I am sure everyone is asking the same question, how is it possible?

Some say it is due to all the planning and maintenance rolled out since last year, I am sure everyone is shaking their heads.

Others say it is all bullshyte and just about the elections, which is going to cost billions in diesel to keep the lights on until the elections.

I have noticed most of the so called experts who actually know what they are talking about are just keeping quiet, or just not being given the opportunity to speak out ?

Does anyone know what is really going on?

I am still going ahead with my solar installation, designed around energy saving with a small backup battery.

Right now is the best time to be installing solar the prices are crazy low. Looking at what we were selling solar panels for last year this time compared to now, more than R1000 cheaper , it is a little embarrassing quoting customer who we did installs for last year this time and now want more panels.