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Thread: The ministerial handbook and transparency

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    The ministerial handbook and transparency

    According to M&G, Western Cape premier Helen Zille has introduced a new "no frills" ministerial handbook in an effort to reduce excessive spending by provincial ministers.

    According to the provincial handbook, any gifts or hospitality received that exceeded R350 must be disclosed. The amount in the national handbook is R500.

    The provincial handbook also stipulated that a Cabinet member may not have a business interest in any entity conducting business with the provincial government if the Cabinet member together with one or more family members, partners or other business associates -- or other Cabinet members -- directly or indirectly owned or controlled more than 5% of the shares, stock, membership or other interest of that entity.

    No such rule existed in the national handbook, said Zille.

    On official vehicles, Western Cape ministers must ensure that the total purchase price of the vehicle chosen by the member does not exceed 40% of the inclusive annual remuneration package of the member.

    The percentage in the national handbook is 70%.

    On domestic and international flights, Western Cape ministers must use economy class. If a flight is longer than eight hours "members may utilise business class".

    According to the national handbook, Cabinet members were entitled to business class travel on domestic flights and first class travel on international flights.
    I think Ms Zille and the Western Cape Provincial government deserve credit for not only reducing the scale of the gravy train, but being transparent on perks.

    This stands in stark contrast to the flack M&G got for publishing the national government ministerial handbook which is supposed to be classified information too sensitive for us ordinary citizens.

    Surely citizens are entitled to be fully aware of the remuneration and perks packages of our elected officials?

  2. Thank given for this post:

    AndyD (04-May-11), ChrisNG53 (03-May-11)

  3. #2
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Electioneering aside, I agree it looks very sensible and appropriate in these trying economic times and they do deserve credit. It's also great to see that this will set the bar for the national government.


  4. #3
    Bronze Member Butch Hannan's Avatar
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    I believe that the DA deserves a lot of credit for taking this route. It is sickening when you see the self enrichment taking place at the tax payers expense while millions live in abject poverty.

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