnight
    Good sleep, come mornin' light
    No worries 'bout nothin'
    Just gettin' good, just gettin' good
    Just gettin' good love
    Do it, do it again
    Do it again (do it)
    Do it
    Now I like you, lady
    So fine with your pretty hair
    If you don't mind my compliments
    Just diggin' on…

    Album cover 1 source[1]
    Video 1 source[2]
    Album cover 2[3]
    Video source 2[4]
    Video source 3[5]

    [1] Wikipedia: By Source, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=245089 (date of use 28 February 2021).

    [2] Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WYHDfJDPDc(date of use 28 February 2021).

    [3] Wikipedia: By Source, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=55692121 (date of use 28 February 2021).

    [4] Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHutZXREZ0E((date of use 28 February 2021).

    “Ubuntu is the essence of being humane" Desmond Tutu
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  9. #1749
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Captain X’s log star date 27 and 28 February 2021.

    “Love is a good thing and its imperative that we continue to build good relationships with those in our lives.”

    I thoroughly enjoy being in the company of my Muze Septum Nulla Duo. I was serenaded with a deluge of thoughts all about songs.

    I heard many lovely songs. This, however, is what came to my mind in musical fanaticism. It’s all about the “glory of love:”

    1. Nelly: Dilemma,
    2. The Staple Sister’s: Let’s do it again
    3. Chicago: Hard to say I’m sorry.
    4. Sha-Na-Na: Those Magic Changes
    5. Bob Marley: Crisis
    6. Bruce Hornsby: The way it is
    7. Maxi Priest Crazy Love
    8. The Love Doctor: Avant: Silhouette-Of-A-Perfect-Frame
    9. Cliff Richard: Silhouette
    10. UB40:Silhouette

    These are the songs I enjoyed:

    1. Earth, Wind and Fire: After the love is gone,
    2. Prince: The most beautiful girl in the world
    3. Whitney Houston: I will always love you
    4. Madonna: Take a bow
    5. Billy Ocean: Rose
    6. Anita baker: Missing you
    7. Gregory Hynde:
    8. Sheryl Crow: Soaking up the sun
    9. Gladys Knight: License to kill
    10. Gladys Knight: End of the Road

    Prince: The most beautiful girl in the world:1994: Lyrics and Video

    My two choices from the aforementioned is Prince: “Could you be” and “License to kill,” by Gladys Knight

    This song is extremely topical especially since fans of the Bond franchise can’t wait for “No time to die,” to debut.

    I’m rereading all the Ian Fleming novels.

    My list in order of importance of the novels is as follows:

    1. Thunderball,
    2. On her majesties secret service,
    3. Dr No,
    4. Casino Royale
    5. From Russia, with Love
    6. Goldfinger
    7. You Only Live Twice
    8. Diamonds are forever

    With “On her majesties secret service I actually went to Switzerland through the eyes of Bond. I enjoyed exquisite and exotic meals .

    I felt the true love between Bond and Tracey. “We have all the time in the world.”

    I didn’t enjoy The Man with the golden gun: I thought that it was very poorly written. The movie was great. Also at the bottom of my list is Moonraker. Again the movie was excellent but not the book.

    No innuendo here but this is so relevant to South Africa that it would be remiss of me not to mention it. Jeffrey Deaver, one of my favorite authors wrote Carte Blanche in 2011. He was one of the authors commissioned to write a Bond novel.

    It is relevant because it is set in South Africa!!!!

    And guess what???

    James Bond goes to an informal settlement in Primrose Cape Town to rescue a “pure hearted man,”!!!!!!!!!

    Sometimes the one who is marketed as the villain is in actual fact the victim. The true villain wants to murder this "pure-hearted man," he has a hidden agenda!

    So he reasons that because there is a perception that things are generally dangerous in informal settlements, he'll capitalize on this perception and not only murder this "pure-hearted," man but also his family. If this "pure-hearted man," knew of the villains intentions he would have escaped as soon as possible! He trusts the villain as the villain employs him as a factory worker. Bond is aware of this plot. He goes to this informal settlement and saves the life of this person and his family just in the nick of time!

