At 2,5 million with all the risk in my pocket i would want 85%, with a sunset clause exxit strategy.
It is unclear what is being pitched.
I do not believe it is a patent, a patent requires an inventive step.
Your idea appears to be an application - so it is a copyright issue.

Unclear what it would do, at 2,5 million it needs to be a spectacular innovative app. developing apps is not so expensive.
It appears, from link, that it is an app that people can send a message if in trouble.
Bit like a call centre. If this is so, as even with NDA you may struggle because its technology that exists.
Not sure how that will generate revenue - possibly thinking that service providers will pay for referrals?

If it is an app, and you are the developer, surely you could develope it without funding and then seek investors to take it to market.