@ Fanie,
From your comments it is not clear what you are trying to say and it does not make complete sense.

If you knew only a little bit of our history, you would have known about the old Union of South Africa, which gained independence in 1961 and became the Republic of South Africa. The Republic is governed by our constitution which is legally accepted by the United Nations.

You may want to check the facts; here is a reference from Wikipedia;

The Constitution of South Africa is the supreme law of the country of South Africa. It provides the legal foundation for the existence of the republic, sets out the rights and duties of its citizens, and defines the structure of the government. The current constitution, the country's fifth, was drawn up by the Parliament elected in 1994 in the first non-racial elections. It was promulgated by President Nelson Mandela on 18th December 1996 and came into effect on 4 February 1997, replacing the Interim Constitution of 1993.[1]