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Thread: Nashua Mobile and RICA

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Nashua Mobile and RICA

    I'm fuming

    When we last renewed our premicell contract with Nashua Mobile, the lass came to our offices and RICA'd us at the same time. This was shortly before Telkom's radical drop in their prices on calls to cellphones but I was over that bitter pill - until now.

    This morning when my staff try to call a cellphone number via the switchboard, they get a message that the service has been suspended as it has not yet been RICA'd.

    So I call Nashua Mobile and yes, all the RICA information is on file - it just hasn't been processed on their system. Their mistake

    Now tapping my fingers to find out how long it is going to take to re-activate the lines.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Not the crisis it seemed to be. My staff have worked out that if you wait for the message to complete, you can still call out after that. So it's just a warning message.

  3. Thanks given for this post:

    AndyD (07-Jun-11)

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