    I recall being so proud reading this novel. I wonder when they’ll make a movie out of it. This is a must read for all South African Bond fans. It's set in South Africa after all.

    Here's an extract from On her majesties secret service

    [QUOTE] The novel was first published in 1963 by Jonathan Cape
    I think we all know how it ends

    “I do,”James Bond said the words at ten-thirty in the morning of a crystal-clear
    New Year’s Day in the British Consul General’s drawing-room.
    And he meant them.
    Tracy, who had elected to ‘go away’ in a dark-grey Tyroler outfit with
    the traditional dark-green trimmings and stag’s-horn buttons, threw her
    saucy mountaineer’s hat with its gay chamois’ beard cockade into the back
    seat, climbed in, and pressed the starter. The engine purred and then roared
    softly as she went through the gears down the empty street. They both
    waved one hand out of a window and Bond, looking back, saw Marc-Ange’s
    ‘cylindre’ whirling up into the air. There was a small flutter of answering
    hands from the pavement and then they were round the corner and away.
    When they found the Autobahn exit for Salzburg and Kufstein, Bond
    said, ‘Be an angel and pull in to the side, Tracy. I’ve got two things to do.’
    She pulled in on to the grass verge. The brown grass of winter showed
    through the thin snow. Bond reached for her and took her in his arms. He
    kissed her tenderly. ‘That’s the first thing, and I just wanted to say that I’ll
    look after you, Tracy. Will you mind being looked after?’
    She held him away from her and looked at him. She smiled. Her eyes
    were introspective. ‘That’s what it means being Mr and Mrs, doesn’t it?
    They don’t say Mrs and Mr. But you need looking after too. Let’s just look
    after each other.
    ‘All right. But I’d rather have my job than yours. Now. I simply must get
    out and take down those ribbons. I can’t stand looking like a coronation.
    D’you mind?’
    She laughed. ‘You like being anonymous. I want everyone to cheer as
    we go by. I know you’re going to have this car sprayed grey or black as soon
    as you get a chance. That’s all right. But nothing’s going to stop me wearing
    you like a flag from now on. Will you sometimes feel like wearing me like a
    ‘On all holidays and feast days.’ Bond got out and removed the ribbons.
    He looked up at the cloudless sky. The sun felt warm on his face. He said,
    ‘Do you think we’d be too cold if we took the roof down?’
    ‘No, let’s. We can only see half the world with it up. And it’s a lovely
    drive from here to Kitzbühel. We can always put it up again if we want to.’
    Bond unscrewed the two butterfly nuts and folded the canvas top back
    behind the seats. He had a look up and down the Autobahn. These was
    plenty of traffic. At the big Shell station on the roundabout they had just
    passed, his eye was caught by a bright-red open Maserati being tanked up.
    Fast job. And a typical sporty couple, a man and a woman in the driving-seat
    —white dust-coats and linen helmets buttoned under the chin. Big darkgreen
    talc goggles that obscured most of the rest of the faces. Usual German
    speedsters’ uniform. Too far away to see if they were good-looking enough
    for the car, but the silhouette of the woman wasn’t promising. Bond got in
    beside Tracy and they set off again down the beautifully landscaped road.
    They didn’t talk much. Tracy kept at about eighty and there was windroar.
    That was the trouble about open cars. Bond glanced at his watch. 11.45.
    They would get to Kufstein at about one. There was a splendid Gasthaus up
