A guy I knew had a few house break-ins and lost a rather large amount of property. He put up a higher fence, got a big dog called Caligula, got private security, but this did not deter the buggers and they continued to break in. He was at his wits end when somebody told him to put a sign up saying in Zulu and English “Snakes For Sale”. He put the sign up and placed a terrarium on the ground near the sign. Certain people in Africa are absolutely terrified of snakes and as a result he never had a single break-in after that.

In another example my friend’s dad was leasing some land where he was speculating with cattle. He had so many stolen that he took drastic action by buying himself a male ostrich which he kept along with the cattle in the same camp. Once he had this big bird walking around looking mean he did not lose a single head to theft. It worked like a charm.