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Thread: Banks and the South Africa scam

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    Bronze Member Fanie's Avatar
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    Banks and the South Africa scam

    Hello Everyone,

    The previous time I posted on the forum I was shouted out. Perhaps some would begin to pay attention as a result of some things which has changed - and not for the better for anyone.

    Firstly, allow me to show the lies and fraud you have been learned by the media and the government controlled schools and those useful idiots who program you to think the way they want you to think. Bear with me.

    South Africa is not a country... because who is the founding nation ? South Africa is still a British colony, since the 1910 Anglo-Afrikaner UNION.

    Within it's borders are 5 countries. The Boer Republics, Swaziland, Zululand, Transkei and Lesotho. The Cape has never been claimed.

    The Boer Republics were internationally recognized as the country of the Boers - the Transvaal were recognized on 17 January 1852 at the Sandrivier convention, and the Free State on 23 February 1854 at the Bloemfontein convention. The recognition was done by Britain, who at the time already had 60% of the world as colonies under their boot, Russia, America, Germany and more countries recognized the Boers and their Republics.

    It was only after gold and diamonds were discovered that every one suddenly had an interest in the Boer's land, and the 1st and then the 2nd Anglo-Boer War followed. The Boers did not lose the War, there was a peace treaty signed at Vereeniging - which the British never honored. Instead they made Cape Dutch Afrikaners "Boer generals" and appointed them in charge of the Afrikaner army to rule over the Boers to make sure the Boers do not get their country back. Jan Smuts was a Cape Dutch Afrikaner, not a Boer, so was Louis Botha. The Afrikaners fought against the Boers in the War as the Royal Scouts.

    International Law of 1898 stated that one country cannot rule over another not even when conquered by war. Britain, Russia and most other countries acknowledged this international law. This law was disregarded by the British. Independence Commission Africa wrote a lengthy document called A Call to Redress South Africa on the subject which seems to be disregarded by most.

    There were no Africans in the Boer Republics. In the period called the Mfecane, Silkaats of the Zulu's cleaned the area which later were named the Free State and the Transvaal - of it's inhabitants. When the Boers arrived, there were no Africans here.

    After the 1878 Anglo-Zulu War, the Zulu's wanted nothing to do with the British, and refused to work for them. This resulted in the British importing Indians from their India colony in the 1880's to work as slaves in the sugar cane fields - because there were no Africans to be abused for this. Where else do all the Indians in South Africa come from ?

    After the 2nd Anglo-Boer War, the Boers were deprived of their farms and most of them were destroyed in the scorched earth policy anyway, and hence were forced to work in the mines under the Afrikaner dictator. In 1922 the Afrikaner imported Chinese to replace the Boers in the mines for cheaper labor, and the 1922 strike which resulted had the Afrikaner army shoot the Boers, as was done recently in the English Lonmin mine where the Africans were shot to force them into submission. If there were Africans to be abused as slaves, the Boers would not have been allowed in the mines. Get it ? There were no Africans here. They were however imported by the Afrikaner to work as slaves, by the millions, long before the 1994 "takeover" by the ANC. Every one of the 150 to 200 million Africans here has his own country he can return to.

    So by now you also will get the idea that the Boers and the Afrikaners are not the same. Any one who say otherwise is a liar. There is a book named Cicel Rhodes and the Cape Afrikaners by Mordechai Tamarkin that will clearly indicate what the Afrikaner stands for and that they are not Boers. The Pretoria main library has one copy and you have to ask permission to read it, in the library. Wonder why.

    Now that you know who the land belongs to, let us confirm why the Boers never got their land back. Gold, platinum, copper, coal and much more. I don't think any one has any idea how much gold is taken out of here, and it has been going on for more than 100 years. Where is the gold taken, because there is nothing here. In terms of mineral wealth, the Transvaal is the richest country in the world, yet the currency is 15 times less worth than the bankrupt US$. How can that be ?