    the winding streets towards the great castle. Here was a tiny lane of pleasure,
    full of the heart-plucking whine of zither music and the gentle melancholy
    of Tyrolean yodellers. It was here that the German tourist traditionally
    stopped after his day’s outing into cheap Austria, just outside the German
    frontier, for a last giant meal of Austrian food and wine. Bond put his mouth
    up close to Tracy’s ear and told her about it and about the other attraction at
    Kufstein—the most imaginative war memorial, for the 1914-18 war, ever
    devised. Punctually at midday every day, the windows of the castle are
    thrown open and a voluntary is played on the great organ inside. It can be
    heard for kilometres down the valley between the giant mountain ranges for
    which Kufstein provides the gateway. ‘But we shall miss it. It’s coming up
    for twelve now.’
    ‘Never mind,’ said Tracy, ‘I’ll make do with the zithers while you guzzle
    your beer and schnapps.’ She turned in to the right-hand fork leading to the
    underpass for Kufstein, and they were at once through Rosenheim and the
    great white peaks were immediately ahead.
    The traffic was much sparser now and there were kilometres where
    theirs was the only car on the road that arrowed away between white
    meadows and larch copses, towards the glittering barrier where blood had
    been shed between warring armies for centuries. Bond glanced behind him.
    Miles away down the great highway was a speck of red. The Maserati? They
    certainly hadn’t got much competitive spirit if they couldn’t catch the Lancia
    at eighty! No good having a car like that if you didn’t drive it so as to lose
    all other traffic in your mirror. Perhaps he was doing them an injustice.
    Perhaps they too only wanted to motor quietly along and enjoy the day.
    Ten minutes later, Tracy said, ‘There’s a red car coming up fast behind.
    Do you want me to lose him?’
    No,’ said Bond. ‘Let him go. We’ve got all the time in the world.’
    Now he could hear the rasping whine of the eight cylinders. He leaned
    over to the left and jerked a laconic thumb forwards, waving the Maserati
    The whine changed to a shattering roar. The wind-screen of the Lancia
    disappeared as if hit by a monster fist. Bond caught a glimpse of a taut,
    snarling mouth under a syphilitic nose, the flash-eliminator of some
    automatic gun being withdrawn, and then the red car was past and the
    Lancia was going like hell off the verge across a stretch of snow and
    smashing a path through a young copse. Then Bond’s head crashed into the
    wind-screen frame and he was out.
    When he came to, a man in the khaki uniform of the Autobahn Patrol
    was shaking him. The young face was stark with horror. ‘Was ist denn
    geschehen? Was ist denn geschehen?’
    Bond turned towards Tracy. She was lying forward with her face buried
    in the ruins of the steering-wheel. Her pink handkerchief had come off and
    the bell of golden hair hung down and hid her face. Bond put his arm round
    her shoulders, across which the dark patches had begun to flower.
    He pressed her against him. He looked up at the young man and smiled
    his reassurance.
    ‘It’s all right,’ he said in a clear voice as if explaining something to a
    child. ‘It’s quite all right. She’s having a rest. We’ll be going on soon.
    There’s no hurry. You see—’ Bond’s head sank down against hers and he
    whispered into her hair‘you see, we’ve got all the time in the world.’
    The young patrolman took a last scared look at he motionless couple,
    hurried over to his motor cycle, picked up the hand-microphone, and began
    talking urgently to the rescue headquarters.



