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Thread: Rogue cashbook transaction between two months... somewhere?

  1. #1
    Bronze Member michellepace's Avatar
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    Question Rogue cashbook transaction between two months... somewhere?

    Hi there,

    My cashbook has been out of balance since the 1st of May last year. I have found that my May opening balance in Pastel is R8,662.04 less than my true Capitec opening balance for the 1st of May. As a check, I compared my total cashbook Receipts for April to the total Credits on my Capitec bank statement for April. They are exactly the same. I did the same for total Payments in my cashbook and total Debits in on my Captec bank statements. They are also exactly equal for April.

    More over if I add these pastel amounts I get the correct balance (as per capitec's online statement):

    (Cashbook opening balance April) + (Total Receipts April) - (Total Paments April) = 1,586,893.77 ... which exactly matches capitec's opening balance for the 1st of May.

    BUT for some odd reason, my cashbook's opening balance for the 1st of May in pastel is R1,578,230.29 (as apposed to R1,586,893.77)

    I have no idea how to investigate any further... I'm hitting a brick wall now with my limited knowledge. Can anyone point me into a direction as to where I can find this mistake? Rogue transaction? Missing transaction? Goodness I simply don't know.

  2. #2
    Bronze Member michellepace's Avatar
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    Or... since my pastel bank balance is less than what it should be in reality. How about I just make a positive adjustment of R8,662.04 to increase my cashbook's balance and be done with it? ... well if that is even possible. I'm not sure how to do such an adjustment to a cashbook. Would I do a General Journal (and if so what would my contra account be) or would I do a Cashbook entry?

    Fumble. Fumble. Fumble.

  3. #3
    Silver Member
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    Print the bank account in the GL - check that all entries are cashbook1 payments/receipts. If you receipted from another cashbook into this one (funds transfer) or a general journal was processed to the account, you will see the entries in the ledger as different entrytypes.

  4. #4
    Bronze Member michellepace's Avatar
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    Hi Kevin, I hope you are well. Thank you for your reply. Mmmm.... I held my breathe in hope, printed to excel and then filtered on the Entry Type. They were all Cashbook 1 Payments or Cashbook 1 Receipts (across April and May).

    any other ideas?

  5. #5
    Diamond Member Neville Bailey's Avatar
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    Hi Michelle,

    Print the Detailed Ledger for the cashbook for April and for May (separately), and then print the Cashbook Details report for April and for May (separately), including opening balances.

    Compare the opening balances and closing balances for the two reports, for both April and May.

    Are there any differences?
    Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
    IronTree Online Solutions

    "Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
    WALLACE WATTLES (1860-1911)

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