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Thread: Changing Database name for Company in Pastel

  1. #1
    Silver Member
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    Changing Database name for Company in Pastel


    I have done a year end on one of my entities... I made a back-up before doing this

    Long story short... In the wizard, I created a new company called ....2012. I should probably left the box "Run year end in new company" unticked, because now my Feb 2011 year is in the database called ....2012 and my Feb 2012 year is in the database called ....2011.

    When I rename the folders to the correct years, Pastel does not want to open these companies. When I rename them back, they open....

    How do I rename the database correctly?

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Neville Bailey's Avatar
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    I can't see why you are having a problem renaming the company folders (using Windows Explorer) and then opening them up in Pastel - I've done that many times in the past.

    A few ideas:

    Before closing Pastel, go to the Manage Companies button and remove the existing (incorrectly named companies) from the list. Then close Pastel, do the renaming of the folders in Windows Explorer, re-open Pastel and add the renamed companies using Manage Companies.


    Delete the incorrectly named folder named 2011 (post year-end) using Windows Explorer. Then open Pastel and open the company named 2012 (pre year-end). In Pastel, run the Copy Company option and name the copy company as 2011 (still pre year-end). Then, in Manage Companies, remove the 2012 company and delete it in Windows Explorer. Now open the copy company (2011) and re-run the year-end, creating a new company called 2012 and this time tick the box "Run year end in new company".
    Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
    IronTree Online Solutions

    "Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
    WALLACE WATTLES (1860-1911)

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