    One more thing you should take note of is that "South Africa" is not a republic. A republic is a different government system from the English Westminster, the political system South Africa was governed by under the Afrikaner dictatorship. It has now been changed to "democracy", with very few people even understanding what a democracy really is. Let me quote.... "Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty".- Plato (Born 427 BC). Why any one will want a democratic system is beyond me, because in world history there has never been a successful democracy ever.

    I also noted that some people on the forum referred to the "constitution" and their "constitutional rights". This thing is seriously flawed, simply because you do not have rights. Firstly you are called a citizen. Google citizen and you will note the definition is someone without any rights. This constitution also refers to the "injustices of the past", which were never addressed. Democracy deprives of liberties, a democratic constitution offering rights is absurd. The natural rights were given by the Creator, not granted by the government, and you have these Rights weather a constitution "grants" them or not. Do read the quote from Plato again.

    You may not know this, but human rights were given a coup de grace already in 1913 and again in 1933 when the English Westminster system required that a single president with the power to give or take life, absolute authority over the whole land area and everything and every one else be instated. Why ? So that the whole country can be dictated to through one pawn who will command the rest. The same union was instated in the UNITED States of America at the same time. Get it ? Union of South Africa, United states of America.

    That is because the Boers and the Southerners in the US are the same people who fled from the Christian prosecution out of Europe. This Christian prosecution was one of the main reasons the Boers started the Groot Trek, they FLED from the Cape Dutch as it was written in the Paardekraal covenant prior to the 1st Anglo Boer War of 1880. This is the reason that if any sic democratic thing is done here, it also gets done in the USA, or vice versa.

    The 1913 "rule" is very important to the Afrikaner and the ANC, because it is since then that they claim ownership of the Boer's land, as they were then already fraudulently placed in charge of the land they stole. The rule made up by themselves is that no history prior is considered. You must realize that the Afrikaner includes the ANC, in conjunction with the democratic Jewish DA.

    Symbolism is extremely important to take note of, because this indicates clearly who are what and who support what. Do have a look at the Afrikaner bond logo, it is the same six pointed star as the Israeli's, which is the same as the one world order.

    Also look at the logo of the office of the chief justice. It has the UN and the EU's leaves around it, a scale in the center and a sun on top. The one world order justice system under... Saturn. What does it mean ? Jesus is the current sun. Saturn is associated with satan, called the dark sun, the dark force. The black robes (bat suits) is worn by religion priests and those in the justice system, it represents the Saturnalian priesthood.

    Your religion is not what you thought it is. Well, too bad, churches were banned from the Boer Republics because the Boers were not Christians. There was no Jesus. Jesus is sun worshipping. Nothing in your bible is original, it was stolen by the theologians from existing works that already existed, that is why the Alexandra library were burnt down, so Christians will not find out how they are lied to. The Christian religion was started by people, not a holy ghost, google the Council of Nicea. It was king James who authorized your bible version, not god. "The Church" even claims copyright on their own work. Each and every church the world over resorts under the mother church, the catholic church. Google the meaning of catholic church, it means a general church, for all. If you cannot see they are all the same yet, do note the manual they all use. Note it is not a prediction, it is a manual being followed to bring about a certain outcome.

    Another explanation on the religion fraud. Jesus is the sun (the current one), the 16th Jesus in a long line of Jesus's. 17 if you count Mandela. Google it. Horus was the previous sun god. This religion had it's origin out of Egypt from the aliens who built the pyramids. This is in the Northern hemisphere, that is why, when the SUN is on it's lowest point from there on 22, 23 and 24 December, it lifts up one degree on the 25th December. That is why Jesus, the light of the world, the sun of god, was dead for three days, and was resurrected on the 4th day. That is why Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus on the 25th of December, every year when the sun is born again. When the sun passes over the equator, Christians do Passover. When the sun is in the highest position, the sun is said to be "the most high".

