Quote Originally Posted by Dave S View Post
It's a short distance from stealing for need, to becoming a predator, about the length of a gun barrel...

Crime is crime, wether it is petty or pure cold-blooded contemplation.
i totally disagree with you...in swazi land petty thieving is common...they break in and steal material stuff and go...they dont break in rape the women in your house make you watch it them shoot you just because they can.

they dont rob a parent of the motor vehicle at schools then just start shooting randomly just because they can....

they dont rob you while you are sitting in a resturant having dinner with your wife then randomly shoot people just because they can...

as soon as women and children are put in danger....as far as i am concerned thats when they cross over to the line...you steal my car or tv or any material object bad luck to me...i dont blink an eyelid...it is just one of those things...you come in my house to steal my tv while my family is in the house...then you must understand that you have crossed the line...i will protect my family even if it costs me my life...whether you are armed or not...whether you are looking for direction...or thirsty because you are lost...the objective would to protect my family...and until all the men in this country black o white start standing up and protecting thier families from these people...it will just get worse.

i noticed a while back when they tried to break into a car...the person who does the breakin wears a pair of short pants...the only item he had on him was a steel pipe with the sharpened allen key to break the lock and work the ignition...however the people waiting in the car where armed...

you dont worry about him you need to imobilise the people and vehicle they are in then once they are taken care of...the other one breaking into the car has nowhere to go...pepper spray and a baseball bat works because he has a pipe and you have a pipe...so it becomes self defence without more force than required...just make sure every hit counts other wise the judge will ask why he was hit so many times...and if the police havent arrived by the time its all over rather just walk away and go back to bed...they will clean up the mess...and hopefully all the nieghbours will stay hidding in thier houses like they always do...not wanting to get involved...

if you are one of those people who hide behind the curtain and watch while the neighbours are being robbed and dont help or get involved in community policing...shame on you i hope it never happens to you...you cowards...its because of all of you that the crime is out of control...get out of your comfort zone and stop whining about the crime get involved and do something about it...and dont go pimping on people who are trying to do something about it...these people must be treated the way they are treating our families...with extreme force...and as the police commisioner cele says shoot to kill.

this is the worse type of terrorism and i believe the goverment should be using the defence force to bring the situation under control...they hide in amongst us waiting for the right oppitunity to attack..they live in amongst us...they dress like us they look like us...yet they are ruthless when preying on us...killing innocent women and children...or traumatise them to a point of no recovery.

IT IS TIME TO PUT AN END TO IT...save this beutiful country before it is too late.