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Thread: District 9 Movie-Technical efects

  1. #1
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    District 9 Movie-Technical efects

    This is the first movie,coming from our shores,with special effects only seen in Hollywood movies. Yes, I understand that Hollywood(Tristar) was somehow involved, but so were many South African Animators and special effects gurus.

    Even more baffling is how Carlton Centre was recreated and no one in the city noticed. My office is located directly opposite the Carlton. I work 6days a week, and save for the minor hiccups in Oct/ Nov last year, I did not notice the "bomb" at the Carlton or the street action scenes.

    Suspect that all of it was created in a studio.
    Still excellent. Action is superb, storyline great and the movie is breaking box office sales, worldwide!
    Sean Goss We all are scared, but only few are brave.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    It certainly seems to be getting some good reviews for challenging xenophobia related paradigms. Would you rate it as a "must see," Sean?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    It certainly seems to be getting some good reviews for challenging xenophobia related paradigms. Would you rate it as a "must see," Sean?
    Absolutely! I know South Africans tend to be over critical of "their own movies", but this is the first local movie earmarked for the international market using only local actors.

    And it evoked memories of our conflict ridden past, as well as current ethnic issues, only difference was that the victims are the aliens. In the same vein as we are proponents of "buying local. I suggest we put our money where are mouths are and support a local movie.

    Can go into the "conspiritorial aspects" as well...but will rather not
    Sean Goss We all are scared, but only few are brave.

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    Go on we know.


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    Are our forum members ready for the information and evidence in the public domain that Aliens(from the outer space variety)do indeed exist? I doubt . Hence my fascination with the movie.

    Remember, Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
    Sean Goss We all are scared, but only few are brave.

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    Heavy stuff, but I thought I can share.

    Karmapolis Interview with John Lash
    French version
    Recently, our brilliant colleagues, Malou and Gerry Zeitlin of, put us in touch with, a site that explores anomalies, theories of conspiracy, and beliefs concerning alternative realities. Alain Gossens, who operates the site with his partner Bruno Michelet, lives in Brussels, and so we were able to meet and talk about mutual interests. The result was a three-part collaboration with articles by Alain on alien predation, and by myself, on Gnostic parallels to Castenada, published simultaneously in English and French.
    Karmapolis: We have been discussing the idea that a parasite exists and rules our mind. How can we demonstrate to our readership that this parasite exists and that the idea of “mental infection” is not delusional ?

    JLL: Like an infection, the mental parasite would be detected by its symptoms. Malaria, for instance, produces violent symptoms caused by a foreign entity that invades the body. To think clearly about the parasites, we must consider that certain behavior, and certain forms of thinking, in particular religious ideologies, would be symptomatic of an infection or foreign invasion of the human mind.
    Karmapolis: What is the nature and the origin of this parasite ? Is it a interdimensional intelligence? Is it possible that it takes an organic form?

    JLL: According to the Gnostics, the parasites or Archons, as they called them, originate with the earliest phase of the formation of the solar system, before the Earth coalesced as a planetary organism. Their habitat is the solar system, exclusive of the Earth, moon and sun. They are inorganic forms with intelligence of an electrical nature – cyborgs, as we would say.
    Karmapolis: The Gnostic Texts (Nag Hammadi Codices, NHC) describe the Eons and the Archons. To explain it simply to our readership, what are the differences between the Eons and the Archons ?

    JLL: In Gnostic cosmology, Aeons or Eons are gods, deities, divinities. They are not creator-gods or point entities, however. They are rather like massive alive, aware, currents. They are the forces that form the central core of the galaxy we inhabit, the Pleroma. Archons are an anomalous species of inorganic beings that arise outside the Pleroma, in the limbs or arms of the galaxy. They are called Archons (from Greek archai, “elementary, from the beginning”) because they arise first, before the Earth is formed. Their bodies are formed of elementary matter (quantum fields) in a pre-organic state.
    Karmapolis: Do you think that the flyers described by Castaneda and the Archons of the Gnostics are really the same thing?

    JLL: Yes, I am convinced they are the same.
    Karmapolis: What was the personal event that happened in your life that focussed your attention on the idea that a parasite like the Archons, the flyers or some kind of extraterrestrial entities, affect our perception of the universe?

    JLL: The sense that something distorts our perception has come to me gradually, not triggered by a specific personal event. However, I did have remarkable ("occult") experiences from the age of four, such as lucid dreams in which I encountered magical beings who came to assist or teach me, as well as other beings who attacked me. I have been directly aware of both kinds of intervention since that age.
    Karmapolis: Do you think that some extraterrestrial beings like the Annunaki or the Grays are the incarnations of this parasite, or that those alien beings are more shadowed or possessed (than us) by this parasite, this predatory intelligence?