    The 12 deciples are the 12 houses in the Zodiac, there are 4 seasons (quarters) in the zodiac, so there are 4 apostles. Jesus represents the time of the fishes, pisces, that is why Christians put the fishes sticker on their cars. It's astrology. Nothing holy about it. Wake up.

    One last. Google it. The pope, the one who claims he represents god on earth, has officially announced that Jesus is not coming back, "he is attending people elsewhere". So I guess when the ANC announced they are going to rule until Jesus comes back, it meant forever. There was no Jesus, it is a metaphor, a story from the Romans written by a Jew from previous works. Amazingly the Vatican has built one of the worlds largest telescopes, appropriately named Lucifer, to look for ET's.
    If you doubt aliens exist, during the Afrikaner Border War where the Boers were (once again) abused to keep the ANC Africans out (wink-wink) the Boers did shoot down a UFO. google ufo shot down in south africa.

    And just when you Muslims start to enjoy yourself on this Christian fraud, guess what ! The Christian religion was started in the year 325, the Muslim religion was started from the same sources as the Christian religion in the year 600. A bloke by the name of Lothar wanted to be the Christian pope, when he was not El-ected (as one of the El-lite), he decided to start his own religion. So the political manipulation of playing Christians and Muslims off against each other is a hoax. Christianity however is the one world religion.

    Now that you realize that you have been lied to about everything in your life, to create a false sense of reality, a concept.
    A concept is a scam through which someone with an agenda smears an idea off on others to obtain an advantage for himself. Like a politician who has nothing, offers you something he will have to take from others before he can give it, and even lie about that too. Then you have to pay him to make rules and laws that suits him, not you, and even instates a police force to protect him from you. If you don't vote, then politicians cannot have any power. Why the hell does anyone vote ? The only thing you do is give which ever party wins the legal authority to rule you any way they like. Stop empowering fools by voting for them.

    Religion is such a concept, and the next god, money, or rather paper worth something is another such a concept

    Let us consider what banks really do.
    A country has a specific worth in terms of it's currency. The more money they print, the less it's worth because it has to represent the country's worth. If the money is printed to double, then the currency will be half it's worth, and all items for sale will be double their price. You now have to pay R2 where you paid R1 prior. The item's value remains the same, it is money that is changed.

    Many people think they can sell "property" for more in a few years because it increased in value. This is false, the property has the same worth, it is the failing value of the currency which creates the impression that you "get more", but you don't. Some think the more you get the better, but does not consider it's value. A bread cost more in Zimbabwe than a farm cost in Rhodesia. Every time you need a pay raise you get less, not more.

    So that means the banks have already printed 15 times the currency. That means that the R is worth only 7% of it's value, or seven cents. Who takes the 93% !

    How do they do that ? Very easy. If someone pays you for something, a positive amount appears in your account. When someone applies for a loan from a bank, they do not give you money. They give you an overdraft, where not a cent is given to you. This is a concept, that they gave you something, while in reality they gave you nothing. All they do is create DEBT. Debt cannot exist as fictional money, so the reserve bank has to print this money and give it to the banks. Hence the banks already got the money you think you loaned, but they still require you to pay the fictional money created back, plus interest. Since all you got was debt, the bank sells the debt to a 3rd party (securitization). This way the banks get paid three times over, for money they created from thin air.

    Why would any one buy debt ? Simple. Money is paper, it is worth NOTHING. When you have debt you cannot pay, then they take your property or anything else of worth. Money is a promise to pay. Go to your bank and ask them to pay the value of the note they promise to do. They are going to give you the note back. You can never get anything from them that is worth something. So if a currency is exploited to the extent that it is worth nothing, then debt is substituted to get what is worth something, like LAND, the life right of a people. Note that land is called property to draw your attention away from that they are stealing your land.

    If your "property" is paid off, why do you have to keep on hiring the land from the government under what is called "property tax" ? Do you think you can get an allodial title where you actually OWN the place ? If you cannot pay the rent, guess what they take from you. Yes, your land, your life right. Since many of you thought South Africa is "your country", ever wondered why you have to buy the land you own ? ! Well ?

