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Thread: ANCYL needs to learn about peaceful democracy

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    ANCYL needs to learn about peaceful democracy

    OK. Don't mind me too much, but I think this is really funny.
    The African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) must be educated in the basic principles of a peaceful democracy, AfriForum Youth national chairperson Ernst Roets said on Tuesday.

    He was speaking after AfriForum Youth handed a copy of the book Politics for Dummies to the ANCYL at its Luthuli House offices in Johannesburg.

    "The book was given in order to caution the youth league to put an end to their radical and irresponsible statements and threats," Roets said in a statement.

    AfriForum Youth is worried about the political direction the ANCYL is taking in constantly using intimidation and threats of murder and violence to achieve its objectives.

    Roets also expressed concern that institutions such as the South African Human Rights Commission are not taking a stand on to these issues. He said no steps have yet been taken in this regard against ANCYL leaders.
    full story from M&G here
    Not laughing yet? OK. That isn't the really funny bit. Further on in the story...
    ANCYL spokesperson Floyd Shivambu claimed on Tuesday afternoon that the league had not received the package, though press photographs showed ANCYL media liaison officer Thandi Mokaba behind her desk with the book in front of her, an orange ribbon tied around it.

    Shivambu said the league would nevertheless not take AfriForum Youth seriously. "They are a group of racists, we cannot take them seriously," he said.

    He said the group was trying "to get recognised" with its stunt. "They want to be associated with people whose voices are taken seriously."
    I'd like to nominate Shivambu for joke of the year

  2. #2
    Silver Member
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    yup, sad, sad...yet these guys could be running the country in a few years....eish.

  3. #3
    Silver Member
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    Me thinks they're just paving the way for JZ as our new President and Shabir the new Minister of Finance.........

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