no cheque card...

not me dave ...i use cash onlyfor a while now...killed all my credit cards ...saving huge.

and not spending money i dont have anymore.

i also hide my money under my bed now..i just cant afford to pay for eveyones aids...water and electricity bills fancy cars...houses entertainment etc anymore...started my own survive...i will leave the countries debt and expenses for you fellas who can afford to support the countries needs...the way things are going... looks like me and a couple of my nieghbours will also be joining the ques for child grants food parcels etc...and this is not a joke by the way...

i havent had electricity in my house since january and my water has been cut for a while now...the joke is i cant even buy electricity to get my free electricty because they wont let me put in a prepaid meter until i pay the bill in full then pay another R1500 to fit a prepaid meter.

been in to discuss a payment plan...but they want a R12000 deposit before they will even consider a payment plan...and another joke is even if i had a pre paid meter if i purchase electricity and my rates are behind they just deduct when you try load it it is empty.

lucky for me as someone mentioned i am a pro...boy and learning to survive at what ever the cost....i have a family to support and will do "WHATEVER" and i mean anything it takes to keep food on the table and hot water for my kids to bath...