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Thread: Compound Growth - R3k into R3m

  1. #1
    Silver Member Norri's Avatar
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    Compound Growth - R3k into R3m

    This is a crazy post because most people won't believe that it's possible and, quite frankly, I haven't done it yet so I can't prove that it is. But I'm going to share my crazy idea with you nonetheless.

    Ivan (my brother-in-law) and I run Spot on Forex. Our product is basically a forex-based trading plan. I could say, "We sell forex signals", but that would be lying, it's more than that. We basically help you make money every month using forex. We do that by setting goals and stopping trading when we reach them. So, for example, this month we reached our target for the month in 3 days. (No jokes, check it out here) As a result, our members have stopped trading and only a small handful are trading based on opportunities that Ivan spots. For everyone else, it's back to work as usual until next month!

    Before we started trading like this, our members weren't making so much money because they never had specific goals to work towards and, just like they say in those gambling ads, "Winners know when to quit." You need to know when to walk away.

    So my point here is simple, since we started working towards a goal and then stopping trading once we reached it, we've all been very profitable. To the degree that we can expect to turn R3,000 into R4,000 in a month's trading. That's not too shabby by my standards.

    However, this is where it gets a bit crazy...

    I decided to see what would be possible if you started with R3,000 and NEVER DREW a SINGLE PENNY in 3 years. This is know as compound growth and, provided you can predictably and consistently achieve the same level of growth each month (29% - 33%), you're looking at making some really SILLY money.

    The trouble is that most people cave in and grab their money once they get to R10k or whatever amount of money it is that they need to solve their short-term worries. That's been my story for the past 2 years! Until early August this year, I'd never even had a savings account. Luckily I changed that! Moving on...

    I did some calculations and, if you stick to the plan, then imagine having R 28,731,005.51 sitting in your account by month 36. Not too shabby eh?

    The thing is, I'm not the kind of guy that likes taking risks. So I changed my calculations a bit and decided to pay myself back my R3,000 as soon as I'd doubled my money. That usually happens around month 3 or 4.

    So, if you take your original investment back after your third or fourth month trading, tell me, how does R 11,465,813.81 sound to you in month 36?

    I don't know about you but I'd even take R1,000,000 in my account!

    I've made my spreadsheet downloadable for you over here. Check it out and play with the initial investment and monthly percentage but don't go over 33%. That's just being greedy

    There are only 2 fields you need to edit, your initial investment and the percentage you expect to earn each month. Which reminds me, I've been working this all out on 29% growth, NOT the 33% best-case scenario.

    As long as you don't touch your account (AFTER withdrawing your initial investment, mind you!) you stand to make a LOT of money with this plan.

    I can't guarantee a single thing! I won't promise you riches, retirement or anything at all. All I CAN say is that I'm doing this (starting from January because I'm saving up to start with R10,000) because I believe in our system and I've seen it work for others (Ivan and our members). I always told myself I'd invest properly when I had more money but I only realised recently that you have to start with what you have right now and put it away! Enough about me...

    If you'd like to try this out for yourself, please do! You can sign up for our signals (R267 p/m) here or for our 2-week trial (R10 once-off, no rebills unless you subscribe!) here.

    If you have questions, post them on our forum here so either me or Ivan can respond.

    What's next?

    I'm not asking you to sign up, I just wanted to share my idea with you but, if you like it, hey sign up
    Norio De Sousa - (Cheap web hosting & website builder)
    Maxiware CC Reg no. 2000/048244/23 (Maxiware CC)

  2. #2
    Silver Member Norri's Avatar
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    A coupla people over on MyGenius asked some questions so I'm posting the answers here for anyone who might be quitely wondering the same things...

    Thanks for all the replies everyone

    I'm going to answer all your questions here and send a copy of these answers to the email addresses of everyone who asked me to message them.

    1. YOU do all the investing. We send you a daily email (at around 8am) with our suggested trades. You have to enter them in good time or you may miss opportunities. However, if a lot of our members miss a trade, we don't count it towards the monthly total. We do our best to make it possible for everyone to enjoy trading with us.

    2. We normally do light-trading once we've hit out targets. We're very conservative and never OVER-trade as personal experience has taught us (Ivan, especially) that it can get dangerous. So once we hit out targets for a month, you can expect a few surefire trades here and there but you have to specifically ask to be included in those emails once target has been hit.

