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Thread: US Federal Reserve Shock 2012 Move Dooms America

  1. #1
    Silver Member Frankincense's Avatar
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    US Federal Reserve Shock 2012 Move Dooms America

    Before reading this:

    (1) note the SARB in the media concerning the fact that it is a private bank with 7 private shareholders.
    (2) over a year ago I posted this:

    I will say it again...the banks are here to chip your families....have fun!!!

    Today at 8:49pm
    By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

    A grim report given to President Medvedev today by Finance Minister of the Russian Federation Alexei Kudrin is stating that the private European banking conglomerate known as the United States Federal Reserve System, that basically rules over the finances of America, has given a “shock warning” to President Obama that they do not intend to renew the charter granted to them in 1913 by the US Congress and is set to expire on December 21, 2012, which (coincidentally?) is also the exact date that the controversial Mayan Calendar predicts will be the ending of our present age.

    Even worse for the American people, this report says, is that in the Federal Reserves notification to Obama they further stated that they only intend to pay back the US Government $156.3 Billion from out of their “huge profits” gained from their looting the United States Treasury of an estimated $23.7 Trillion.

    Interesting to note about these events is that for the first time known, the “mainstream” American press is beginning to align themselves with those of us who have long warned of this banking monstrosity and their deliberate destruction of the US economy, and as we can read as reported by the Bloomberg News Service in their January 29th article titled “Secret Banking Cabal Emerges From AIG Shadows”, which says:

    “The idea of secret banking cabals that control the country and global economy are a given among conspiracy theorists who stockpile ammo, bottled water and peanut butter. After this week’s congressional hearing into the bailout of American International Group Inc., you have to wonder if those folks are crazy after all.

    Wednesday’s hearing described a secretive group deploying billions of dollars to favored banks, operating with little oversight by the public or elected officials.

    We’re talking about the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, whose role as the most influential part of the federal-reserve system -- apart from the matter of AIG’s bailout -- deserves further congressional scrutiny.”

    To Bloomberg’s admission of this “secret banking cabal” that is destroying the American economy we can further read as reported by Canada’s Center for Research on Globalization:

    “As we have constantly emphasized, as the global government and the financial takeover accelerates, it’s becoming harder and harder for the elite to hide the true intention of what they are doing, which is centralizing power into fewer hands, destroying sovereignty and creating a one world order run by an unelected, undemocratic authoritarian system.

    So whereas “conspiracy theorists” were once sidelined as paranoid kooks, as more and more of what they warned about comes to fruition, they gain more credibility and the establishment finds it more difficult to neutralize what they are saying by means of character assassination.

    The Bloomberg writer’s admission that the “conspiracy theorists” were probably right reminds us of former Clinton advisor Dick Morris’ appearance on Fox News last year, when he pointed out that people who have been sounding the alarm bells over a global government takeover for decades have also been vindicated.

    “Those people who have been yelling ‘oh the UN’s gonna take over, global government’, they’ve been crazy but now – they’re right!,” stated Morris on Sean Hannity’s show.”

    To the dramatic shift of the “mainstream” American news in telling their citizens the truth of what is happening to them we can see further evidenced by a New York Times article posted today which actually gives these peoples sound advice, and as we can read from their story titled “No help in sight, more homeowners walk away”, and which says:

    “We’re now at the point of maximum vulnerability,” said Sam Khater, a senior economist with First American CoreLogic, the firm that conducted the recent research. “People’s emotional attachment to their property is melting into the air.”

    Suggestions that people would be wise to renege on their home loans are at least a couple of years old, but they are turning into a full-throated barrage. Bloggers were quick to note recently that landlords of an 11,000-unit residential complex in Manhattan showed no hesitation, or shame, in walking away from their deeply underwater investment.

    “Since the beginning of December, I’ve advised 60 people to walk away,” said Steve Walsh, a mortgage broker in Scottsdale, Ariz. “Everyone has lost hope. They don’t qualify for modifications, and being on the hamster wheel of paying for a property that is not worth it gets so old.”

    Mr. Walsh is taking his own advice, recently defaulting on a rental property he owns. “The sun will come up tomorrow,” he said.”

    To how bad the Federal Reserve System (which many call the World’s largest Counterfeiter) has destroyed the American economy is evidenced in their destruction of the US Dollar which has lost over a quarter of its value in the past 8 years, and what a single Dollar could buy in 1913, when this secret banking cabal began to strangle these people, would cost $21.67 today, and which comes out to a shocking inflation rate of 2067.0%!

