I think there are a few people from this area on the forum..please contact me if you find this animal..it would be most appreciated! ( I am posting for a friend)
"I have lost my bullmastiff, and I would really appreciate your help finding
her, please.
She slipped out of our gate last night (28-04-11) while we were seeing
friends off, and we hunted all night, but to no avail. We stay in
She is an old lady, and has no road sense at all, as she only goes out on a
lead. She has been battling terribly with this cold weather recently, and
we are so worried about her being alone out there, cold and hungry.
She is a 9 year old brindle bullmastiff. She has been spayed, and has a
small incontenance problem, for which she requires medication. She is
starting to go grey around her muzzle. Her tongue hangs out of her mouth
most of the time, making her look very comical.
Her name is “Xonti”, and she is the sweetest, gentlest soul, and we really
want her back. We have 3 small mixed breed dogs, who seem to be totally
lost without her.
We are offering a reward for her return.
Thank you for your help."
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