I have a predisposition towards historical, psychological and philosophical literature. My interest lies in the human condition, a condition brought to light most advantageously through the above. Philosophy is a concluding agent, conclusions based on our self/history/science (An active depository). Metaphysics is the top tier of knowledge, always unknowable. Our ultimate conclusions lay on a bi-polar scale (Right-Wrong) with a somewhat consensual medium and an unknowable centre point layered with multiple dimensions, consensus is possible but objectivity and ultimate truth is not. Subjective thought and speculation are our tools to probe objectivity and come to tentative conclusions – about existence.
We are naturally inclined to believe we have the most plausible conclusions because we are the current-modern reflectors, however history relentlessly changes the possibilities whilst alive, after life it will produce the unthinkable. Science fiction becomes reality.
We speculate about our existence, an existence we will probably never understand. Then comes the question of religion. Personally I don’t prescribe to a formal religion (I was brought up in formal religion). I feel a sense of something being responsible somewhere along the line, however I keep a small compartmentalised section open for the possibility of “no big plan” – accidental existence. This dichotomy is only possible because I know I will never know, so I hedge my bets.
As a matter of prudence the big questions are superseded by important pursuits and questions. Stripping printers – practicalities of life...the physical...survival...the day to day. Animal and man, man-animal trying to survive in its habitat.
We are smart animals, the only animal to question its existence...gifted, but an animal nun the less
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