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Thread: Letter from Steve to Julius

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    Gold Member Martinco's Avatar
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    Letter from Steve to Julius

    To: Julius Malema

    Afrikaners/Whites are suffering from confession fatigue. Even their
    children are now paying for the "sins of their forefathers". They have
    had to admit to past injustices and are now made to apologise for any
    prevailing failures. They are secondhand citizens made to pay
    firsthand taxes. Blaming them is a relief valve for black leadership
    who has demonstrated zero accountability, confusing self-enrichment
    with achievement. Hate speech songs ("Kill the Boer") as sung by ANC
    leadership are met with quiet insolence and even pride. Our government
    is now defending(with taxpayers

    money!) the right of that chant in court. Peter ("One Boer One
    Bullet") Mokaba has a FIFA World Cup Soccer stadium named after him.
    All this while we sport the the most brutal murder-rate in the world,
    second only to Columbia. Once again, blameless Afrocentric arrogance
    abounds while we are asked to tolerate pathetic matric exam results
    and understand perpetrators'

    rights. Although South Africans have incompatible memories,
    collectively we are all heirs of extremely aggravating circumstances.
    The defeatist victim mentality perpetuates condescendence and alas,
    inequality. We could have taught the world something. We have not.

    It's time...

    1. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that Struggle math doesn't
    tally. Mitigating and aggravating factors can't be quantified.
    Denialism and/or Black Empowerment here is hypocrisy and vulgar

    2. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that the gravest acts of
    genocide did not occur during Colonialism/Apartheid, but before and
    after (read today). Right now South Africa has a lower life expectancy
    than Uganda.

    3. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that, unlike Native Americans
    and Australian Aboriginal genocide, first-nation populations in South
    Africa escalated under British/Afrikaner rule from 10-30 million in a
    few decades. Verwoerd was building African schools with Afrikaner
    money at the time Aussies could obtain fauna licenses to hunt fellow

    4. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that the only real genocide
    in South Africa was the Koi annihilation by his ancestors and what
    Shaka and Dingaan did to their own people. Today, once more, South
    Africans are wiping fellow citizens off the face of the earth.

    5. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that South Africans have lost
    more lives in the first four years of ANC rule than during the entire
    four decades of Nationalist rule. This statistic should be staggering
    by now, almost 18 years later.

    6. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that more Boer children died
    in the Anglo Boer War than South Africans in the entire century of the
    Struggle. Fact: twenty times more. Let's talk entitlement.

    7. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that discontented South
    Africans of European descent do not burn down schools, drop their
    pants, capsize dustbins, plunder and intimidate hospital workers
    during marches and strikes. We certainly do our share of bad things,
    but we do not sing while babies die in maternity wards.

    8. It is time for Julius Malema to see the folly of transformation
    from Western democracies to Africa-socialism, placing need over

    Everybody is poorer and unemployment rife. There is nothing "just"

    about economic equality when it implies market tampering.

    9. It is time for Julius Malema (and Robert Mugabe) to admit to the
    futility of still blaming this on previous regimes. That redemption
    tool is now exhausted and merely perpetuates condescension and
    promotes professional suffering.

    10. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that the demonized Afrikaner
    was also the rightful owner of land they had acquired after a brutal
    war they had lost, at enormous human cost. Trivialising a blood
    sacrifice is insensitive and dangerous. Don't question Afrikaner
    reluctance to assimilate before you get this.

    11. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that Verwoerd entrusted
    Malema's tax-exempt great-grandfathers with gratis homeland larger
    than achiever-countries like Denmark, Norway and Switzerland, and
    still came up with nothing to show for it. Many Afrikaners found
    Verwoerd way too liberal with their tax money.

    12. It is time for Julius Malema to admit to his actual Western
    appetite combined with Africans' neurotic leap from mother tongue
    education to English, a treason which may still erase the little
    literature and heritage they had bothered to record.

    13. It is time for Julius Malema to admit he can only favour place
    name changes in envy, as not one single Western city, town or street
    was stolen from anybody on this continent. A child can solve land

    14. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that almost all former
    fruitful farmland dispossessed in land claims, have suffered the same
    fate - brutal sterilization.

