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Thread: The good, the bad and the ugly.

  1. #1
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    The good, the bad and the ugly.

    I've never been involved in and I know nothing about MLM marketing apart from the fact that there are a lot of 'foolproof moneymaking systems' out there and that many of them turn out to be lemons or pyramid schemes.

    I have a noob question regarding MLM marketing.

    Everytime I want to find GENUINE info about an MLM scheme I use a search engine. Typing in just the name of the scheme invariably returns tens of thousand almost identical results, all of which have been posted by people trying to sell the scheme or people with a vested interest. Even the use of complex search operators often doesn't reveal genuine and IMPARTIAL info on these schemes.

    I am looking for several impartial web sites where I can go to reference these schemes with respect to;
    1. Their legality (pyramid or not)
    2. Their viability (can money be made by the average Jo if he puts in the work)
    3. Their stability (are they run in a professional manner and how long are they likely to be around)
    4. The track record of the scheme management.

    I would ideally like a mixture of official 'watchdog' type sites as well as sites run by MLM enthusiasts/gurus who might give some impartial and professional insight into the offerings available.


  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I'll be interested to see the responses on this. I've had quite a few pm's commenting that this might be the most objective MLM forum on the internet.

  3. #3
    Email problem
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    I think Dave is right. For South Africa, you are not going to better than this forum. Since I am involved with the internet, and then with MLM on a day to day basis, I have experienced exactly what you mention. When searching for information on an opportunity, the majority of results that are returned, point to online classified listings of the scheme's marketers. I have recently started a blog dedicated primarily on reviewing all the programs that do pop up, but the lack of information makes these reviews a difficult task. is the address, but bear in mind that the blog is only 2 weeks old.

    Inevitably, I still do much of my reading right here in this great forum, but would love to here from the South African community about the various programs they come across, so that I can do some investigations of my own, and possibly find opportunities that warrant review/exposure .

  4. #4
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    I've had quite a few pm's commenting that this might be the most objective MLM forum on the internet.
    That's disappointing. Not that TFSA is the home of an objective MLM forum, it's disappointing that there aren't dedicated, extensive and impartial international forums that separate the affiliate links and members marketing bumf from the genuine info and reviews of the various schemes. I was ideally hoping for an MLM wiki of who's who in the zoo and a breakdown of the thousands of schemes, how they work and what they are along with factual product info etc.

    Maybe there's a gap in the market for a few more websites on this subject although I wouldn't like to guess where you could actually gather the info from in the first place.

    @ Tyrone, your website looks like the start of something promising, I like the direction it's going, it's still early days so it's a little sparse but I'll definitely keep an eye on it from time to time. Keep up the good work.


  5. #5
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    Andy, a good friend of mine Rod Cook, runs and is considered a reputable source of information regarding our industry. If I can be of any help in answering a question about a particular opportunity or MLM in general, message me. My partner and I have a combined 65 years of experience in MLM and are considered two of the industry's most knowledgeable and successful leaders.

  6. #6
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Thanks, the site is interesting but I suspect limited use unless you take out their $39.00 per annum subscription.


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