    [1] Fleming Ian on her majesties secret service (Distributed Proofreaders Canada team at
    http://www.pgdpcanada.net 2018)Pages 193-195.

    Prince: The most beautiful girl in the world:1994:Lyrics and video

    Could you be the most beautiful girl in the world?
    It's plain to see you're the reason that God made a girl

    [Verse 1]
    When the day turns into the last day of all time
    I can say I hope you are in these arms of mine
    And when the night falls before that day I will cry
    I will cry tears of joy cuz after you all one can do is die, oh

    Could you be the most beautiful girl in the world?
    Could you be?
    It's plain to see you're the reason that God made a girl
    Oh, yes you are

    [Verse 2]
    How can I get through days when I can't get through hours?
    I can try but when I do I see you and I'm devoured, oh yes
    Who'd allow, who'd allow a face to be soft as a flower?
    Oh, I could bow (bow down) and feel proud in the light of this power
    Oh yes, oh

    Could you be the most beautiful girl in the world?
    Could you be?
    It's plain to see you're the reason that God made a girl
    Oh, yes you are

    And if the stars ever fell one by one from the sky
    I know Mars could not be, uh, too far behind
    'Cause baby, this kind of beauty has got no reason to ever be shy
    'Cause honey, this kind of beauty is the kind that comes from inside

    Could you be (could you be) the most beautiful girl in the world?
    So beautiful, beautiful
    It's plain to see (plain to see) you're the reason that God made a girl

    Oh yeah! (Oh, yes you are)
    Girl (Could you be?)
    You must be ... oh yeah!
    (Could you be?)
    You're the reason... oh yeah
    Video source[1]

    Gladys Knight: License to kill: 1989: Lyrics and video

    I got a licence to kill
    (To kill)
    And you know I'm going straight for your heart
    (Got a licence to kill)
    Got a licence to kill
    (To kill)
    Anyone who tries to tear us apart
    (Got a licence to kill)
    License to kill

    [Verse 2]
    Hey baby, think you need a friend to stand here by your side?
    Yes you do
    (Your side)
    Ohh, baby, now you can depend on me to make things right
    (Things right)
    Please don't bet that you'll ever escape me
    Once I get my sights on you

    I got a licence to kill
    (To kill)
    And you know I'm going straight for your heart
    (Got a licence to kill)
    Got a licence to kill
    (To kill)
    Anyone who tries to tear us apart
    (Got a licence to kill)

    Got a licence to kill
    (To kill)
    And you know I'm going straight for your heart
    (Got a licence to kill)
    Got a licence to kill
    (To kill)
    Anyone who tries to tear us apart
    (Got a licence to kill)

    Say that somebody tries to make a move on you
    In the blink of an eye, I will be there too
    And they better know why I'm gonna make them 'em pay
    'Til their dying day
    'Til their dying day
    'Til their dying day

    Got a licence to kill
    (To kill)
    And you know I'm going straight for your heart, baby
    (Got a licence to kill)
    Got a licence to kill
    Anyone who tries to tear us apart
    (Got a licence to kill)

    I got a licence to kill
    (To kill)
    And you know I'm heading straight for your heart
    (Got a licence to kill)
    Got a licence to kill
    Anyone who tries to tear us apart
    (Got a licence to kill)

    Licence to kill
    Gotta hold onto your loving
    Licence to kill
    Ooh, kill

    [1] Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFtfrd8_K9k (date of use: 1 March 2021).
    Last edited by Citizen X; 01-Mar-21 at 03:37 PM.
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  10. #1750
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Captain X’s log star date 2 March 2021

    I’ll a bizarre thing with you! I saw a really lovely lady today. In fact, I noticed her from the very first time I seen her in 2019. She reminds me very much of a really phenomenal lady. Her eyes.
    I saw her this morning on one of my many walks. I wanted to pay her a compliment. Simply to say you remind about someone. I applied simple logic to this scenario. It can’t her.

    First dance: In the still of the night

    I suppose that music has left an indelible mark on me. I always have many songs in my mind.

    This is what came to mind this morning:

    1. Avril Lavigne: Complicated
    2. Isn’t she lovely: Stevie Wonder,
    3. And I love her: Beatles
    4. Something about you: New radicals
    5. Huey Lewis: Stuck with you
    6. Lionel Richie Truly
    7. Madonna: get into the groove
    8. Alanis Morisette: Ironic
    9. Madness: It must be love
    10. Wings: Silly little love song
    11. Shadows: Cosy

    From this list my choice today is :

    Cosy by the Shadows, from the album “Out of the shadows.”

    The Shadows:Cosy:1962: Video

    By Source, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=32228666
    Album cover source[1]
    Video source[2]

    [1] Wikipedia: By Source, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=32228666 (date of use 2 March 2021).

    [2] Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlRn...eload=101(date of use 2 March 2021).
    “Ubuntu is the essence of being humane" Desmond Tutu
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