    And, most unfortunately, it is going to get worse as new reports are showing that the Baltic Dry Index (the World’s most reliable indicator of future economic growth) has collapsed over 40% in the past 10-weeks signaling the worst of this Global financial crisis is yet to come."
    (snip) ...

    Read the complete article at this website:
    Last edited by Frankincense; 03-Feb-10 at 09:33 PM.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    I have to be honest, I don't buy into this Mayan calender deal. If the Mayans were so smart why aren't we all speaking Mexican and why are they extinct if they were so smart :-)

    If the US banking system collapses a few days before Christmas in 2012 it will probably be the last in a long line. Maybe the PIGS countries will show us how it's done in the very near future with Greece's deficit sitting at nearly 13% which is far above the EU's accepted limit of 3%, something's got to give.

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Francois, I'm listening - but someone has to bat for the other side

    Here's the link to the Bloomberg Secret Banking Cabal Emerges From AIG Shadows story. Clearly David Reilly doesn't understand the term "plausible deniability" and would be well advised to read Political Bullshit. Pardon my french, but Bernanke might say he "was not directly involved in the negotiations" but there is no f*cking way he was "out of the loop."

    And it's no wonder corporates don't trust Congress to run the economy - imagine if it had been left to Congress to make the call. The whole shooting match would have been over before a date was set for the first Congressional hearing and the first subpoena to testify had been served, let alone when a decision might come down the tube.

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    Frankincense (06-Feb-10)

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    Also somewhat sceptical about 2012. Can be a strategy by "the other side" to instill fear.

    But know this, even if you use a quarter of your brain, it will become clear that "something in this world is goin on"".

    All the things that the conspiracy "nuts", predicted are turning out to be true.
    Examples of theories that became fact.
    1)The Banking Collapse
    2) Vaccinations
    3) Silly Wars
    4) Microchips
    5) Educational Demise

    De classified documents show that the "War on Terror" and Weapons of Mass Destruction were concocted.

    The links between prominent families, the Elite and Secret societies were always written about, and could be found in public libraries. Thanks to the Internet, more people are becoming awareabout the sick forces that run the planet.

    In fact, this agenda was supposed to be concluded before 2012. Many years were written about, ie 1982, 1988, 2000, 2003.The elite is running into problems, so now they use 2012, to create a "fold your arms approach and wait for doomsday", attitude.

    But more and more people are waking up. Take swine flu vaccinations for instance. Its not goin so well. RICA, locally can also turn out to be a flop, if more people refuse to cooperate.
    Sean Goss We all are scared, but only few are brave.

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    Frankincense (06-Feb-10)

  7. #5
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Fear not the world will not end, nor will we as humans. But that witch define us will change beyond recognition. Yes the money gods can’t pull out they can only change their ways. Global control... Right now it will appear that the technology is incapable to track every single human in the world let alone South Africa.

    This cannot be more wrong. Right now your mobile phone is able to connect to the web and even give you active feeds of what is going on in the world. It is constantly talking to a mainframe system through the use of advanced RBS technologies. In South Africa we use Ericson most of Africa use Nokia and Ericson along with a few others.

    There capabilities as is, is 1 million users per unit and the technology is just evolving so tracking 48 million mobile phones is really not that difficult. Storing 48million conversations, text messages video massages sounds impossible right? Wrong again, your average compression systems can store 3 hours of audio video and text in less than 500MB. If you are willing to live with 4 bit audio and black and white video you can cut this down to 150MB per 3 hours. (Easy...)

    Now you can strap 8GB to a pigeon’s leg and that is commercial hardware. Terabyte storage is possible at this point in time and the size is that of a small notebook HHD so fill a building and you have enough data storage for 48million people. Think this is impossible? Well Gmail can give you 27GB of completely free storage to free users across the world so think again. It is possible.

    Will we get chipped in the year 2012? Yes... Yes we will. The fact is crime will by then be completely out of control and people will demand the chip system to be used so that we can protect ourselves with active policing. “Meaning the cops will know who is doing what at ALL times” The sad part is we as people will demand it!

    The world will be covered with active CCTV and we will be watched from every possible angle and we will like it! Yes right now England has more CCTV used for fighting crime than any other country in the world. This is already FACT!

