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Thread: Squeeze Page Feedback Plz

  1. #1
    Silver Member Norri's Avatar
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    Squeeze Page Feedback Plz

    The video up at couldn't have come at a better time.

    I used it as a guideline while putting this up:

    Can I please have some feedback on that? What can I do to improve it?

    Keep in mind that I need to keep it short and can't sell it as a get-rich-quick scheme because a) it isn't and b) the guys at facebook advertising don't like that.
    Norio De Sousa - (Cheap web hosting & website builder)
    Maxiware CC Reg no. 2000/048244/23 (Maxiware CC)

  2. #2
    Full Member derrickm's Avatar
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    Hi Norio,

    I'm downloading Frank Kern's video again - my first attempt stopped after 11MB, and I've reached my cap so it'll be a while.

    So.. I don't know what Frank says in the video. I can guess that the pic and the testimonial are part of it. Also the layout - everything above the fold?

    I like the '1-2-3' copy. That seems very much like John Carlton.

    I also like the logo at the bottom, and the favicon.

    My only quibbles are these:

    1. Lack of padding around the text in the gray block makes it look a bit squashed.

    2. I don't know how much I'll be in for after the R10.00 trial.


    Derrick Markotter
    Last edited by duncan drennan; 13-Aug-08 at 02:11 PM.

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Step 1: Get their attention.

    My download "stopped" too - at the start of the close. I wonder if I subcribe the rest of the video will load...

    Online marketing by video sure has got interesting. However, there has to be just a little irony that pitching a simple marketing technique takes all that fill to lead into it
    Here's what I've got
    Here's what it will do for you
    Here's what I want you to do next.
    You've just got to love that guitar

    There's a lot to like about your squeeze page there, Norio. What I really like is the R10 offer. It's easy to go - why bother charging for a trial if the trial is only R10.

    But it's a bit like crossing the rubicon, isn't it? You know you've got a live one as opposed to tyre kickers. And that's a squeeze. "Let's have a little commitment here."
    Last edited by Dave A; 14-Aug-08 at 05:16 AM.

  4. #4
    Silver Member Norri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by derrickm View Post
    I like the '1-2-3' copy. That seems very much like John Carlton.
    Well spotted mate! Carlton gave the tip to Frank. Frank video'd it

    1. Lack of padding around the text in the gray block makes it look a bit squashed.

    2. I don't know how much I'll be in for after the R10.00 trial.
    Agreed! Will fix. Thanks man
    Norio De Sousa - (Cheap web hosting & website builder)
    Maxiware CC Reg no. 2000/048244/23 (Maxiware CC)

  5. #5
    Silver Member Norri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    Online marketing by video sure has got interesting. However, there has to be just a little irony that pitching a simple marketing technique takes all that fill to lead into it
    Frank loves building rapport with people through his videos. Tries to make you feel like he's your friend :P

    There's a lot to like about your squeeze page there, Norio. What I really like is the R10 offer. It's easy to go - why bother charging for a trial if the trial is only R10.

    But it's a bit like crossing the rubicon, isn't it? You know you've got a live one as opposed to tyre kickers. And that's a squeeze. "Let's have a little commitment here."
    Thanks man I think that's the best squeeze page I've ever written and I owe it all to Carlton's tip!

    The R10 trial is, as you figured, a way for us to get rid of tyre-kickers. Free has no value anymore. It also weeds out people who don't have credit cards.

    Since we switched from a free trial to a R10 trial, we've SLASHED the work we do each day and increased our conversion rate. I don't have the figures but it's something to be proud of
    Norio De Sousa - (Cheap web hosting & website builder)
    Maxiware CC Reg no. 2000/048244/23 (Maxiware CC)

  6. #6
    Silver Member Norri's Avatar
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    Before I change anything, I've got a question...

    The monthly cost (if you decide to stick with us after the trial) is R247. Oh and you don't get charged unless you subscribe.

    With that in mind, do you think that letting people know the cost after the trial will help or hurt our mission? (To get more people to try out our service)
    Norio De Sousa - (Cheap web hosting & website builder)
    Maxiware CC Reg no. 2000/048244/23 (Maxiware CC)

  7. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Is there a simple answer to this?

    The whole problem with giving numbers is that how they are received depends on the perspective of the reader. Whether R247 a month is seen as cheap, reasonable or expensive is ultimately pretty subjective. But at least you won't be losing people because they don't know what the cost might be.

    In the same breath, those same people are now making a judgement call without having tried the product. They would be better placed to make an informed decision after they have tried the product.

    But then it is a squeeze page! It's about the close! Make a decision!

    My hunch - As long as the price is available within a click or two, those who must know before they can commit to a R10 purchase will find it. But maybe you need to split test to see which strategy converts better.

  8. #8
    Silver Member Norri's Avatar
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    Totally agree, Dave. It's too tricky. Split testing is the only way.

    Norio De Sousa - (Cheap web hosting & website builder)
    Maxiware CC Reg no. 2000/048244/23 (Maxiware CC)

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