
Yes, I agree. One must make a profit. The question is how much ? This differs from person to person. We are all different with different needs and passions. Some passions and wants cost plenty, others not. Each one is different.

Another factor is the distance one has already travelled along that road called life. My expectations and goals 40 years ago were a lot different to what they are now.

Then, I was working towards owning a house. No more the case. Then, I had to drive the latest shiniest car. No more the case. I now find myself in the comfort zone of not having to have those "keeping up with the jones" items, that force one to maximise profits, no matter what.

For most people, the further one has travelled along that life road, the more one realises that small acts of kindness, which need not cost loads of money, become the most important part of one's existance. That is where I presently find myself and boy o boy, is it good or what ?

Anyway, that's what makes this forum such a lekker place. To be able to debate these things, hear other peoples points of view and above all, to try and be of assistance to others.

Have a super evening.