    With governments always in debt, if this debt is bought, guess who controls the government. The joke is, while so many is in favor of the Boers not getting their land back, they forget that the banks OWN the stolen piece you pay for. It is not your's. So how can these English banks own land in another's country ? ! Can you buy the life right from under a peoples to own their country ? This is exactly what is being done here. The Boer resources are used to buy the Boer's land from under them. Someone said to me the other day yes but the ANC have always paid for the land they took. Blimey. They gave the bloke PAPER for land which is not theirs. The ANC is even selling parts of the Transvaal to the Chinese, not to mention the gold mines given to the Chinese for political favors.

    Let me quote you something.
    "If the American people ever allow private banks to control issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations will grow up around them, will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." Thomas Jefferson in the debate over The Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809).

    How many thousands of people are put out of homes by the banks ? Where are these people going to live ? Squatter camps ? China has warehouses full of US$. Now that the Chinese want VALUE for the $'s, the Americans divert their buying to India, to repeat the same, give paper for worth.

    Russia is moving away from the US$, they are reinstating a system where you pay with goods and work done.
    Britain has just voted themselves out of the EU, which is nothing else than a colony. I guess them being masters at keeping colonies recognized the exploitation that will follow, as is done with Portugal, as is done with South Africa.

    What I don't understand is there are people here in law suits with these English banks, but they still have accounts with these banks, funding their own problems.

    Here's the thing to realize. These aliens with no conscience have the intention to get rid of every human in South Africa. There is no need for you here, you are in the way of those who want to possess the Boer Republics for the mineral wealth it has. All that is required are a few African slaves who will be kept alive to take the resources out. No place with it's founding principles of genocide, land theft, murder, fraud and any other crime there is will ever be successful. Peaceful rainbow South Africa has more murders alone in a year than US deaths in the 10 year full scale Vietnam War. We live in jails.

    The only way to change this oppressive regime is to return sovereignty to the Boers, they are the rightful owners of this country. With that the Zulu's and other countries will want their sovereignty also.

    And let me emphasize, there are no power shortages, there are no food or water shortages. There are only shortages because it is manipulated by the powers to keep you dependent on them. Without these dependencies they have no power over you, and money is one of them.

    For those of you who want to shout me out again, would you like me to comment back when the R is 50 to 1 ? or when the banks finally own you ? South Africa is already in a recession, next is a depression as was forced here in the 1930's. I suggest you read up on it. The resources stolen from here already funded WW1, WW2 and are now funding WW3. How much more would you like to bring over yourself ? Do watch the video on Youtube named All Wars are Bankers Wars. Wars mean big business for banks, and there is already another war planned here in South Africa.

    Lastly I would like to encourage you to read the Declaration on the "Granting" of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples - General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960

    Thanks for reading.

  2. #2
    Bronze Member Fanie's Avatar
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    Much like how the financial crash of 2008 started with the collapse of real estate in the United States, but eventually cascaded into a global disaster, the implosion of the global debt bomb will start small before burning everything to the ground. Major companies, municipalities, pensions, schools, and entire nations will go bankrupt, and John Q. Public will lose everything as well. They’ll lose everything, right when the institutions that provide essential services start to cut everything back. You can bet that the welfare state will be hollowed out as well, and suddenly millions of people will be hurled into a Darwinian state of affairs.
    It’s going to be the most horrific disaster that any of us in the developed world have ever seen. It’s going to make 2008 look like a golden age. And not only is this event inevitable, it’s closer than you think.

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Would you mind explaining exactly what is seen as a "Darwinian state of affairs", Fanie?
    I get the sense that the author is trying to imply something a little more dramatic than natural evolution.

  4. #4
    Bronze Member Fanie's Avatar
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    Hello Dave,

    There is no way to give a short answer.

    Many of the reports are not written to be a warning only, it is to make the vision of those who knows how to read an article clear. I don't claim to be an expert on anything.

