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Thread: Pastel Forms Designer

  1. #1
    Email problem
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    Question Pastel Forms Designer


    I have received an invoice via email from Pastel and the PDF invoice looks identical to the paper they print on. Even including the gradient Green from dark at the bottom of the page to light at the top of the page.

    I know Forms Designer very well and have even double checked that I have not missed something - how do they get it look that way? I would love for my PDF invoices to look like its preprinted stationery.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Neville Bailey's Avatar
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    The Forms Designer in Version 17 has a huge number of enhancements.

    Here is an extract from the What's New document:

    Border Colour and Fill Colour on Boxes
    Customise your documents by changing the border colours and the colours of the boxeson the documents.

    Rounded Corners on Boxes
    You can change the boxes from square corners to rounded corners to enhance the lookof your documents.

    Snap to Grid
    Snap your lines and boxes to the grid to ensure that all items are correctly aligned.

    Convert all Text and Fields to Individual Font
    Change the header and footer fonts on individual forms. This selection will then ignorethe font settings selected in the Pastel Font Setup from the menu bar.

    Convert to Greyscale
    Convert your document to greyscale to ensure that the document is not printed in colouron a colour printer.

    Colour Replacement Tool
    Select a colour and replace the selected colour with a new colour throughout thedocument.

    Select all Same Colour
    This option selects all items in the form that are the same colour and you can reformatthese selected items.
    Image file automatically stored in company folder
    Images are saved in the company folder.
    Images are sized according to available space and no longer change their aspect ratioImages automatically resize when added to a document.

    Having stated the above, I don't think Pastel themselves use Pastel Partner to generate their invoices. I have been using Pastel Evolution in the past, but now I think they are using one of Sage's other systems for their billing system.
    Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
    IronTree Online Solutions

    "Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
    WALLACE WATTLES (1860-1911)

  3. #3
    Email problem
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    Feb 2017
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts
    Thank you very much

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