Nothing will change by banning advertising. Bad drivers with bad attitudes should be banned. (and bad law enforcement).

We need a total overhaul of the driver training and licencing system. Learner drivers never go beyond 60 kph and so never learn to drive on the open road where the speed limit is 120. The authorities and driving schools concentrate too much on parking and regulations and too little on driving skills. The objective is to obtain a licence, not to train a driver.

I would propose a system where a minimum number of hours has to be spent on driving skills. Maybe a driving simulator can be used to imitate dangerous situations and accidents so that drivers know what to do in emergencies. Yes, it is costly, but not more than a life.

Some basics: Sun down - lights ON
Rain & mist - lights ON
Keep LEFT - pass right
Keep a safe distance
NO risky passing on white lines, blind rises etc
Give way to drivers entering the free-way and do not stop on the off ramp when you join the free-way. Always be courteous and never lose your temper (I know it is hard!)
Keep BOTH hands on the wheel and not on your cell phone or dangling out the window.
DON'T drink and drive!
Donate blood - you never know when you may need it...