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Thread: Disturbed about this marketing suits/clothes issue

  1. #1
    Email problem
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    Disturbed about this marketing suits/clothes issue

    Hi, I just learned that, doing marketing e.g going for presentations to market yourself to your clients (in new/start-up business) without wearing expensive suit is just a total waste of time because people will undermine you and not even have time to listen to what ever you have to say. i'm asking myself that, if i'm in this new business and would want to go out, market myself/ my business, but don't have a nice/expensive suilt to wear, that means i'm wasting my time, this people will not even look at me? they will always think i'm joking when ever i present my ideas/products to them?

    Market industry: Photography, Printing and graphic designing.

    Thanx truly

  2. #2
    Email problem KimH's Avatar
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    The trick is to buy a reasonably priced suit and wear it like it's Armani

    Have a look at Edgars, they do sell an inexpensive range of suitable men's clothing.
    "If at first you don't succeed, do it like your mother told you."

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    You just need to be presentable, I reckon. Slacks, button up shirt (short or long sleeve depending on season and location), tie perhaps.

    I'd rather have a rep in front of me that didn't have a jacket than one that forgot to brush his teeth and put on some deodorant this morning.

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