    JLL: I follow the Gnostic teachings that the primary predatory intelligence facing humanity is the Archontes. I believe that they are identical with the Annunaki and the modern Grays.
    Karmapolis: The Gnostics warned us about this predatory creature: they described the Archons and told us how we can be affected by them. Did the Archons create us? What is the legacy they gave us?

    JLL: The Gnostics taught that the Archons did not create us, but they are caught in a delusion, and they think they are our creators. One of their main goals is to convince us that they created us – in effect, to get us to think as they do. As far as I know, there is no “legacy” we have received from the Archon ETs. They are inferior to us in will and intelligence, though superior in navigational technology for travelling among the planets, in telepathy and techniques of imitation (virtual reality). I believe that the Archons are identical with the “Watchers” of Enoch, entities who are credited with teaching metal-working and cosmetic adornment to humanity. If the Gnostics were correct, the Archon ETs attempt to take credit for imparting certain skills like this to humanity, but the claim is false, I believe. We ourselves have discovered these skills, but forgotten how, so we are susceptible to accept the explanation of a foreign or alien intervention.
    Karmapolis: Do you believe that the Archons can take an organic form to exist? Do you believe for instance that the Archons and the Greys are the same thing?

    JLL: In my understanding, the Archons are an inorganic species. Perhaps silicon and mercury, as Kerner suggests. The Greys are cyborgs, resembling human form – or, to be precise, the form of a premature fetus. Gnostic texts decribe the production of the Archon species as an abortion, hence the form of a premature human body. The Archons are only body, they have no soul. Yes, I am convinced that the Gnostic Archons are identical with modern Greys of the embryonic type. Whitley Streiber
    Last edited by Dave A; 16-Sep-09 at 07:01 PM.

  7. #7
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    Chew on this... We are part of a solar system, and there are billions of solar systems in this Galaxy alone. Then we have billions of Galaxies in the ENTIRE Universe... THIS PLANET IS THE ONLY PLANET SUPPORTING LIFE, IN THIS ENTIRE SPECTRUM....YEAH RIGHT
    Sean Goss We all are scared, but only few are brave.

  8. #8
    Platinum Member Marq's Avatar
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    Hahaaaaa....the source of all the corruption on this world

    Annunaki - Found In Genesis 25:32

    Also known as Jedi, or Nephilim

    Who were the Annunaki? They were the Watchers, Watchmen assigned to earth to watch over Yahweh's Creation in the Garden of Eden and Earth . They were created by God as perfect Angels. These Watchers rebelled against God and their assignment and a mutiny followed as they abandoned their mission to oversee humans and began to defile the women of the earth by having offspring with them. This led to a giant defect in the DNA of the offspring and an eventual almost complete contamination of the human DNA. By the time Yahweh destroyed the world with a flood because of this contamination, only one family on earth was left with pure human DNA. But even after the flood, the Watchers kept revolting and even more were punished and cast out of heaven losing their first estate and habitation, as they continued to defile women and human DNA (Genesis 6:4) This hybridization and corruption of the human DNA is still very much a part of our world although the giant defect has been corrected and most hybridization goes undetected.
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  9. #9
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    Dont get me started on the Annunaki...we will never stop.
    Yes, all major research points to a a race of beings that once ruled the earth. Some say they were aliens others say they were demons, depending on your belief system. The bible talks of "Sons of God"", Elohim or Man of Reknown.

    It does not matter whether you Christian, Atheist or Ufologist, we all are basicly suspecting the same thing,- meddling in our civilization. The Bible Talks of a War in the skies, Ufulogist, about great space upheavals. No matter how skeptical you may be, and it everyones right to question, even the Bible....something is goin on here.

    Staying on the TOPIC of this forum, NO TECHNOLOGY exist today, to rebuild the Pyramids. Advanced technology not from this planet, or dimension was used to construct the Pyramids and other ancient sites.
    Sean Goss We all are scared, but only few are brave.

  10. #10
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    Although this movie was well made and truly something we never had in SA, it simply isn't my cup of tee. I really didn't enjoy it much, but that is because I am not much of a fan for the action journalist type movies, don't know the real name for it, but it is when the camera acts like a person. Besides that I still sat through the movie for some reason expecting an end that made me say great! It just didn't happen. Which also bothered me was the fact that an alien race that was clearly far more superior than us was oppressed and miss treated in the way they were, despite the fact that their fire power and intelligence was far more superior than ours. Can't help it the movie just didn't do it for me.
    Roelof Vermeulen (Entrepreneurship in large organizations)
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