    There were reports that if certain events take place (ie Nibiru, sunflares, meteorites, cern and other (created?) events), humanity will be set back to the 1800's, where development of many things will have to be restarted, although it seems that is the goal that the Illuminati aliens have. Some countries even claim to have "tsunami bombs" capable of flooding coastlines and cities. This will have "evolution" taking place.

    It is laughable that Christians would believe in evolution, the theory is seriously flawed, but then, that is what belief systems is based on - lies which becomes the truth in minds. It simply means their god made apes, (which is not too far off imo), however people rather evolve into apes than from apes. Man evolves between the ears, and here is where the war is really at, because subjected to certain conditions the brain has the ability to physically change to accept another reality. This can be seen where people believe they are free, while in reality they are subjected to exploitation and limitations by others. The jails where we are living is is proof of that, and think what perception of life your children grow up with behind bars. It prepares them for the life they will lead as proletarian slaves.

    To answer your question. The freemasons have a slogan "Ordo Ab Chao" meaning Order Out of Chaos. These aliens cannot bring their idea of a "golden age" back into being, and create a totalitarian dictatorship, if they do not first destroy the way things are on the earth, which includes getting rid of too many humans to control globally. This is where the one world religion's manual, the bible, guide these aliens to, to eventually reach the 1000 year peace and plentiful where they rule, but not mentioning the hell it will be for the humans they oppress and abuse for their own pleasures.

    Destroy the current, then guide through "evolution" (Darwinian idea) an outcome that fits the ideology.

    There seems to have been a "golden age" previously in ancient history, where everything was in abundance. I suspect this was when the aliens landed on earth and built their pyramids all over the world thousands of years ago who made themselves gods. This is why the pyramid shape pops up in everything.
    If you watch this movie where these large alien gods were able to shape-shift, then it brings into context this President Putin Claims Queen Elizabeth Is Not Human. Think about all these children cartoons where the "hero" can shape-shift into a heroic form which has super powers. (X-men ?) The children are simply prepared to accept something like that in future, same as people are (subconsciously) prepared to accept the existence of aliens, which is a reality, but believed not to exist.

    The movie of the Egyptian gods with Africans playing in it is not based on political correctness where blacks were given equal status to every one else, these gods bred a worker race to dig gold for them, the ancient slaves in Egypt were Africans, they were the ancient Israelites. Look at what Michael Tellinger tells on his ancient history tours. Michael Tsarion has incredible lectures on ancient history, and once we understand WE are not who and what we are dictated to be, the reality looks very different. History is so important because it tells you who you are and where you come from, hence if history is re-created, the outcome of sheeple's thinking is changed. If you do not know your history, then you will have no future, because others will dictate to you who you are, and what your future will be.

    What better technique to gain control of countries than to put their slaves in power of every one else, because the white race were never submissive to these pyramid aliens. They have to dumb you down to achieve this. If they tried to instate the Africans (all over the world) a 100 years ago, it would not have worked. They had to change your brain first to have you believe you are equal to their slave species, which makes you a slave as well, and fully aware that Africans will destroy what we refer to as modern developing countries.

    I like David Icke's presentations, because he really says it like it is. You simply must watch this ! Illuminati, Reptilians & The Manipulation of Reality - David Icke

    Watch who the "Israelites" of today really are ! They became a "nation" in 1948... how can they be the "covenant" people of the bible's story god ? They stole the ancient Israel identity, in the same way the Afrikaner tries to steal the Boer identity so they can claim the land. As I mentioned before, any one who votes for the DA must have a screw loose. Any one who votes for that matter has lost the plot.

    Where Icke explains the children being abused, what do you think what happened in the concentration camps where the Boer children were sacrificed, because the vile abuse and extermination over 19 months were aimed at the children, officially now 35000 of them. This number from the previous 22000 resulted from the investigation after the Afrikaner general Gert Opperman who operated the "Voortrekker" monument and his female professor accomplice of the Pretoria university started destroying the evidence of the Boer children's graves at Mafekeng recently. The genocide has never ended, it is still in full swing.