    3. The 29%-33% return is before our fees. Paying R267 per month for 3 years equates to a total of R9,700. You should make all that back (and then some) within your first few months trading with us but, of course, no guarantees. Your best bet is to give it a shot and see how you do over 3-6 months and decide for yourself if the figures work out.

    Remember: Forex can be risky. We try to make it less risky or not risky at all but it's an incredibly fluid market to trade in. You could find yourself winning big OR losing big on any particular trade. As long as you're winning on average (month-to-month), you'll do well but the secret to that is sticking to your goals!

    This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. If you approach Forex like that, you might as well gamble, the end-result is the same!
    Norio De Sousa - (Cheap web hosting & website builder)
    Maxiware CC Reg no. 2000/048244/23 (Maxiware CC)

  3. #3
    Silver Member Norri's Avatar
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    Just a reminder that a new month of trading is starting next week Wednesday. If you'd like to try us out, please go to for the 2-week trial or for full membership.
    Norio De Sousa - (Cheap web hosting & website builder)
    Maxiware CC Reg no. 2000/048244/23 (Maxiware CC)

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Norri. Given the current market instability, how reliable is a stable market model going to be at picking up buying signals? I can't help thinking the risk of being blindsided is much higher than usual.

  5. #5
    Silver Member Norri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    Norri. Given the current market instability, how reliable is a stable market model going to be at picking up buying signals? I can't help thinking the risk of being blindsided is much higher than usual.
    It's quite different with Forex, Dave. We actually make MORE money with unstable markets than extremely stable ones. We NEED volatility to make money which is why our trades usually get executed and reach their targets in the morning (CAT), because that's when other markets across the world are most active.

    Forex is different to trading shares. Here's how one of our members put it in a testimonial to us...

    I love trading forex as it has all the advantages of ordinary share trading and none of the disadvantages - no waiting for willing buyer when you want to sell, no brokerage fees etc - I LOVE Forex!
    Norio De Sousa - (Cheap web hosting & website builder)
    Maxiware CC Reg no. 2000/048244/23 (Maxiware CC)

  6. #6
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    But surely size of movement isn't the main factor here. You need to be able to predict the direction of the move and at the moment that looks a bit closer to playing poker with a whole pile of wildcards in the deck.

  7. #7
    Silver Member Vincent's Avatar
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    I have a problem with all these "telephone" figures that are been bantered about. To me this seems like another type of Internet Multi-Level Marketing scheme. If profits are so are so "easily" available, Why don't Warren Buffet, George Soros and Company buy into these/your schemes?

    Forex is a Zero Sum Game. This implies where one person makes money another loses, except the "broker" where there are fees, which are disguised under a variety of names, plus maybe transaction costs, which are usually subtracted from all traders, which technically makes Forex a "negative sum" game.

    According to the North American Securities Administrators Association, "... forex trading by retail investors is at best extremely risky, and at worst, outright fraud."

    While the US Commodity Futures trading Commission,reports, “In a typical case, investors may be promised tens of thousands of dollars in profits in just a few weeks or months, with an initial investment of only $5,000. Often, the investor’s money is never actually placed in the market through a legitimate dealer, but simply diverted – stolen – for the personal benefit of the con artists."

    Norri, I'm not implying or even suggesting that you and your brother-in-law are doing anything illegitimate or unlawful, but I seriously doubt if the figures quoted are so easily achievable. (I'm sure you have heard the old adage "If it's sound too good to be true, if probably is')

    According to the New York Times, "The average individual foreign-exchange-trading victim loses about $15,000, according to CFTC(Commodity Futures Trading Commission) records"

    Basically you are saying that you can beat the market, (which goes against, The Efficient Market Theory) by the information you supplyand yet many experienced, well-seasoned professional traders, who do it 24/7 can't succeed consistently, and who have access to substantial more information.

    Or maybe I missed the whole point - just my thoughts.
    Vincent Marino
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  8. #8
    Silver Member Norri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent View Post
    I have a problem with all these "telephone" figures that are been bantered about. To me this seems like another type of Internet Multi-Level Marketing scheme. If profits are so are so "easily" available, Why don't Warren Buffet, George Soros and Company buy into these/your schemes?
    Vincent, I'm personally going to trade this 3-year plan and post my bank statements here for everyone to see. If I fail, I fail, but I'm basing this on actual past results.