    15. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that more Afrikaner farmers
    are slaughtered annually than South Africans who died during the
    Sharpeville violence, a figure that dwarfs Ireland's national
    mortality rate (FYI, Bono).

    16. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that the new South Africa
    has contributed nothing to the world stage but shame and catch-up.
    This explains the following patronizing and affirmative therapy

    Black African Cricket Forum, Black Broker Service Network (BBSN),
    Black Brokers Forum (BBF), Black Business Council, Black Business
    Forum, Black Business Woman Association (BBWA) , Black Editors' Forum,
    Black Filmmakers Network (BFN), is a network of over 200 individuals
    and 25 companies nationally, Black IT Forum (BITF), Black Law
    Students' Forum, Black Lawyers Association, Black Leadership Forum,
    Black Management Forum, Black South African Students' Organization
    (SASO), FEW - black lesbian organization in South Africa, Forum of
    Black Journalists, National Black Contractors and Allied Trades Forum
    (Nabcat), National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA),
    National Society of Black Engineers, etc.

    17. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that the voters of the
    previous regime really voted the ANC into power and that they rule by
    the grace of a benevolent yes- vote in a referendum in 1992. He was
    pre-teen then. Everyday he parades his hypocrisy that yes-vote lives
    in regret.

    18. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that the killers and rapists
    in his songs are NOT an Afrikaner statistic. Examples abound 1,2,3.
    The greatest butchers of South Africans, by far, were his own
    ancestors (Dingaan en Shaka). Today 3500 plus Afrikaner farmers are no
    longer with us.

    This vile statistic of ethnic cleansing accumulates daily and is
    generally ignored.

    19. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that poverty will prevail
    for as long as they keep in power a government defined by nepotism,
    judiciary containment, golden handshakes, silent diplomacy, BEE
    charters, unprecedented unemployment, unethical grants, land grabs,
    tenderpreneurs and futile dreams of nationalization.

    20. It's time for Julius Malema to admit that the book on tender
    procedures has been rewritten by ANC cronies, comrades and families.
    By October 2010 the amount of R26 billion of that had been
    investigated as fraudulent (The Star , 28 October 2010). By April 2011
    the national press editorialized corruption as epidemic.

    21. It is time for Julius Malema and other instant millionaires to
    admit that one may only keep what one earns. This is capitalism.
    Fallible but unchallenged. Possessing what you did not earn is common
    theft in any language. "Deserving" politicians, nationalization,
    landgrab etc. translate to Afrikaans as theft, theft and theft.

    22. It is time for Julius Malema to admit culpability in keeping
    leaders in power who are dragging this fine nation to the bottom of
    international management, development and mortality indexes. The
    latter is the measure of civilization while we sport a lower life
    expectancy than Uganda.

    The 2010 Global Competiveness Report by the World Economic Forum rated
    the new, fair and Democratic South Africa such:

    * Quality of the education system - 130th out of 139

    * Quality of primary education - 125th out of 139

    * Quality of math and science education - 137th out of 139

    * HIV prevalence - 136th out of 139

    * Life expectancy - 127th out of 139

    * Infant mortality - 109th out of 139

    * Tuberculosis incidence - 138th out of 139

    * Business impact of HIV/AIDS - 138th out of 139

    23. It is time for Julius to explain to other Africans that
    circumcision and muti rituals are pre-civilization quackery, that AIDS
    is not cured by raping virgins and that sangomas will always be
    inferior to the Western tradition of health awareness as a science and
    a discipline.

    24. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that African folk are still
    dependent on what South African governments force other South Africans
    to do for them. Blunt patronization.

    25. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that he has run out of
    reasons and time to blame the previous regime and to sever the
    defeating umbilical chord of Afrodebt. Ironically, the only two former
    colonized states which became global achievers (India and China), did
    exactly that.