    As bad, after the War the Boer children orphans were handed out to Afrikaners, Zionists and others who would take them to bring up. Don't you think people have a right to know who they really are ? Generations later many people feel ashamed of their history unaware of who they really are.

    George Soros finance Gun Free South Africa so that the genocide can continue.

    The Eastern countries prepare their people for various probable expected situations. China has built massive multiple alternative housing blocks, Russia built thousands of survival bunkers. Their public is encouraged to prepare themselves for long periods of food and water and other life resource scarcities. In the West this is withheld from the public, so that millions will perish to feed their demon god and alternative sources are withheld to aggravate the outcome. Only the elite built underground bunkers for themselves, like the underground bunker at Nkandla.

    Watch this The Afrikaner Broederbond
    Listen closely, and remember freemasonry are based on deception. The Afrikaner brotherhood was founded in the 1875's by a freemason minister S J du Toit then called "The Society of Real Afikaners" (Die genootskap vir Regte Afrikaners), not in 1918 after the 1913 rule were instated through which the Afrikaner claims ownership of the Boer Republics. Note how the history is twisted to include the Afrikancer in the Boer's history.

    All part of the intent to destroy the current, then guide through "evolution" (Darwinian idea) an outcome that fits the one world dictatorship ideology.

  5. #5
    Bronze Member Fanie's Avatar
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    Thanked 8 Times in 7 Posts UFO DOCUMENTARY : Ancient Aliens - Hidden Pyramids ANCIENT ALIENS : The Anunnaki

    Sofia is the NASA stratospheric observatory for IR astrology, Sofia is also the entity who gave birth to Yaldaboath, the god of the archons, the god who is jealous (in the Nag Hammadi texts), who goes by many other names, and who are also mother Maria. Amazing how these ancient gods names are allocated to the alien Illuminati operations. David Icke - Epiphany
    Israel as antique Israel fraud David Icke - The Masquerade
    Political parties & system participation, schools

  6. #6
    Bronze Member Fanie's Avatar
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    Consider -

    The Zodiac is said to change from the fishes (Pisces) to the Water bearer (Aquarius), a "new age". We are waiting for the year 1 to be announced.

    Apparently it also represents a full circle of the Zodiac, a ~26 400 year period.

    The expected arrival of Niburu and the Anunnaki, the said gods, with a probability of other alien species as well. Read Mother Shipton's prophecies. UFO sightings are now frequent. The Boer prophet Siener van Rensburg (if you can omit the Afrikaner version) predicted some similarities with what Nancy Leader of offers about South Africa, and another Boer prophet G A Watermeyer wrote a booklet called Atlantis. The Kolbrin bible is also very interesting to read, from a time prior to the last encounter with Nibiru.

    The earth is expected to undergo a pole shift, the sea currents have been slowing down for quite some time.

    Extreme record weather conditions are experienced, with record volcano's erupting all over the world amongst other phenomena like fish dying, birds diving into the ground and much more.

    The West trying their best to bring the one world dominance into function, and the attempt to start WW3.
    Actually, this will be WW4 because the first world War was against the Boers where the British, who had 60% of the world under their control, drawed armed forces from all it's colonies to fight against the Boers, including the Afrikaner, the coloreds, and their African slaves.

  7. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fanie View Post
    Hello Dave,

    There is no way to give a short answer.
    It seems when it come to anything related to your conspiracy postings, that's painfully true Fanie.

  8. #8
    Bronze Member Fanie's Avatar
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    A conspiracy theory is only a conspiracy theory if the theory never become a reality.

  9. #9
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fanie View Post
    A conspiracy theory is only a conspiracy theory if the theory never become a reality.
    and how is this measured in time, when it has not happened yet?
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    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Mix lies and half-truths with fact, repeat it enough and people will actually start believing...
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