    Yes, we've had losing months but they're not featuring much any more because we limit ourselves to specific goals and STOP when we reach them or come close. Trading Forex without goals IS gambling and we've seen the losses with our own eyes. The idea is to know when to stop.

    Why isn't Warren Buffet doing this? Coz he has something else that works just fine. And for the same reason that if someone found a way to make billions washing cars, I wouldn't do it - because I don't want to.

    Make no mistake, forex is risky. So is running your own business. 9 out 10 fail within the first 10 years. But if you can find a way to succeed by doing things right, why not do it?

    Norri, I'm not implying or even suggesting that you and your brother-in-law are doing anything illegitimate or unlawful, but I seriously doubt if the figures quoted are so easily achievable. (I'm sure you have heard the old adage "If it's sound too good to be true, if probably is')
    We have an audio testimonial up at where one of our members talks about banking $4,000 in one month of trading with us. I've SEEN the results. It is possible but you won't make a million in a month. Not unless you have 3 million to start with. Do you see what I'm saying here?

    Basically you are saying that you can beat the market, (which goes against, The Efficient Market Theory) by the information you supplyand yet many experienced, well-seasoned professional traders, who do it 24/7 can't succeed consistently, and who have access to substantial more information.
    We're not talking about beating the market, we're talking about buying and selling at the right time. Ivan (the trading genius, not me) wakes up at 2am every morning and studies the markets before sending signals at 8am. Today, there weren't any good trades, so we didn't trade. It's not beating the market, it's trading.

    Or maybe I missed the whole point - just my thoughts.
    Sheesh, slow down Mr. We are not the enemy. Try us for 3 months, free, and then post your results here.
    Norio De Sousa - (Cheap web hosting & website builder)
    Maxiware CC Reg no. 2000/048244/23 (Maxiware CC)

  9. #9
    Silver Member Norri's Avatar
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    "The stock market is a financial redistribution system. It takes money away from those who have no patience and gives it to those who have." - Warren Buffet

    And that's how I see Forex. Sure, you can turn $1,000 into $3,000 in a single day with a lucky trade, but you can also turn it into -$3,000 with a stupid trade. The trick is in being patient and working towards an intelligent, realistic goal.

    Having said that, I agree that my spreadsheet looks ludicrous but even if I'm off by a few million, it's still a helluva lot better than nothing and it's the reward you get for not withdrawing after you make your first R10k.
    Norio De Sousa - (Cheap web hosting & website builder)
    Maxiware CC Reg no. 2000/048244/23 (Maxiware CC)

  10. #10
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    Smile Look forward to being of assistance

    Hello Dave, Vincent and the rest of the Forum SA members,

    Norri (Norio) has asked me to get involved here to answer questions that he might get stuck on and give more feedback or answer the more technical questions if need be.

    I will try and so to the best of my knowledge and I hope that I can answer all the questions all clearly as possible, but if I do get sidetracked or something doesn’t make sense, please don’t be afraid to ask and ask again until its clear.

    The biggest obstacle we find, is that new interested parties are scared of asking questions of something that they don’t understand and that is where we find that they don’t fully understand the value of what we are offering, so ask away until you blue in the face. If we don’t ask, we will never know.

    What we are offering you is a simple, profitable way to benefit from the Forex Markets. Plain and simply put there is no shortcut to this. What we do works and will continue to do so in the future.

    Most importantly please, please, please and always remember that Trading Forex is not about the daily results but the overall profits over a period of time and together, all our goals can easily be achieved. Wanting more will just make you panic and give you unnecessary, stress, panic, headaches and who knows what else in the middle and for greed of wanting more, you could end up with so much less.

    You will be successful in dealing in the Forex Markets with us, and we will work with you every step of the way to ensure so but many new Trades make the mistake of going to large to soon in hopes of “quick” riches and blowing their accounts because of greed.

    Sorry for the rudeness but believe me, I have made every possible mistake that there was in relation to Trading in the Forex Markets and it has taken a lot of time, sweat, tears and countless amounts of money thrown away to get where we are now so I will never advice you on something that is not going to work for you.

    I am sure there will be plenty of questions and different opinions and we welcome it all. We are always looking to improve our service to you, and anything that you would like to tell us would be welcomed. Good or bad we want to hear it all.

    Look forward to being of assistance.

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