Hi guys,
Yesterday I did IT support work for a public school & the bill came to R1.3k
They have to have two people signing the cheque, so I couldn't get a cheque yesterday as the one "lady" wasn't there to sign it. Principal told me to come to the school today to pick it up.
Called this morning before I went, & the Principal said it'll be ready when I get there as he was off to get it signed. Got to the school, no cheque. So he says he'll deliver it today to me.
Told him I'll meet him at a public place so he doesn't have to drive all the way out to me.
Called him now on his cell phone, phone is off. I'm really worried here. Think the bugger screwed me out of R1.3k. Sent him an SMS.
Here's the kicker.... Like a complete IDIOT I didn't get him to sign a job card.
Any advice? The school's re-open again on the 18th July. Please I know I'm an idiot for not getting a job card signed, so no need for replies with regards to my stupidity
What should I do? Wait till the school re-openes to get my money?
Dammit! I'm so mad right now.
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