Quote Originally Posted by IanF View Post
Now this worries me why and when do they remove these accounts?
These situations are almost always related to users who have (sometime unknowingly) abused or misused the system. Google has an extensive "terms of use" agreement, which covers many bases.

So if you're going to use their free apps (which are excellent in my opinion), you need to know the rules of the game, and ensure that you play within them. It's really much like anything else - you need to know what you can and can't do, so as to stay out of trouble.

As for the topic of reverse-engineering SEO and PPC campaigns... Well that's just part of the game. As with any other form of marketing, your competitors are going to be investigating your tactics.

PS - These are just my opinions... I certainly don't want to start an argument about whether or not Google is taking over the world