    26. It's time for Malema to understand that the settler lineage will
    never fall for the Struggle propaganda that their contribution and
    sacrifices were insignificant. You cannot suppress their heritage by
    stealing the names of world class towns, cities and well established
    infrastructure; you can defile it by not sustaining that incredible

    27. It's time for Julius Malema to show gratitude for a tribe who
    sacrificed almost 40 000 of its own population to rightfully own a
    country Africans acquired by virtue of outnumbering them and then
    agitating for a democracy.

    28. It is time for Malema to admit that one man's liberty was always
    another man's devastation and that the e entitlement tug-a-war can
    only be solved by immediately declaring a breakeven point. Stop BEE,
    AA, quotas, EE and affirmative therapy right now.

    29. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that it is inconsequential
    to bemoan Western influence when everything you do is for Western
    style affluence and thanks to Western influence.

    30. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that nobody wants to rescue
    Apartheid, but that redress is only possible if something legally
    owned was taken away. Forced removals were regrettable but almost
    never done without offers of compensation. Why is this fact omitted
    when rallying up emotions to grab land?

    31. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that the oppressed during
    the Struggle has long since assumed and surpassed the role of the
    former oppressor. Collective amnesia at this point in our dour
    histories is dishonest and suicidal.

    32. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that his ancestors of the
    time were not invited to the Peace Treaty of Vereeniging, because they
    were, despite their numbers, economically, technologically, militarily
    and politically insignificant. This explains decades and decades of
    gross minority rule.

    33. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that Afrikaners would not
    have stood for subjugation by any minority, ever.

    34. It is time for Julius Malema to read the previous point again and
    ask the relevant questions.

    35. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that the colonised is a
    colonisable individual, and a very envious one at that (Fanon). The
    pathology of eternal debt is misguided.

    36. It is time for Malema to admit that no South Africans want to
    return to a pre-Eurocentric African state of mind and affairs. African
    anti-Western defiance is populist diatribe and hypocritical banter
    tagged with a huge dollar sign.

    37. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that Africa is the orphan
    continent thanks to many that went before him, fat-cat despots who
    sounded exactly like him.

    38. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that not one single leader,
    minister or mayor has been voted in legally or democratically. More
    than half of South Africans still don't vote. The politically inept
    and unqualified surface and after being discredited, resurface
    elsewhere under the banner of ANC propriety.

    39. It is time for Julius Malema to admit that South Africa produces
    almost 25% of this continent's GDP . SA qualifies to host world cup
    events on this continent. Not bad for the land that surrendered
    colonial rule stone last.

    40. It is time for Julius Malema to see that it is pathetic to use old
    buildings, highways, systems and infrastructure but pretend to be
    demoralized by the sight old flags.

    41. It is time for Julius Malema to admit to the sometimes mutual
    incompatibility between hatespeech and traditional songs, the way
    Afrikaners had to sacrifice traditional terms like "kaffer". He can
    not have his cake and eat it. If some can chant "kill the Boer",
    others will gladly reciprocate by revoking the vocable.

    42. It is time for Julius Malema to see that most South Africans do
    not want the old South Africa back. We all opt for an accountable
    government of any colour or tribe. What we do not want is an Interpol
    boss serving time for corruption and the spouse of our Minister of
    Security as a convicted drug smuggler. We demand safety and a future
    for our children.

    Now, Julius, go tally your populist and unfounded anti-western sentiments.

    You are keeping my South African compatriots victims in this sad old
    race to upstage Europeans. Ironically your efforts are still
    subsidized by white money. This you use gladly and squander greatly.
    We are not emmigrating. We shall secure a future for our children in
    our motherland. This ship will be turned around by sober thinking
    South Africans, and I want to be there.

    Steve Hofmeyr
    Martin Coetzee
    Supplier of Stainless Steel Band and Buckle and various fastening systems. Steel, Plastic, Galvanized, PET and Poly woven.
    We solve your fastening problems.

    You may never know what results will come from your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results... Rudy Malan 05/03/2011

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    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I liked the last sentence

    But overall - Steve seems a bit obsessed with Julius, don't you think?

  4. #3
    Platinum Member Chatmaster's Avatar
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    I believe this entire letter is not only aimed at Julius Malema, but rather at all the South Africans that think like he does. Lets be honest here, Steve is naming facts in such a way that it attacks all the current thoughts that are supported by millions of people voting people like Malema into power and supporting his views.

