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Thread: security

  1. #1
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    this morning i go for my walk like i do every day...dress put the tunes on load my weapons and off i go...because i have been doing this now for 4 months i have a pretty good idea of who leaves home at different times...the same cars go by i see the same people walk or running...and of course i have also notice things like people walking with...curtains...chairs...boxes...weed concern is the garden chairs because every morning between 5.30 and 5.45 there are the same 2 people carrying garden chairs first they were green plastic chairs then white chairs and now this morning it was pouring with rain and it was a public holiday so i was the only person on the road...what i did notice however was the cast iron garden chair hidden under a tree in front of my yard...but i dint see the 2 fellas walking with anything this morning...

    so heres the problem at about 3 this morning my dogs were barking at the fence...i didnt think anything of it but when i found the chair this morning i decided to call the pinetown police and ADT security at 6.05 6.20 am the ADT security van arrives the fella gets out the van puts his bullet proof jacket on still hasnt even put the firearm into the holster in the front yet i think he forgot because it looked like he had just woken up...there is nothing he can do so he leaves... 7 am an old cream colour toyota bakkie pulls up in front of my yard a black guy with a rain coat gets out pulls the chair out from under the bush loads it onto the bakkie and 8 am the police arrive so i ask them what they want...the say they are here about the call i made at 6 am...i explain the whole sagga and ask why it took them so long to get here...the officer tells me he only came on duty at 7 so how could i expect him to get to me by 6...then he tells me what do i expect they are under staffed and they cant be every street corner...and i must complain to this pathetic goverment which runs this country...

    what still confuses me the most is that the people who work in the goverment be it the state president...policemen or the clerk in the office are all "public servants" yet they not accountable to the public...even though we pay their salaries.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Ages ago I was part of the neighbourhood watch area in Durban North (it's since died as an initiative, I think). Probably the most memorable part of the whole experience was a talk by the leader of the Prestondale naighbourhood watch program.

    Prestondale had managed to reduce the crime in their area from one of the worst theft rates in Durban to nil for two years. And their most powerful weapon in this fight against crime...

    A camera!

    They just wandered around taking photographs of anybody loitering in the neighbourhood, any vehicles parked on verges, or anything they thought vaguely suspicious. Part of their regular neighbourhood watch meetings was a photo parade.

    All the petty theft in the area died.

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I couldn't help thinking of Murdock's post above as I was reading this.
    South Africans cannot wait for the government to rescue them from crime, Democratic Alliance leader Helen Zille said on Saturday.

    "It is up to us to take our communities back. This is going to take the commitment and drive of every person ... who values the ideal of a crime-free South Africa," she said.

    Speaking at an anti-crime march in Port Elizabeth, she said a new spirit of community was needed to fight crime in South Africa.

    "Even with the best police officers, the war against crime will not be won without the support of the broader community," she said.

    "This means moving away from a victim mentality that stops us from taking control of our lives."

    Each member should take responsibility for the community in which they lived and should encourage others to do the same.

    "If every law-abiding resident in the northern areas became the eyes and ears of the police, crime rates would drop," Zille said.

    "In short, we cannot wait for the government to rescue us from crime."
    full story from M&G here

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Some interesting stats in this report.
    Although crime levels were lower, most South Africans thought crime was on the increase and had lower confidence in the police, a survey released by the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) has revealed.

    Speaking at a seminar in Pretoria on Thursday, senior research fellow at the ISS, Antoinette Louw, said although crime levels in the country were lower since 1998 and 2003, most of the 4 500 people surveyed thought crime was on the increase, particularly with regard to house breaking.

    "Since 1998 house breaking and burglary has been the most common crimes that South Africans report," said Louw.

    According to the 2007 national victim survey conducted during October to November last year, 81% of people reported house breaking incidents to the police compared to the 2003 survey showing that only 57% of people reported house breaking.

    "The survey shows that the crime that the public worries about the most ... that they fear the most [is] housebreaking. I think that is our main area of concern," she said.

    On the issue of aggravated robbery, senior researcher at the ISS Dr Johan Burger said the issue was a "real challenge" with street robbery being on the increase at 70%. He also said that the ISS had noted an increase in ATM attacks -- especially those located in townships.

    On the issue of corruption -- where people paid bribes to government officials -- 32% of people said they paid bribes in the form of money for traffic offences. This in comparison to 27% of people who paid bribes in the 2003 survey.

    People in Gauteng were found to be the most negative about crime. Greed was found to be the most likely reason why people thought others committed crimes.

    The punitive response to crime was also gaining popularity among people. Thirty-four percent of respondents were in favour of punitive action compared to 15% in 2003.
    full story from M&G here

  5. #5
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    i read an article given to me from an aquaintence is brutally beaten almost to his death that he has been in icu for 4 days fighting for his life and the vehicle which was stolen in the attack has not even been recovered yet never mind finding the suspects...all i have to say is savages!!!no points for guessing what coulour the attackers were...i hear the goverment is trying to get skilled people to come back to this country...i am thinking of leaving as well...joining the que of 950 000 awaiting visas...who probably feel the same way i do petty crime i can live with but there is no excuse for almost beating an elderly man just to steel his tv and motor with savages who has no value for life is the biggest down fall of this country...the goverment needs to sort out the violent crime in this country if they want this country to survive...petrol price power...interest rate hikes...petty thieving....bee...corrupt goverment officials...potholes in all the price hikes...etc...etc...etc i can stil live with but when i read an article like this i loose all hope and starting thinking maybe it is now time to take the job offer overseas.and get out of this country before i become prey to these savages...

    all i hear is how people throw their hands in the air and give the crimminals whatever they want...yet they still attack and beat people and rape women...get caught if they do...go to jail for a week or two...learn new tricks and they are back on the streets bolder than before.

    the only way we will ever overcome this kind of problem is to stick together and fight back and hang these savages to the death in public on saturday mornings...or do what the do over seas cut their hands off...there is no or very little crime there.

  6. #6
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    in last 2 days i have had a mate hijacked and this morning while walking there was a house breaking in progress...

  7. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I do so wish the powers that be would publish crime stats regularly. They really seem to hand pick what goes out.

    On what basis is it claimed that crime levels have decreased?
    What is being done about the "70% increase in street robbery"?

  8. #8
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    I decided to become pro-active and joined my local CPF, they give us all the stats for our suburbs month by month every month, but not for publication.

  9. #9
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    i dont think they do it because there would just be tooooo much...

    has it got that bad you dont even get to jail and you are already raped in the police van???? i do know you are not safe in jail beacause it if you go to jail you will be gang raped.

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