Right now I have to say that most telephonic agreements are taboo this is also true with your medical aid fund. I had the experience with medical aid Discovery. See I had an internal injury I didn’t knew about and when it became bad “suddenly and really unexpectedly” They said sorry you didn’t disclose this injury to us we will not pay for anything and furthermore I was stripped of my medical aid and I may never reapply at Discovery.

Now even the specialist told me that you can walk for years with this condition and never know about it! “It is an internal break of some kind I don’t know the medical term” but anyway they said Discovery was really unreasonable but let’s face it, who has the money to take on Discovery medical aid fund? Also the lady that handled my claim was really intrusive unprofessional and she has no experience in health care at all but even with this in mind I was told by her that I was untruthful “that was after I told her what the specialist told me” and was left to take care of the bills myself.

It is for this reason I actually drove to Johannesburg to hand in my medical examinations report personally! When I re applied for a medical aid. And it is for this reason that I do not do anything on the phone anymore. Because there is this gab that can and will be exploited and you are left on your own with mega bills to pay.