Quote Originally Posted by Blurock View Post
Let's face it, BEE is not going to save our economy and will not uplift Black people as dreamed up by the ANC. BEE is ruining our economy as new investors are looking for opportunities in countries with less restrictions on their money and their business. It is clearly racial discrimination and is polarizing society to the extent that businesses are closing or jobs are being cut.

I can understand the frustration of workers who get paid the minimum, while the top dogs (Black and White) walk away with the loot. How can we justify a CEO of a listed company earning R60 million p.a. and the workers get R6000 pm? (R72k p.a.= 0.12% of R60 mil) Office workers may get R20 - R30k or up to R360k p.a. That is only 0.6% of the CEO's package. This happens in state owned entities as well aka Eskom, Transnet etc. Just look at the inflated packages of snr municipal managers vs workers. Our wage gap is the legacy of English and British colonialism where colonies have been exploited to the maximum. This is unsustainable and leads to discontent and mistrust and may well end in anarchy.

What may work is the Scandinavian socialist/capitalist economic model of social democracy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordic_model
In 2019, all five of the Nordic countries ranked in the top 10 on the World Happiness Report. Clearly, they must be doing something right?

Consider a cap on the wage gap so that the R60 mil of the CEO is also shared by the workforce who are mostly living on the breadline. Should these people earn a better wage, it will increase their buying power and will be a great stimulus to the economy.
Economics teaches us that wealth is created by the flow of money. Money lying idle in the bank is not generating wealth or prosperity, only interest to the holder. This is also seen in China (a communist country) where workers started earning more due to an increase in demand from globalization. Poor workers from rural areas could for the first time buy TV's, fridges and other consumer goods that improved their lives. Today there are many Chinese millionaires benefiting from their communist/capitalist economy, because of increased trade.

Does our govt have the courage to admit that BEE is wrong and is not creating prosperity? Will they consider another economic model?
When will they scrap tribalism and give rural families ownership of their land and their homes. This will give them the opportunity to get loans to educate their children, get access to funding for small business or other entrepreneurial activities. What a boost that would be to our economy.
Excuse my ignorance ... but everyday I skim through complaints about the BBEEE ...the government ...how some rich white people people gave billions and not the blacks ...how white cant feed hungry people ...etc etc etc... and at the same time they say we can only watch and smile... its doesnt help getting angry etc etc ... it makes you wonder about the donations handed over by these rich white people ...what is in it for them... they certainly wouldn't be doing it unless there was something in it for them... the black rich dont have to do anything to get contracts... or fight for land they took when white privilege was a way of life for a minority.

There is no law preventing people supporting small business... or helping other whites who need help....only the greedy selfishness of people who live above their means or have to prove they are better than the Jones.

I hear contractors complaining all the time about bad workmanship ...i do it myself ... until i realised why the workmanship is so bad... you cannot expect a qualified artisan to do the work cheaper than the price of materials.

Customers are the real problem... expecting to get work done at a labourers rate ...but expecting a qualified person with many years experience to actually do the job.

If your quote is R10 000 and the material cost is R8000 and the labour cost is R2000 ...dont squeal like a stuffed pig when the workmanship looks like crap and you have to keep calling the person back to repair the job... you get what you pay.

By the way you forgot to mention the unions... anyone know what the union bosses earn in comparison to the "workers".

Its about time a real union with the workers interest at heart ... simple things like the environment we are expected to work in... the aircon in the office stops working ...they down tools and walk out the building ...real workers are expected to work in environments so uncomfortable that it should be classified as unsafe... fat boy who collects union fees arrives in his aircon BMW and shouts the odds ...tells everyone to strike "no work no pay" while his fee and salary is in the bank month after month.

One day when people stop looking down at the real men in the world who create the 6-7 digit bank accounts for the boss man ...when office staff (overhead) earn twice what a worker (income generator )earns things will start improving.

When you look at how much people are prepared to pay for a person to remove a drain plug from a vehicle or a "technician" with 3 days training in comparison to a qualified artisan with years of training... you start to understand why a labourer is dropped off to do a "hit and run" job.

The whole system is screwed up.