    Just a note, the original copy is located here
    Roelof Vermeulen (Entrepreneurship in large organizations)
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  5. #4
    Gold Member Martinco's Avatar
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    Yes that might be so but seen in the light of JL's outspoken remarks towards whites, I still feel he has a couple of good points.

    And the fact that he seems to be the only guy in his private capacity that has the guts to take this lunatic on .
    Martin Coetzee
    Supplier of Stainless Steel Band and Buckle and various fastening systems. Steel, Plastic, Galvanized, PET and Poly woven.
    We solve your fastening problems.

    You may never know what results will come from your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results... Rudy Malan 05/03/2011

  6. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chatmaster View Post
    Lets be honest here, Steve is naming facts in such a way that it attacks all the current thoughts that are supported by... such a way that it attacks... We're agreed then - we see the same thing. Unfortunately, that's exactly why I'm less than enthused by the piece as a whole (and why others are cheering, no doubt).

    Look, it doesn't make Steve's points any less valid, and I don't blame Steve & his supporters for being p*ssed off. But it's not particularly constructive engagement working towards a genuinely viable solution.

    Which IMO kinda makes him a bit like Julius... rhetoric heading the wrong way.

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    Chatmaster (25-May-11)

  8. #6
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    I would agree with DaveA.

    Whilst Steve does make many good points, the intensely personal (Julius Malema) tenure on the one hand, and making it an Afrikaner issue on the other hand, seriously detracts from the value in the piece.

    In the result, any hope of striking a chord with Black folk, still seriously aggrieved on account of history, is lost. They are likely to think -"we don't care what faults Malema has, he is standing up for us".

    It would be much better to show that a "threat to one is a threat to all", as per Martin Luther King.

    Still I think it is is good for our democracy that people like Steve express their views. In the subsequent discourse we can all learn something about each other. That is the only way that understanding might eventually be achieved.
    Let us have the conversation!
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  10. #7
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    I agree with many points already made. I see it as Mnr Hofmeyr flexing his right to free speech as he sees fit. It's a shame he chooses to dilute some very valid gripes or points by writing it as an attack on Mr Melema rather than playing the ball instead of the man.


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    Chatmaster (25-May-11)

  12. #8
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyD View Post
    I agree with many points already made. I see it as Mnr Hofmeyr flexing his right to free speech as he sees fit. It's a shame he chooses to dilute some very valid gripes or points by writing it as an attack on Mr Melema rather than playing the ball instead of the man.
    Maybe Steve needs a nudge in the right direction, drop him a line with an explanation, he may see this as a new avenue to pursue.
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  13. #9
    Gold Member garthu's Avatar
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    Have to agree with the comments... He has made this far to personal and is an attack rather than constructive. Minor changes in wording COULD have made this letter really hard hitting. He will never be a politician for sure, but he's got guts. I actually think regrettably he does more damage with these letters and only strengthens JM... which to me is a really bad thing. Him being President, now that really scares me. I have NEVER considered leaving because this person or that person is becoming president... but for this one, I would!... then again, if Steve was to become president, i would probably also leave as well.....

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    tec0 (25-May-11)

  15. #10
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    I think the last three comments are right on point.

    Words are one thing. Actions, quite another.

    Personally, I am just a bit bemused. I have worked at the highest level in South Africa. I have experienced the most vicious forms of racism from both Black and Afrikaner, but not other ethnic groups. Hmnnnn ....... but have also met some extraordinarily good people in both "camps".

    As previously stated, we have serious unresolved issues in this country. The Mandela ethos, and ubuntu articulated by the likes of Tutu and Ramphele, in the late 90s, has all dissipated.

    That is why we must all be both excited and supportive of what Helen and Patrica are doing in the Western Cape. That Province is now a catalyst for hope.

    Hopefully Zanele Magwaza-Msibi, of the National Freedom party, will also do great things in Zululand.
    Let us have the conversation!
    Blog: Cognito ergo sum

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