Thank you for the thorough answer Vanash. We already have all the legal documents, and already completed all of them. I just wanted to make sure of the proceedings in taking them to court, and where should I get the case number from, or should I leave that blank.
This was one of the reasons our company decided to purchase the bad debt, taking all risks, instead of acting on behalf of our clients.

You have definitely helped me a great deal.

On the note of the law being unequal, we are aware of it, and we are not your traditional debt collectors, as we take in consideration why the debtor failed to pay his / her account(s). We are also not issuing Emolument orders or garnishee orders against anyone. The only time we want to go this extreme route is if the debtor has all the means to pay for the debt, but they have the attitude that they will not pay for it, because they were charged more than what they think it is worth, as per one statement received from a debtor.

Kind Regards