Even better, have a special thread dedicated to whinging and whining about how unfair life is. About how one has no choices, no control and no responsibility for ones own lot in life. One could also talk about how terrible government / schooling / education / employers / labour brokers / HR consultants / men / women / ag sommer alles... is. One could then add an ancillary discussion about how terrible all the participants taking part in the discussion are, how insensitive they are and how stupid they are. The ancillary discussion should only focus on the individuals and on nothing else.

We could also have treads dedicated to agreeing with whatever the "master plan" is:

(The rant at hijacking of SA's new school education system thread?
People start a thread, hoping to extract good ideas & engage others of like mind in doing so.)

I mean really, why would one want to hear views that are different to the "master plan" view. Lets all agree to whatever is said and not think about other sides of the coin. We could design a rocket ship to go to Saturn while we're at it and not worry to much about real world issues.

Aye, I'm game, let's go for it, I'll tie one hand behind my back and stand on one leg while we all "agree and chant around the bonfire" ...oh sorry..."debate"