Quote Originally Posted by Pixia View Post
It seems that I am not the only one struggling to sort out this problem, which makes me feel a little better. I have been struggling to get our company logo onto my Pastel documents, using the 'Forms Designer'.
I get the logo's inserted, but once they are there, I can't resize them. I have even tried to size the logo before I insert it, but once it is in the block, it is much bigger, and the block size can be altered, but not the picture!!!
Please, please!!!! help?
Mariėtte (Pixia)
Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum and to pastel

I have had the same problem as Pixia and many others, once I have inserted the logo, I can't resize it. I have found a solution that works, using MS paint, where the logo is displayed properly without stretch. I have read a number of posts here and didn't find the answer for my problem, so I thought to share my solution. Apologies in advance if someone already mentioned this.

So I had finally figured out where those 3 dots are to insert the image into the document in forms designer. Thanks to Neville's #39 post below.

I knew the image size and the image box in pastel forms designer needed to be the same size. It took a few trial and error tests until I asked myself, after realising I was assuming I knew everything on how to resize an image! How do I size it? I firstly thought of confirming to myself, in what unit of measurement would I be resizing it? Then I noticed that the unit of measurements of the image box in pastel forms designer is in mm's and the logo I want to insert, in jpg format is in pixels, which is why I wasn't sizing it correctly. So I googled for a millimetre to pixel converter, converted my jpg image dimensions from pixels to mm, and then inserted these converted mm dimensions into pastel forms designer, to make the image box the same size as my jpg image. Then I inserted the jpg image......and wallah! perfect fit, crisp clean clear logo on my company invoice.

I hope this post will help someone who has a similar problem.

Go well,