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Thread: Why SA Comparison Shopping Engines Limit Foreign Shopping Sites?

  1. #1
    Bronze Member robinsonwang's Avatar
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    Why SA Comparison Shopping Engines Limit Foreign Shopping Sites?

    To have your products listed on CSE(Comparison Shopping Engine) your online shop has to meet the following criteria:
    Your shop must be a South African based shop and use South African Rand as the currency
    It must be eCommerce enabled and include a secure checkout facility
    It must contain appropriate content for our viewers
    As you can see above, most of the sites mentioned the shops must be South Afircan based.
    I do have seen many foreign online shopping company doing business in South Africa. Many marketing companies do accept to do promoting for the foreign companies, but only most of the CSE company limit the foreign.

    I don't know how many of you know the CSE marketing but it is really very important to the online business,esp to the online shopping sites. Do someone know how to solve this problem,please share your ideas here, thanks very much.

    Any discussing or advice on this will also be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I expect it's to make sure there is a reasonable standard of fulfilment into the SA market, as well as improving the prospects of comparing apples for apples. If you add up the costs of import VAT and delivery costs, something that might seem the cheapest excluding fulfilment costs might become the most expensive once these costs are added on.

    Based on what I see here on TFSA, I also suggest it also is quite common for offshore enterprises to try to gain exposure on SA sites with no real desire to service the SA market - they're just after the SEO effects. Again, this predjudices operations who are truly serving the country - and too many listings of this sort would also harm the site's local credibility (which after all is their target market that they need to keep happy).

  3. #3
    Email problem
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    Hi Robinson,

    My name is Jacques and I'm the founder of PriceLink Shopping, We are working hard on this matter and hope to invite foreign online merchants soon.

    If you can add our currency to your site, we can see what we can do for you.


  4. #4
    Email problem
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    Maybe its to prevent "dumping" from foreign companies, and protect South African company's. By dumping I mean when foreign companies over produce certain goods and then they try to sell off the surplus in South Africa, they sell it for cheap, just so they don't make a huge loss. This is obviously not good for local companies and by letting the foreign companies list on these price comparison sites, then they are just being granted easy access to South African consumers so as to dump their surplus.

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