"Anyone can work a 9-5 during the week, go out on the weekends and party, and complain about Monday mornings when the start of the week comes back around.

Not anyone can quit a job that provides a sense of security in order to pursue their dream. Not anyone can handle the sacrifices needed to continue the journey. Not anyone can handle the amount of stress you endure through all the obstacles you will encounter.

So here is a BIG shout out to all of you who are pursuing your dream! The credit is rarely given when times are tough. It's usually only given once you make it to the top. Then everyone acts like they were supporters since day one.

We admire those who are pursing their dreams, wherever they happen to be in their journey. Anyone can give up, anyone can give in, and settle for a sense of security but NOT everyone can keep going through the highs and the lows and still have fuel to keep going.

You all know who you are. We salute you". Author unknown