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Thread: Blogger's Code of Conduct

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Blogger's Code of Conduct

    I've seen a fair storm being whipped up about a proposal for a blogger's code of conduct.

    The actual call for a Blogger's Code of Conduct is here, and the draft proposal has 7 main points which are expanded on in the blog.
    1. Take responsibility not just for your own words, but for the comments you allow on your blog.
    2. Label your tolerance level for abusive comments.
    3. Consider eliminating anonymous comments.
    4. Ignore the trolls.
    5. Take the conversation offline, and talk directly, or find an intermediary who can do so.
    6. If you know someone who is behaving badly, tell them so.
    7. Don't say anything online that you wouldn't say in person.

    I'm seeing the issue being commented on quite widely. Here's an example published in mainstream media:
    As noble as this idea may seem, there are flaws in the concept, and the prevalent of these is the human race. The one thing that we do very well is to give an opinion. Everyone sees it as their human right to say and write what they want. We hold freedom of speech close to our hearts.

    The draft suggest that blog site owners put up logos to warn potential readers about what they can expect by adding one of two logos - either the "Civility Enforced" logo or the "anything goes" logo.

    As this draft would suggest the omission of anonymous comments, this would be an "infringement upon freedom of expression" already reported by some sites. Even though this is still only a draft, there is no way of enforcing this code on any person or site.

    How people use and interact on the internet is probably the single most difficult thing to regulate or to provide a standard for. The internet has to provide an outlet for people to give their views. Blog sites have become a very popular communication tool to provide just this - giving people easy access to be part of the internet community.

    Personally, I would stick to "anything goes" on my blogs, and would encourage people to say what they want - I don't have to agree with what is said, but I will respect it.
    Johan Brink - extracted from an article on Fin24 here
    Having seen and dealt with some of what people try to post here in a forum format, I can't agree with the "anything goes" concept. I'd say that you should give some pretty wide latitude, but it needs to be at least civil and kinda "on topic."

    Anyway, a pretty interesting subject if you are a blogger or forumite. I was wondering if members here might have any views they wish to share on this.

  2. #2
    Email problem stephanfx's Avatar
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    Me myself I like to say what I think when I think it, but I always make sure NOT to tread on any toes, even if I think that they thoroughly deserve a good thrashing. In the end it is all about manners and how you think you should be treated, because if all you do is rant and rave and act all crazy like, you can be sure will get flamed sometime, sooner or later. I believe that you should be able to say what you think in a civil manner or keep quite.

    One thing don't like is the fact that I will be responsible for other peoples words, I mean, really, next they will think that we must ensure all politicians keep their promises.

    Anyway, Civility Enforced is maybe too strong, maybe more something like Civility Encouraged?

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stephanfx View Post
    Civility Enforced is maybe too strong, maybe more something like Civility Encouraged?
    I really like that thought.

  4. #4
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    So much has been said about this I'm not too sure whether I have anything useful to add. I think Jeff Jarvis covers it quite well, with plenty of links to other worthwhile comments.

    In case you are wondering about the background to this, you can read up and follow the white rabbit for more info.
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