    Now the banks will no longer be an institution it will take on the face of national security, health-care system, registration office, employer and financial institution. Why? Because the chip in your arm will be you... Without it you will not exist.

    In all honesty it was never question of “if” The question always where “when”
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

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    Frankincense (06-Feb-10)

  9. #6
    Silver Member Frankincense's Avatar
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    Oh yes, gotta be's almost time.

  10. #7
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well it is true from the point that we as humans discovered that we can take things by force and killing is actually an acceptable practice known as war we never stopped trying to find piece. Most if not all wars are about oppression, greed and power. There are no acceptations to the rule.

    However the game has changes... See morality was the greatest weapon against cruelty and injustice. Morality gave us the ability to take care of our young, protect our families and above all it made us “human”

    So the bases of all evil is that of “immoral” values like slavery, torture and desensitising humanity so that we will accept “immoral” actions and even be open to immoral suggestions and actions. Now the question remains. “Armageddon” the end time or better known as mass extinction, what has all this to do with morality?

    The answer is simple: Everything! The end of the world doesn’t mean the end of the physical world it can be the end of perception. If there is no living mind left to perceive the world then the world have died and if it still exist is irrelevant.

    Without consciousness and perception there is no world. So how then does this fit into to the greater plan of good and evil, mass hysteria and domination? Well if your goal is to unmake the world then turning humans into mindless druggies is effective way to accomplish your goal.

    So the “unmaking” will start with the degradation of morality. Then you eliminate consciousness with drugs and without consciousness there is no perception and yes the world has effectively ended.

    Think this is not true? Well look at the type of movies we get in this day and age. They are designed to be cruel and inhuman. The same goes for most kinds of entertainment in general. It is always about the violence, the pain and death.

    Now look at drug abuse and see how it eats away at your cognitive abilities and how it changes your basic understanding. Once you really open your eyes to the real truth behind Armageddon and what it is... You realise how delicate the balance is.
    Last edited by tec0; 06-Feb-10 at 12:52 AM.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  11. #8
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    Armageddon may be the death of ignorance?

    Perhaps the internet is the harbinger of this scenario!

    If religion, governments, corporates, secret societies, masons, iluminati etc. are all exposed for what they are and the general public take cognicense, then perhaps the fallacy of the fables we have been indoctrinated with over the centuries will be exposed for what they are.

    We as the general population will for the first time be in a position to move ahead without all the baggage of the past.

    Except of course the ignorant or those who consent to be led by the nose.
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    Dave A (08-Feb-10)

  13. #9
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Ignorance to a point yes. I do agree that if there was a supper power willing to sacrifice human life and take over all. Then this scenario would have played out because we live in an age where technology can force us to give up all laws and follow blindly.

    However, we are still to a large degree independent and some of us may understand that drugs may be the cause of much pain in our generation as it kills and control the drug abuser to such a degree that they can no longer think for themselves.

    As for being pulled around by the nose, my individuality is unique and I like investigating and challenging given truths. My only true guidance is my morality and compassion, the two things that makes one human.

    Still our history is like a cancer and because we live in the past we cannot contemplate the future. As it stands we cannot see past BS and lies because we still trust others to make decisions for all of us. There is no single truth and one must be open minded.

    We can live with dignity and as individuals that allows for practical decisions towards survival to rule rather than greed. We live in a world connected and still our minds are divided over pre-programmed irrelevant situations, teachings thus allowing for dysfunction and will hinder the growing process.

    The truth is freedom will come at the cost or realisation that we as humans have a responsibility towards each other and ourselves. Only when can function and act as one will we be able to take control of our future.

    Right now, we are still primitive in our understanding and confused by our teachings. Only when we evolve and look past the lies and confusion will we truly understand the meaning of life and its many pressing responsibilities.

    However, how many is willing to give up everything? The truth is we can start over... And in time we will be forced to start over once global calamites are in effect.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  14. #10
    Silver Member Frankincense's Avatar
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    @Wynn : "If religion, blah blah are all exposed for what they are and the general public take cognicense, then perhaps the fallacy of the fables we have been indoctrinated with over the centuries will be exposed for what they are."

    So true....because then the truth shall be revealed, and those who were not for, but against will either perish in their stubborness, or turn to the Light.

    I do believe that in a society, something that adds moral value will stand the test of time, and criticism.
    Last edited by Frankincense; 08-Feb-10 at 08:34 PM.

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