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Thread: How ready are we for IPv6?

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    How ready are we for IPv6?

    The 8th June 2011 could be an interesting day for the internet as some of the big websites and services do an IPv6 test day.

    When the clock hits midnight on Wednesday, June 8 UTC, World IPv6 day begins. Many Web destinations—including the four most popular (Google, Facebook, YouTube, and Yahoo)—will become reachable over IPv6 for 24 hours.
    full story here
    If you're interested in testing just how ready your ISP is, try this link.

    I'm currently connected via Cell C and it tests out fine except for their DNS resolver which doesn't pass muster. Fortunately according to the technical blurb on this particular test:

    This is a test of your ISP's resolver (instead of a test of your host). If this test passes, your DNS server (often run by your ISP) is capable of reaching IPV6-only DNS authoritative servers on the Internet. This is not critical (at this time) for you to reach sites via IPv6.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well here is mine and MTN will probably only wake up after the fact as always
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IPv6.jpg 
Views:	1147 
Size:	90.7 KB 
ID:	2051  
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  3. #3
    Email problem KimH's Avatar
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Capture.JPG 
Views:	1166 
Size:	57.9 KB 
ID:	2052

    This is mine - using Mweb 4meg uncapped line.
    "If at first you don't succeed, do it like your mother told you."

  4. #4
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    Here is mine
    ADSL with Afrihost.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Test your IPv6..jpg 
Views:	1173 
Size:	41.8 KB 
ID:	2054

    Does Afrihost need to do some work?
    Only stress when you can change the outcome!

  5. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Just tested from work.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ipv6-work.PNG 
Views:	1178 
Size:	18.0 KB 
ID:	2055

    Not good, but seeing as I'm testing through an 8 year old router that has never heard of IPv6, I'm not surprised.

    If you are testing from within your LAN, that is what you are testing. If you want to test your ISP I suggest you'll need to plug in directly to your modem.

  6. #6
    Gold Member irneb's Avatar
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    Exceptionally bad through Verison:
    Test with IPv4 DNS record slow (7.349s) using ipv4
    Test with IPv6 DNS record bad (0.009s)
    Test with Dual Stack DNS record slow (8.450s) using ipv4
    Test for Dual Stack DNS and large packet slow (8.510s) using ipv4
    Test IPv4 without DNS slow (6.336s) using ipv4
    Test IPv6 without DNS bad (0.006s)
    Test IPv6 large packet bad (0.006s)
    Test if your ISP's DNS server uses IPv6 bad (0.006s)
    Even worse on my Vodacom connection
    Test with IPv4 DNS record ok (1.642s) using ipv4
    Test with IPv6 DNS record timeout (5.578s)
    Test with Dual Stack DNS record ok (1.622s) using ipv4
    Test for Dual Stack DNS and large packet ok (1.940s) using ipv4
    Test IPv4 without DNS ok (1.240s) using ipv4
    Test IPv6 without DNS bad (0.007s)
    Test IPv6 large packet bad (0.007s)
    Test if your ISP's DNS server uses IPv6 timeout (15.004s)
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