There is now a company which is a reseller,, unfortunately they don't stock iphone 5 products nor ipad mini product, much good that is.

Something to be aware of if you decide to use a water proof cover for your electronic device, the water proof cover company will NOT repair or replace the device you use in the cover even if it fails after the first day, they will replace the cover but not the device, even if it is an original, just something to think about before putting a R10 000 - R15 000 device into a waterproof housing and taking a dip.

Something else to consider, the call centre will respond to you claim within 3 DAYS due to the high call rate...eeeeeish, need I say anymore.

So what do I take away from this terrible experience, if you plan on using your electronic device for extreme experiences, be prepared to waste a lot of money or use the correct device designed for the application, ie don't use an iphone 5 when you go diving or riding your bike...rather get a go pro which at least replaces the unit when they fail, which by the way seems to be common especially with the go pro hero 2, but at least they replace the units if with in the warranty period.