Mbeki did not serve time at Robben Island like the other ANC Comrades, instead he was having a Good time in London, where he made contacts with the Elite to hand over the Country's Resources when becoming President of South Africa.

First thing ZUMA must do is to Nationlise the Kwa Zulu Natal Sagarfields, where the Hulett Tongaat Group from London, is selling off the Sugar Fields, which they stole for 1 Pound, they are cutting-up these Sugar Fields and selling them for R1 Million for 700sq.mts. Imagine what Huge Looting is going on and this Money is Going straight to the London Stock Exchange. It's time to Stop these Economic Thugs from Exploiting South Africa.Only Whites can afford to buy these Properties, because they sold their Old Apartheid Houses to buy the New Apartheid Houses.

The Corporate World will definately not love Zuma, because he is for the People, while Mbeki was for the Elite, at the Expence of the People. Cape Town is now owned by Foreigners who
purchased Property (CHEAP) for their taste, but out of Reach for the Average South African, thereby triggering unrealistic hiked Property Prices, which only the Banks can Benefit. The Housing Market has Reached it's Peak, the Interest Rates Trap is set, 2008 will see a Housing Slump, Default on Mortgage Payments and Banks Repossessing Houses. Mbeki Enslaved South Africans to Foreign Banks, that's Treason, he allowed this to happen, in the name of Progress.

Mbeki's Minister of Trade (BIG EARS ERWIN) convinced Mbeki that Importing all our Products
from China will create plenty of Jobs in South Africa. Since Mbeki, 80% of South Africa's
Clothing industry closed down. What they did not tell us is that with Every Container from China, comes a small Box of Heroin, which makes the Price of the Goods in the Container ZERO.

Mbeki made sure he filled his "Inner-Circle" in Office with Thugs who really knew how to
steal the Milk from the Tea, that really takes SKILL. Looting is a SKILL. When the Mbeki
Camp Loots, they don't share this with the People. Crime became a Trademark in South Africa
because Mbeki was too busy setting an example, that Crime is a Business Venture.