lets say i am a youngster who will be leaving school at the end of the year...and want to look into maybe starting my own bussiness in a couple of years in what ever i decide to do...which means i was born after the days of appartheid ended...but i am white...will BEE affect me just because i am white even though i had nothing to do with appartheid or didnt even live in the days of appartheid...will ibe discriminate dagainst by black people just because of the colour of my skin?
i know this might sound like a really dumb ass question but i would really like to hear dwhat other people have to say about this type of discrimanation...should the youngster not be given an equal start in life?
i do understand that i should be punished because i lived in the apparthied era and enjoyed all the benefits...got a job because i was white...lived in a safe neighbourhood...amongst whites...
unfortunately my kids cant say the same...they go to school were the majority of kids are black...are taught by the same teachers as all the other blacks in their classroom...live in a dangerous neighbourhood amongst black people...why cant they be treated and given the same opitunities as the other black kids in their classroom...just because they are my kids they must suffer?
maybe i need to look at this from another angle to understand...please educate me.
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